How devs could effectively address camping. This is NOT about the legitimacy of camping as a killer



  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    It wasn't that it didn't stop camping.

    That wasn't the point of pausing the hook timer, but it helped.

    It was that people would bait the Killer into running around the hook, pausing the timer indefinitely while the other two Survivors slammed gens, leaving the Killer with nothing by the end of the game, not even one kill.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021

    They've already addressed Camping, it's just people refuse to do what's necessary. And the victom have this mentality that their night is ruined because they rotted on a hook for 2 minutes.

    The truth of the matter is a killer that camps against survivors that understand you don't feed a camper would never get anywhere bloodpoint wise due to the following simple facts

    120 seconds to die on a hook

    80 seconds to solo a generator

    4 survivors

    Generators are brain-dead easy to pound out.

    2 or 3 survivors should escape every single time if people would just pound out the gens vs a camping killer.

    The second thing people refuse to do is stop feeding the trolls who do it to get a reaction out of them. If you get camped... just leave. Don't feed their ego's by yelling at them. If people would just silently own people who mindlessly camp (as opposed to the ones who do it for good strategic reasons such as the hook is near the last 3 gens), we'd have less mindless campers overall and less to be mad about.

    It's in the survivors hands... they just refuse to do anything about it.

    So in a nutshell - gen rush the campers, don't feed the trolls by saying anything about it later. Just get out of your 10 minute game an move on.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I hear ya, I just pick a survivor and a build that works for me and you win some and you lose some minus all that other crap.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    You are exactly right!!! If I am unfortunate to be the first on the hook and I see the killer camping, I will sit there and struggle for as long as I can even though I know no one is coming. I know this just wasnt my game but I will waste as much time as I can while the others are doing four gens and out the gates.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I have to disagree, I have found more and more Trickster's in games who are very good. In fact, in the two games I played with him last night he dominated. I dont think he needs the buff he is getting but then again I dont killer main. He is a playable good killer because I have seen level 3 and 4 killers work him fine and apply good pressure.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Pause Entity Progress while the killer is close to the hooked survivor.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    edited April 2021

    nowhere did you say it was fun?

    Did you forget the part where you said "i love getting tunneled" I mean I can't blame you for forgetting it because of how stupid it was but hey I got you buddy here it is so you can read the dumb stuff you posted

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    edited April 2021

    Opps quoted your post twice sorry.

    I've seen a couple posts about how the attempt to pause hook timer when the killer nearby resulted in survivors running around the hook.

    I asked before but why wouldn't restarting the timer if the killer is in a chase fix this? Any one else see a way for survivors to abuse it?

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    As I said before we type again if you learn to read, which you proven again you can't.

    Cause you only read what you want to read.

    You are correct where i said that I love to get tunneled.

    But that is only because that was what you wanted to read, if you read it fully om the start you would have seen what I said exactly before that.

    But here's what I typed exactly for you.

    "Yup tunneling and camping isn't fun for the person who is affected by it, tho i love getting tunnelled, but these are strategies and punishes over altruistic survivors"

    There you go, you see that i said that it isn't fun for the person affected by it? πŸ˜‰

    Now move along to specsavers sluzzy.

    For your other post.

    I wasn't there to test it, but i wouldn't be surprised if they haven't tried it.

    But i can think of 1 problem with that.

    They only have to lose sight of the survivor they chase which is pretty fast and easy to do, and they're not in a chase anymore which will stop the timer again.

    Keep doing that and unhook as soon as the last gen pops and its gg game over.

    And if you face a real hard facecamper, he would just abuse it by letting you run in front of his face and let the timer go down.

    So there are definitely serious flaws about a hook timer being stopped and restarting while in chase.

    Pretty sure there will be some others which I can't think of atm.

    But these 2 are just from the top of my head (or however you want to call it).

    Best thing to do against it is what I said earlier and that is just rush gens.

    Sure it ain't fun for the hooked person but better then the killer get the 4k from just camping.

    Been in the same situation and I always want the others to rush the gens and get out

  • coaltrain503
    coaltrain503 Member Posts: 87

    Camping and tunneling are literally a part of the game. The killer exists to kill. That is their role. To kill the survivors. And guess what? When you hit "Play as survivor," you are a survivor! Who would've guessed? I certainly couldn't have. You just want a free win. Thats all. (BTW, the killer loses points on an emblem for staying near a hook too long. I lost an emblem for it when all I did was hook someone and Pop a gen next to the hook before walking away. The loss from camping on your rank is decent. If camping and tunneling werent part of the game, there wouldn't be perks to counter it. Period)

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2021

    Another person that didn't read the post that's great just great

    Post edited by DropdeadPiggy on
  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,441

    There is 2 different kinds of camping. One is fine in the context of the current game. The other is not.

    The kind that is not, is facecamping when the gens aren't done. And i mean like, pure, insidious bubba facecamping. It's boring for everyone in the game and causes issues.

    The other kind, is the kind that is tactically the best move to make. There are a few scenarios that SURVIVORS put themselves in that make this type of camping the best play to make based on the game state:

    • The killer just hooked a survivor, then the other 3 survivors pop 3 gens. Why should the killer leave the hook, typically, all 3 of the people who just finished the gens are going to go to the hook. 3 gens just got done so there isn't a point partrolling the other 4 gens, you KNOW survivors aren't working on them.
    • You hook a survivor near your 3 gen. Why leave the hook? You are defending your 3 gen and the hook at the same time.
    • The survivors keep saving off the hook within seconds of you leaving. Why bother leaving if i know they are right there to save as soon as i leave?
    • You hook a survivor and all the other survivors are injured. The pressure is on them now. They need to heal up in order to get the save, if they just do gens, wait for 1 hook state then go after them, sure they might pop 3 gens, but they are all injured and ripe for slugging and getting a quick 4k.

