Trickster is painful to play

As title states.
I've played hours and hours of trickster trying my best to twerk different perks and add ons to see what can POSSIBLY result in a 4k. Right now I've been using: Crowd Control, Hex Undying, Devour hope and Starstruck. Sometimes I'll sub Crowd Control for something else (ie. Bamboozle) it seems like this combo works best on Hawkins map with his ricochet (trick blades) and pierce (cut thru u single) though survivor add ons (both purple) and I STILL have an extremely hard time getting even just 1k.
I wanted so much to love this killer, I really like his design, story and cosmetics; but he REALLY needs a buff to be playable. It is completely beyond me how he was able to make it past the PTB with no changes. As a customer and a gamer who once loved dead by daylight it's very sad you guys aren't listening to feedback what so ever from us. So please, BUFF him. It HURTS to play him. He needs more speed and less knifes to down/injure a survivor or at least make the survivor have to mend after being hit with blades.
I've only even experimented this far because I didn't want to feel like I wasted my money buying him. Please listen to your player base and buff trickster. I'm begging you.