As a solo queue survivor I will AVOID SWF Lobby!

In my experience a three man or even two man SWFs are the most ill behaved toxic players you can find in game.

The behaviour includes but not except, chasing and harassing the killer, not doing objectives, only being altruistic amongst them selves, leaving you to die on hook because “YOU RAN THE KILLER RIGHT TO WHERE I WAS” - LMFAO. All sending troll messages. And over all not playing a normal match.

How to avoid them as a solo queue? Look out for matching outfits - cute, look out for multiple Neas, expensive items, similar names- also cute and already lobbies.


  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I typically dont but I had this one awful experience. It was a 3 man that was literally queueing up for game to try and sandbag solo Q players. I mean they spam vaulted windows and pallets and #########. They would get on a gen I was working on just to fail skillchecks, every time they got chased they would lead the killer to me, they all swapped to my character and put on the exact same outfit as me. When I got hooked all 3 of them came to just Tbag me. People like those are awful.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    It's so hard to take this post seriously because of that god-tier username. Sorry lmao

    In all seriousness though I don't blame you considering I had a game against an Insidious Bubba (in red ranks btw) where I was the only one who escaped because I did gens while they were being camped instead of going for saves. The other 3 SWFs flamed me for not going for saves with BT but eh, what kinda overconfident maniac would go for saves against an Insidious Bubba?

    I don't think it's a good idea to dodge SWF lobbies though, you might stress yourself out with the queue y'know. Plus, it's kinda rough to put on a stereotype towards SWF squads. I think every lobby is worth playing unless you just played with a survivor and all that survivor did was disconnect or something idk.

  • Seoul
    Seoul Member Posts: 54

    There’s nothing wrong with that. If you don’t think you’re going to have a good time then you’re doing the right thing by getting a new lobby. :)

    I don’t avoid certain lobbies unless I recognise usernames of people who are toxic. I don’t like playing with the teams that just try to annoy the killer. :(

  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    How is it stupid making a conscious decision not to play in certain lobbys? Stupid isn’t the word I would’ve chosen personally.

    And obviously not everyone one with the same characters are swf! However you can often tell when 3 survivors with similar names, outfits and and flashlights are more than likely swf.

    you don’t have to always be devils advocate.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    You reported them all right? I'm pretty sure that could be classed as them working with the killer if they were actively doing their best to sandbag you.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Yup they were also toxic pieces of ######### in the endgame saying slurs like a 9 year old on COD

  • spiritsLeftball
    spiritsLeftball Member Posts: 173

    Exactly, the option to leave the lobby is there for a reason. Another thing I’m guilty of is dogging lobbies with 2 or more prestige 3 claudettes

  • Seoul
    Seoul Member Posts: 54

    As long as you’re having fun and not hurting anybody else. I say play however you wish! 🤗

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Seem like you have terrible teammates, i am glad i never had teammates like that. I mean sometimes i have bad teammates who doing nothing or leaving me to die but like those people i never had.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Yeah it was only a one of but how sad do you have to be to boot up DBD hop in a discord with 2 friends and be like "You know what we should purposely find Solo Q players and try to ruin the game for them"

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    I usually only leave a lobby if I get a bad vibe or see someone bringing key. SWF isn't the most fun to play with but I manage if I have to.

    I did have a really bad experience just 2 days ago with a 3 man SWF. Played against Nurse, she couldn't catch me at all (probably practicing and trying to get better). She ended up hooking the other 3 throughout the match and so, I went for a save even though she was proxy camping and I was likely going to go down to replace her. Well, big mistake. She proxy/face camped me on the hill hook and not 1 of them came to help me. From 1st hook to death. They did the last gen (that I got to 70%) and then immediately ran toward gates and opened them. They didn't even leave immediately, I died and the match went on till the EGC bar went down completely.

    Bad feeling when you do a lot for the team and go out of your way to be altruistic but when it comes time for you to be paid back the favor, you get left in the dust.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Funny, I went up against a 3 man SWF last night that did everything they could to protect the baby survivor rando they ended up with. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw.

    I still killed that weak link in the end though. But it was a noble attempt nonetheless.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    something is stupid because you disagree with it? SWF dodging is not what hurts normal SWF, blame the toxic SWF that makes people like OP not want to play with SWF.

    You can't go "i respect your opinion" after insulting said opinion. It only hurts 3 man SWF, killers can find another lobby with ease in the current state of the game.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I have to agree that being placed in a SWF lobby as solo is a nightmare at times. Can't tell you how many times I've been left to go to 2nd stage and almost die because they would rather focus on a gen over save the random. I do have to say that not every SWF is like this though. I've met swf teams that have done everything in their power to protect me and even gave me their items at match start. So despite a vast majority of them acting toxic at times, just remember that not everyone is like that. You can still find decent ones among the awful one's.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    As a solo surv i just dogde keys, esp. when they quick switch.

  • killermain
    killermain Member Posts: 11

    True. From my experience they'll just leave you on the hook after the 5th gen got done even if killer is on the other side of the map