    The problem is that survivors "tunnel" the generators and don't think about the game state and the times where it is advantageous for the killer to camp. They instead, mindlessly rush the gens, and pop 3 gens right away, or stay injured to go for gens and then put themselves in situations where camping is a good strategy.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    3 survivors will never make it out against a camping killer if both sides play optimally. The killer will always have time to get 2 kills. But you also have to realize the killer is camping, and unless the 3 survivors are SWF or using Kindred, they will waste time trying to figure it out.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Personally i have to disagree with the camping when 3 gens pop with your first hook?

    The game isn't lost at that point and it can go either way.

    For example, not long ago I played wraith on the thompson House map and found and downed the first survivor really fast, about on 40ish seconds into the game.

    As I walked to the hook 2 gens popped, and the 3rd when I hooked her.

    Sure I could do what you said and don't leave the hook, but where's the fun in that.

    I have to admit that it looked dire for me and tbh i didn't expect to get a win or even a kill in that game, and a was doing a challenge as well.

    But despite all odd I got a 4k out of that game.


    Even though they split the map with a gen in the middle and 2 in each corner of the map, they focused all their attention on the middle gen for some reason.

    My point of it all is to never give up and and just try.

    Most of the times when gens are flying, they usually suck at being chased.

    Imo the only time to camp is when all gens are done and you have either 0 or 1 kill, at that point I say fair enough and can accept that at that point

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704
    edited April 2021

    I have to disagree with you on that πŸ˜‰

    And yeah I'm solo but not sure about the others.

    This is a vid before all that ui update but the fastest I could think of

    Edit: I agree it is later in the game but I realised it pretty fast as well as the David.

    But things like this also happened when it starts at the beginning and still 3 escape πŸ˜‰

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,441

    I think you are misunderstanding what i'm saying. I'm not saying to camp because the game is lost when 3 gens pop in the first chase. I'm saying to camp because it is the most effective strategy and will actually probably WIN you the game.

    More often than not, when someone finishes a gen, they are going to immediately run for the hook, because, what else are they going to do. When you down and hook a survivor during that first chase, if 3 other gens pop, most likely you hooked them near a gen or 2 with no progress. Now, you are defending 2 gens, and the hook. You know that the other 2 gens have 0 progress. You know that there is a high probability of the 3 survivors all running to you to get the unhook. They are going to come to you, there isn't much of a point to running for them.

    Now, let's say the other survivors are smart, or the one on hook has kindred, or they are a SWF. They won't waste much time and will go hop on a gen. But remember, you are defending 2 of them, so they only have 2 gens to choose from. Even if the survivors make the most effective play (which is to do the gens) by the time they realize you are camping, and decide to stop pointing at you and being mad at you for camping to go do the gens, you have wasted a significant amount of time. Enough where you can camp the guy on hook until he goes 1 hook state. Then you can abandon and go for the other gens away from you. Then, you just tunnel that previous guy out of the game when you deal with the other survivors.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    That killer wasn't face camping. If he was face camping, you're only going to get 2 survivors out, if everyone does straight gens and the survivor on the hook doesn't suicide. (Excluding things like BNPs)

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    edited April 2021

    I read your comments about loving getting tunneled to mean you loved getting tunneled. If your intention wasn't to try and say how great being tunneled was and how much you enjoyed it maybe don't put that in...

    Anyway since your finnaly contributing to the purpose of the discussion I'm going to let it go.

    But just to confirm your point about the chase, if I understand mechanic properly in order for a chase to end the survivor has to do more than break line of site momentarily, I believe it takes a few seconds to exit the chase, so I'm not quite sure how this could be abused by either side? I'm trying to picture a survivor that leads the killer to the hooked survivor while being chased which would not stop the hook timer (as they are in a chase) then stop the chase by breaking line of site for a few seconds and escaping, which would start the hook timer if the killer doesn't then leave the hook area.

    But then what? If the killer leaves to restart the chase against the survivor then that's good no camping. If the killer stays to camp then the timer stops so that's good too.

    I guess maybe if the survivor keeps leading the killer back to the hook then escaping somehow over and over there could be a second or two that it would take the killer to leave the hook raidus that could maybe be abused for a couple of chases before the survivor dies on hook? maybe put a second or two delay on the hook pause to alow the killer to leave the area before it kicks in? I think that would be a fine solution to the issue you raised. Assuming what I outlined was what you were talking about.

    I guess you could be talking about survivors keeping the killer around the hooked survivor while not chasing anyone, but im sorry I'm having trouble seeing how a survivor could simultaneously keep the killer in a chase around the hooked survivor and not in a chase at the same time to stop the hook timer. If there's something I'm missing let me know

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Again more posts about some killers who says camping is the only way to win and some killers saying no camping is terrible and unwinnable as a strategy.

    Personally I go with the its a good way to win because if it wasn't killers would stop doing it....

    Anyway you camping killers why don't you start a new thread about how good camping is so we can get back to the purpose of this discussion, how the devs could stop camping effectively if they wanted to. To put that a different way, how they could shift the game in such a way that every killer agrees camping is not a good strategy and therefore stops doing it