The Game map is broken!

I think it's a pretty popular opinion among killer players that the new reworked The Game map is busted. Not only are the loops on the map practically all extremely safe for the survivors as they require a lot of guessing on the killer side and messing up on the survivor side in order to get hits on, but also the fact that it is so frustrating to get from the bottom floor to the top floor; for example, I was playing a game as Freddy on The Game once and I was running Nurse's Calling, after I hooked a survivor I saw another survivor healing right on top of me, but I couldn't get to that survivor because the stairs were too far away and even if I tried to get to the survivor, there was a hole for her to drop through that made her fall right in front of the hook!
This is really poor map design in my opinion and I think the only way to fix this is to just remake the entire map, because in its current state it makes me want to dc every time I get it and I'm playing killer.