DC Penalty Rework/Removal?

salmanwahidi Member Posts: 6
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Greetings. The DC penalty is really bringing us down. My wife plays DBD on her laptop, and for this reason or that, she gets disconnected, and then the DC penalty makes it frustrating. It started with a 5-minute ban, but now, it has increased to 15 minutes. The DC happens because of connection issues, not rage-quit. So, we are worried that it may get worse over time. Surely, there is a better way to deal with DCers than this? I understand that the DC penalty is introduced to deter rage-quitting, but people with genuine reasons are suffering because of it. It is especially frustrating because we love the game, yet this penalty ruins the fun. I would love to hear from someone who is working on the game.


PS: Thanks for the replies

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Davidex93
    Davidex93 Member Posts: 63

    You are right, but only for "Friendly killers" they just ruin your matches, and you can't leave the match because Penalty won't let you go, really annoying.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    The DC penalty shouldn't exist at all unless it happens excessively (5 or more times in a row maybe). Apart from connection issues, we shouldn't be punished for not wanting to play a match we don't want to. I've had matches where killers left me or others on the ground for an entire bleed out just to be toxic. I shouldn't receive a penalty for leaving a match like that.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Lol. No. It should not. The d/c penalty should not exist for players that leave matches only now and then. If you leave several in a row then yea, a small penalty may be warranted. The point is no player should be forced to stay in a match they don't want to play in a game they paid for. In a game I paid to play yes, it is about what I want. I know its a team game but I'm playing for my enjoyment and entertainment. If a match does not give me that, I will leave. If the penalty ever stacks up so much I am locked out of matches for long periods of time I will quit.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I've already done that. I play DBD a LOT less than I used to. I used to play it everyday for hours on end. Now I find myself playing maybe once a week and not for very long at that. People that leave matches because it is not an enjoyable and fun experience due to toxic players should not be penalized for that. If people abuse it then guess what? They'll find themselves not playing the game that much and honestly how long will someone leave a match over and over again before they realize its not working out for them? You depip and gain no points when you leave a match. Eventually you'll find yourself hours into the game with no progress and deranked all the way. I want to have fun and not have to deal with toxic players when I play any game. If I experience that, I leave the match. If I get penalized for doing that, then I'll play the game less often. That is how I personally feel about the matter. If you don't agree with that then thats fine. I still have an opinion on the matter.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I highly doubt anyone was having any fun in any match I left. And again, I'm not going to put myself through frustration just to ensure the rest of my team might have a little fun in what I have already determined is an unfun match. If there were less toxic players I'd play more often and leave less matches.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Not nearly as toxic as the circumstances that cause me to leave. Again, I'm not going to endure frustration thats causing me to hate the game for the sake of my team. Give me more reason to stay in the match and I will. Also don't think I leave matches so easily. I think I've left less than 10 this entire year so far.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I've left I think less than 10 matches this year so far. You're talking as if I constantly leave every match that isn't the best match ever for me. Most of the time I play it out but if I am in a match that is literally causing me to hate the game and not want to play it, I will leave. I consider myself a good team mate because I actually do try to help my team survive the best I can. I go out of my way to unhook survivors. I take protection hits like crazy. I throw myself in front of killers to prevent a tunnel or hook all the time. I literally go for saves that I know will result in me dyeing so someone on my team whom I've never met before can escape. I collect dropped items from franklins and return them to the player that lost it. Now if only everyone else played like this more matches might go better. There is also of course the main problem with this which is toxic killers. Don't think I leave every match I'm not having a perfect run on. Like I said, I play out most of them.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    If Dead By Daylight is a Single Player game, it understandable that you wouldn't want to play the game with such penalties mechanics!

    However; Dead By Daylight is a straight up online Mutltiplayer Game; that requires decent Internet Connection and commitment to you and the rest of the players in those matches! Penalties may seem harsh; but they are there to ensure nobody abuse the rage quiting mechanics and make the game unfair or unfun for the rest of the team/ Survivors end! So, you need to deal with it! If you are not having fun, and do not want to play the game; take a break or Uninstall; otherwise, just put up with wasting 5 to 10 minutes or so of waiting to not be allow to queue! You have no one to blame; but yourself!

