Rank rewards: why bp? The problem for experienced players

Bp is very invaluable, even at a high number. Also, to get to reds on both sides, this is MINIMUM 40 2 pips( near impossible since rank is broken). Why not iridescrnt shards or a new currency like tokens you can use to buy cosmetics? Half a million bp tied with rank being broken and having to play minimum 40 games is not worth all that work. Speaking of bp, the cap is worthless,, and bp should come in higher qauntity as 32k is very little.
Rank doesn't mean anything as it is. It only exists to make your games harder the more you rank up.
They're making that mechanic more precise, and hidden, and so they need to make something NEW for the Ranks to do. There's no reason they need to give us more shards or cells, it's not in their interest to do so, that's less income.
We're literally getting a new monthly BP bonus for simply playing the game now (or when it's implemented), and the more you play (because you won't be able to de-pip) the bigger the bonus.
It's literally more, free BP, so what is there to complain about?
"This free gift isn't big enough! I want a bigger one!"
Also, is 40 matches a month too much? I can't imagine you're earning many bloodpoints at all if it is.
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Auric cells is a stretch. And shards are harder to get than bp.
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I mean, I wouldn't mind if the monthly rank bonuses came with shards, but it's not necessary, it's literally all additional free stuff whatever it is.
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In the future they are going to offer this, once MMR is released.
Anyway, to get back to the main question; This is their attempt at dealing with the grind.
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I'm struggling to find things to even spend bp on nowadays. And this isnt even on my console save, I'm well aware of what teachables aren't worth getting so I have less than half the survivors past level 30.
Kind of wish I could trade 1M BP for 1K shards or something.
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That sounds like an amazing why to make the grind less.
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You sound like that people when we had the December calendar event saying that gaining 5k each day was a good reward and everyone who was complaning was ungrateful(yeeees because 5k a day helps a lot! yay!)
You will gain 250.000 BPs for each side if you reach rank 1. So you can gain 500.000 BPs if you reach rank 1 in both sides, but this is the problem:
The default we can earn in a match is 32.000 BPs. If we play 8 trials gaining this basic value, we can reach (8 x 32.000) 256.000 BPs. You won't be getting 32k all the time, we can get less or more with WGLF and BBQ and other offerings which boost BPs gain.
This is the problem I see for me: I can get over 250.000 by playing as Killer with BBQ in less than 1 hour. After A WHOLE MONTH waiting, I get some miserable 250k of points which I can make in less then 1 hour? This makes no sense and doesn't reward people who put effort into the game. You can say it helps people who doesn't play the game all the time, but a game designer needs to think in a way that both veterans & new players get rewarded for their playtime!
As for the post, I agree that we should receive something extra, because literally getting BPs is not a problem. It's ONE REWARD for each month, and you can get max 12 times per year, why it needs to be so bad? It would make sense if you reach rank 1 it automatically gives the reward for you and then resets, but even so the rewards needs to be better.
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We currently receive nothing for it.
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Bruh a match easily last between 10 and 15min, even if you get 50k BP/match you'd have a hard time making 250k in less than 1 hour. Also a huge part of the player base still have ton of character/killer to level up and perk to unlock.
What do you want? 1M auric cell for being rank 1?
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What i WOULD want is a special cirremcy like tokens you get for playing ranked in other modes you can spend on cosmetics exclusive to that currency in a special store, to show youre skilled. Soending money doesnt show your skill. Also, i already said auric cells were a stretch.
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Also, you said 250k was easy to earn. You would earn more than 500k gettkng to rank one on both sides, and that is still minding the fact bo isnt that valuable anyway.
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I still dont like mmr. Im going from yellows to reds because i dont care about rank because it shouldnt be a skill determiner.
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A match lasts for 10 to 15 minutes? That's not true. Red ranks games lasts at maximum 10 minutes, either all gens are done or you kill all of them by that time.
A reward I want is something that is comparable to the much effort you've put, one that could be scalable to be considered good for both new and players.
We have Devotion for this, it shows how much you are devoted to this game, our rewards could be multiplied by our devotion level.
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Id agree if other players could actually see your player level.
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I dont like the systrm of around 300 hours=30 extra shards per level.
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"Red ranks games lasts at maximum 10 minutes" All content creator that are red rank and 9 out of 10 games last 10min, most are like 12min long.
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It depends a lot of the Killer and the Survivors. Most red ranks survivors are potatos and that adds to the slow progress of the game. But in a balanced match, the match can end in less than 10 minutes.
My average match time as Killer (I have 3khours) lasts about 10-12 minutes If I'm playing normally with my best Killers (Nurse, Oni or Blight).
There's always that one that lasts very long because Survivors are playing stealth, or you want to slug for the 4k, there's a lot of reasons.