Survivor mercy

burt0r Member Posts: 4,155
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

I just wanted to hear if anybody has ever gotten a survivor given them a mercy/consolation kill when they got stomped/were obviously outmatched by the survivors.

I play dbd since it's release 5 years ago in a casual on and off fashion. I never went for tunneling (even letting fresh unhooked survivor pass by to get a new one or hit them to get points for injuring them), camping (mostly heading for the opposit side of a map) or slugging (Atlrast not multiple people, only people on death hook to give them another chance).

I only start killing people when they dont get much progress done in 5-10 minutes, even then go for 12 hooks and most often let the last survivor get hatch (except they were TBagging/overly cocky, not contributing to their team or even sabotaging their teammates by bodyblocking or the like).

But I have never in these five years ever seen a survivor come to me after getting stomped by them and give me a mercy sacrifice or anything like that. At most hits when I chased them out of the gate, which I stopped doing since at some point most often they just faked to get more chase points without getting hit and just want to rub in the loss via TBagging and clicking. Instead I go for pallets or breakable walls while the mist annoying ones spam fast vaults and the normal ones leave halfway through the egc timer.



  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I dont think it exists but I have done it sometimes if it was a baby nurse or a nice killer I will let myself die to the egc for them

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    It happened to me once and I was playing Trapper and was new at the game. Rank system was as you can imagine so great that time it gave me some red-purple rank while I was yellow ranked. Moreover my internet turned to potato in that match at the late game and there was one Feng which she wanted to die at the end. I dont understand her point during that time but later at the chat that she revealed I was nice you know not camping,slugging and etc... and because of that she wanted to give me a kill.

    Other than that it is as usual where people are rude, not nice, if they win it's "EZ NOOB", if they lose you are "TOXIC,CAMPER,SLUGGER and etc..." . To be honest sometimes I cant tolerate but a nice kind of groups that respect each other cheers my day.

  • sleepy_knight
    sleepy_knight Member Posts: 117

    I just had a cute lil Cheryl take me to basement and offer herself. Gave me her map and pointed to the hook after the others left. I downed her then brought her to hatch where she still refused.

    Was not the first time. When Im survivor I also do that sometimes and so do my friends. I think it was a week ago? that we had someone try Plague for the first time. She tried so hard and had good moments so two of us let her kill us.

    When I have enough points (bp and/or pip) I really don't care about surviving. If I see someone try honestly and not be a toxic pos then I'll try to help them.

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    My friends and I occasionally do it for baby nurses, wraiths, and demopuppies in particular. But if killer was nice I lean towards giving them a kill as well.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I've had this happen numerous times. Now, given the number of matches I've played, it's a very small percentage, not something that's common, but it does happen. I've even had the rare 4-man stay behind and all die to the EGC while we danced around in front of the exit gates. That memory still makes me smile, they were cool people.

    I've also done it for killers who played nice and didn't get any kills. I rarely care about escaping, so it's no biggie to me to show the killer some appreciation for handicapping themselves rather than going hardcore on us. (As a solo player who's not great and is usually put with teammates who are even worse, a killer who goes hardcore will have me out of the match before a gen gets done.)

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    If a killer avoids camping and tunnelling even though they are losing and don’t get a kill, I always offer the kill

  • How_Hamhaesque
    How_Hamhaesque Member Posts: 39

    Ignoring times where a survivor offers themselves at match start because say I'm Oni and there's someone with No Mither, I have had survivors offer themselves a few times when something messed with the match flow for everyone (early DCs, weird glitchings, everyone spontaneously deciding to just mess around)

    Honestly I can understand why it's so rare because it's much easier in my mind to go 'alright, match cancelled, you can go' than 'alright, match cancelled, hook me up buddy'. I guess it helps that I don't care about pips much.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    I've offered plenty of self sacrifices. I do it like 50x more with Tricksters as well since most of them need a bit of help, though most of them escort me to the exit to escape / thank me post chat for the offer. I've given myself at the end to be Mori'd as well. Had a Trickster realize this and nod at me He then proceeded to 2nd hook me as he swung towards the hook for someone to save me. Good times.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    It's very rare, but yes. 4 times a survivor has given me a free kill at the end of the game. I do it sometimes. If the killer clearly had a bad game, played nicely, and I don't have any particular reason to escape, I find them and let them kill me.

    More often though...survivors start making noise at the exit gates because I don't show up to watch their dancing and they refuse to leave until the last second.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Once when I was trying out nurse, got clapped hard and one of the survivors came to give me a kill. Very friendly in end game chat, saying yeah Nurse is hard just keep ar it and you can become godly.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Are players made aware of when they get props and if so, what's the method? A popup post-match? Do they see who it's from?

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    A hillbilly finally relented his tunnelling on a guy and I gave him his bbq stack. Which was something he seemed to want at the exit gate.

    As killer I show survivors mercy almost all the time. Because lack of mmr all I play against is potatoes. And it's not fair.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    I've personally never been given a pity kill.

    I have however gave pity kills too killers before. I tend to do it when I'm 100% sure I've pipped, as I don't really care about double piping. The reason why I do it is because I play Killer too and understand that sometimes it's pretty hard to pip as Killer.