    Your opinions do not matter; over the fact that majority of the player base do not like rage quiting as a common practice; as it creates a imbalance for both sides when it happens! (3v1 or 2v1 or 1v1 for Survivor end; killers getting less Bloodpoints/emblems/interactions)

  • Abbatoir_Blues
    Abbatoir_Blues Member Posts: 47
    edited April 2021

    I truly wish I could live in the ideal world people who try to rationalize dc-ing seem to live in, while also complaining that there is any penalty for doing so. In the many months I have played the game, I have dced due to connection interruption twice. I have also deliberately done so very sparingly due to every other team-mate doing so early on or some true bs happening--killer farming with others while tunneling/hooking me, etc. In those instances, it did not bother me in the least to wait a matter or minutes to find a new match. The endless parade of people who think that because they "bought the game" they should be catered to over all other game concerns astounds me.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    Let's be honest here - DISCONNECTING DOES NOT RUIN GAMES, TOXIC PLAYING DOES. I've never once disconnected on purpose, but I don't give a crap when people do. I'd rather people be gone than them act like jerks. I still see DC's I'd say around 7/10 games. I see no reason to have the penalty be as strict as it is, especially since so many people still disconnect. So yeah, sorry your connection sucks, and you're only going to get screwed over by the devs

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited April 2021

    "Most of the time I play it out but if I am in a match that is literally causing me to hate the game and not want to play it, I will leave."

    Cool, then you are not as good of a teammate as you think you are. Good teammates don't ragequit.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Sorry but you're wrong. I am a good teammate and yes I will "ragequit" any match that I don't want to play most probably because of a toxic killer. You can define a good teammate however you want but like I said I'm not going to torture myself playing against toxic killers. I'm trying to enjoy the game not be annoyed by it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Well, good thing they're changing the struggle system to inconvenience people with that mentality.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    the sad thing is that it doesn't do a very good job of deterring rage quitting since now survs will just kill themselves on first hook

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    How does that inconvenience me? That's a thumbs up from me. I never liked having to spam press a button over and over in the struggle phase. Its one of the things I always wanted them to change about the game. Thanks for letting me know they're doing that! I like the game a little more now. :)

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Trust me I have a LOT of unpleasant situations in my matches but sometimes I reach the point of super frustration and just want out. When the game is simply not enjoyable for me to play I don't want to keep myself in that state of mind and its better for me to leave the situation then just keep that anger growing. The reason why the penalty still bothers me is because I feel like I shouldn't have that penalty given I'm not a constant leaver. I think it would be fair if you've gone ever so many matches without leaving then the next one you leave invokes no penalty. If you leave 5 matches an hour however thats a different story and you probably aren't having fun anyway with the game and need a break from it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Means you can't just insta-leave the game to bypass the DC penalty. Gotta either tough it out or eat a DC penalty. So you're welcome. ;)

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited April 2021

    I asked for a change to the bleedout mechanic that would allow surivors to "sprint" while dying/crawling to move faster and bleed out faster (Tenacity would stay the same speed without faster bleedout; the survivor would have to remain still to bleed out faster with Tenacity.)

    Everyone who replied said slugging's fine as is and wasn't bannable, so I made a slugging build for killer and went on a slugging spree. I couldn't understand why I kept getting post-match salt for it if slugging's "not an issue..." 🤔

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I still don't get it. If you're assuming I give up on the hook to avoid the DC penalty then all I can tell you is you're wrong (again) and I can't remember the last time I actually did that. As I stated above, I have left probably less than 10 matches this entire year so far and the ones I did I literally left the match. I didn't wait to be hooked so I can leave with some points and no DC penalty. Shows how much you know about me. Also from the looks of it even with the struggle change it looks like if someone wants to give up on the 1st or 2nd hook all they literally have to do is put themselves into 2nd and just sit there a few seconds. Sooo yea, this is no favor to me. As I stated above in a previous reply I actually love this change and its something I wanted to happen since the first day I started playing DBD. I personally would be fine with removing the skill check altogether and just making it a passive thing. We'll see how they go about it as feedback comes in.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    All that matters to me is that the DC penalty punishes those who leave matches and the struggle phase changes make it harder to circumvent that. So enjoy dem penalties.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Because its going to be so hard to tab out or go afk if you want to give up on hook. Its probably going to cause unhook problems with people going for unhooks for someone that may be afk because they did want to give up. I can see an option being added to give survivors the ability to give up on hook if they choose. We'll see what happens. Either way, my point this whole time (which it seems you've blatantly ignored and don't care to see the reasoning behind it) is that for those who don't leave matches often should not get a DC penalty for when they do. It'll be a time thing where if you go ever so long without doing it then you won't get the penalty. However if you leave multiple times a day then you get the DC penalty. That seems fair to me. You're also probably going to see many more disconnects if there isn't an option to give up on hook with the change. Often times people giving up on hook do it for the same reason people leave matches at times which is the match being considered not worth playing due to toxic things going on. The point is, if you abuse it you should get a penalty. If you don't, you shouldn't. Simple and fair.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited April 2021

    Feel free to AFK, I have no problem recording you after you are rescued and reporting.

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    Ruining the game you say? Whats the stance on AFK killers because they are plentiful. Reports haven't done a bit of good. You folks don't read them apparently because my block list is full of people ive reported WITH video over the last 4 years. This includes people using obvious cheats(like my favorite video, Dwight running round the trapper invincible, taking hit after hit without injury). Guy STILL doesn't have a game ban over a year later.

    The servers are attached to Steam. Steam hiccups, DC. Penalty. EAC Crashed, DC penalty. General Game Crash(No log), DC penalty. Server kick? DC penalty. People who are trying to play your game normally are getting abused. Your playerbase has taken 7 months to recover from a 6K+ drop. and its only about 60% recovered and starting to drop again.

    The penalty ramps up way too much way too fast. 4 DCs and its a 3-6 hour ban that doesn't reset for a whole week? lel? Someone linked me the stream where the Devs said they can tell the difference between the game kicking you and pressing Leave Game. That was obviously bogus.

    The DC penalty as is, with the current server setup and massive amount of glitches and gamebreaking bugs is atrocious. Then you have extremely toxic behavior from SWFs hook spamming me so i cant struggle, to salty Killers 4 man slugging and going AFK/Taunting until everyone bleeds out. "Strawman" argument be damned. This is a constant issue. Why should any of us have to put up with toxic behavior from either side? This isnt oh the killer is tunneling meh pls stop noooo!!! Or the survivor looping and the killer cant catch up because they're rank 20 and barely understand the game. Its willfully toxic behavior that the developer has utterly refused to address, despite people giving 10001 suggestions as to what they could do. Yall barely listen to your Fog Whisperers, as they have ALL stated the developer is deaf to them. So what makes any of us think they'll listen to regular players?

    The good does not in anyway shape or form outweigh the bad. Because people just first hook suicide instead of DC. I will not stay in toxic games, period. I wouldn't mind the DC penalty if the games servers weren't B A D and the coding just the same. Stuck on hooks, invisible walls, being hit through solid objects(huntress and trickster, not cracks in the wall, solid concrete and pillars). Hit validation alone has given me a migraine but thats an entirely different argument. DBD has to be put on sale nearly every month to try and refill the player population. That alone is a big red flag.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    You're just a pro at missing the point aren't you? 😄 The point was regardless of the new mechanic people are still going to leave matches one way or another that they don't want to play. And again, as I've said I don't know how many times now, I do this so infrequently that for me it'll never be that big of a problem. I just simply disagree with the penalty for it unless its being abused. Not sure why you decided to hate me for disagreeing with you so much that you threaten to record and report me in a game. Sounds like you're being a bit dramatic over opinions on something in a feedback forum. Either way, its a good thing I don't afk in matches right? 😏 But keep up the good work! I'm sure you'll find one eventually and grin big thinking its me. 🤣

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The point was regardless of the new mechanic people are still going to leave matches one way or another that they don't want to play.

    And they will be punished for it, whether it's because they DC and get a penalty or be recorded and reported because they went AFK. 😋

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I've got 1200 hours played in this game and honestly you're the first person I've ever seen that has been so upset about afkers they threaten to record and report them for it. Strangely enough in all that time I've played I think I've seen maybe 2 survivors afk after being unhooked. There is also this thing of possible real life emergencies happening where someone has to quickly leave but who cares right? Record and report them anyway! Those rotten afkers! They must be punished! RAWR! 👺

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Lol, pretty sure going AFK is listed as a reportable offense in-game. So sure, I'll record and report away. 😋

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