    Just wish some people wouldn't say "EZ" after itdo it though:(

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    As killer iterate but I've had survivors stay behind after everyone else leaves and they let themselves die for me even though I'm practically trying to throw them out the door. Usually they tell me they wanted me to get some points. I also find it's more solo survivors who do it over swf teams. As survivor I always give a killer who struggled and played fair a free kill. They usually just refuse but I'd rather they get some points than none.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited April 2021

    I tried to give a killer a mercy 1k twice this last weekend. They just carried me back to the exit gate.

    Tricksters both times, incidentally.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I've actually had four since the release of Trickster (all of which were games that I played poor on) which was really nice of those survivors that did such.

    Previously however, no, although I never really got curb stomped in the first place if I'm being honest.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    1 or 2 times.

    Otherwise its mostly taunting at the exit gate or insults in endgamechat if I got stomped. Some surv even told me that the onesided game was "gg wp".

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I saw the tiresome "gg" once or twice (which is kind of redundant and stupid, being that as a new player that's sort of exactly what I'm trying to do) but internet insults don't bother me, I see the comment and just move to the next game. I'm more exasperated by the exit gate taunting. I get it, you won, go enjoy your victory you dumbass. You're not hurting my feelings.

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256

    Not sure if this counts, but I had a few times where I spared survivors in hopeless situations (like everyone being on death hook at 4-5 gens remaining) and after some farming and the gates being opened they sometimes refuse to leave and either point at hooks or kill themselfes via EGC.

    As a Survivor I tend to give mercy kills whenever the killer either was a victim of matchmaking, they got screwed over by map RNG/bugs or my teammates were toxic. Sadly most killers refuse the mercy kill and carry me to the hatch/exit instead.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    I've played this game for almost 3 years, this has never happened to me once lol.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Recently a solid Nurse had 5 stacks of devour and someone DC’d. They got 2 other mori’s but I stumbled across the hatch and decided to make some noise so she would come over. I pointed to where the hatch was, waved and nodded so she could decide my fate. She looked at the hatch then back at me aware of the sacrifice. She played well and deserved a 4K by her hands but was robbed of it. Plus I was in the mood for a Mori anyway.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,155
    edited April 2021

    Thanks to everyone for those signsthat it isn't just empty lip service on the forums. Also from some of the posts I remembered that I also might have had instances of those consideration sacrifices but since I mostly let the last survivor go I might have simply obliviously turned down their offer XD

    Post edited by burt0r on
  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited April 2021

    Sometimes. but I reject the offering since it's really not that many extra blood points. I just get some snoot boops and go equip NOED.

  • PotatoPlayer
    PotatoPlayer Member Posts: 102

    I never seen mercy kills, only on YouTube. Maybe when I'm solo and doing some challenges, I'll go ahead.

    But I feel like the people I'd do that for won't realize the kindness. Not that they're entitled to it nor am I doing them a favor, but I rather not give my game to a killer without some sort of acknowledgement of thanks. I'm already sensitive enough LOL

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I have one that I can remember - and that was the first night I picked up Nurse. Survivor walked out the gate to a hook and pointed to it and let me hook them.

    But that's the only time I've ever been obviously given a kill.

    I've tried doing the same thing with killer's who have been really having a hard time catching us or were playing especially altuistic. But half the time they refuse it and just carry me back to the exit - it seems those types were just trying to depip but still get bloodpoints, so they didn't hook anybody at all.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Yeah, a Bill in my Trial about 7 months ago waited out the EGC, while i was doing nothing anymore cause EGC.

    It is *breathes in deeply* EXTREMELY rare to get a Survivor to offer the Killer their life though, Killers letting Survivors go is MUCH more common.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    I yeet myself to the killer every now and then during EGC.

    I've had a few people do it for me, too - Generally when the game is obviously a fun/casual one and we're all having a good time :)

    TR1GG3R_HAPPY Member Posts: 10

    I've had one once, I just needed a few points for a challenge. So for the rest of the game, I just played friendly. It was actually quite recent, a few months ago? Once I let all 3 go, one stayed and give me a kill. Not sure if that counts but hey it works technically.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,155

    I don't have any rules for that XD

    But yeah I meant also stuff like this when after a nice game without many kills someone makes the equivalent to a given hatch escape. Not necessarily only after a stomp.

    I also forgot how many times after a stomp and getting in a bad mood made me think like a child/a sore loser and stubbornly just wanting everyone to leave and didn't want their, from my perspective at that moment, annoying "pity".

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    I sometimes do this because of how easy Survivor is.

  • KinkyPegLeg
    KinkyPegLeg Member Posts: 6

    I let the killer kill me at the end of a rough match quite a few times over the years. Also if they farm becuase they feel bad a survivor dcs I let them kill me unless they drop me off at exit gate then I get the message no need to waste any more of there time.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615
    edited April 2021

    Funny regarding my earlier comment, cause i just had one who DID give their life.

    Dwight, if you read this: You know who i am. (I was your Doctor.)

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    Ehh..I've done it in the past a number of times but stopped. Haven't done it in awhile since I haven't gotten a mercy hatch from a killer in a long long time. I don't mind 'paying it forward' from time to time but most killers do not give hatch and they just go for the 4K even when you did so much for the team and outpointed the other 3 by several thousand points. At red ranks, killers aren't too merciful. It is what it is.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I've seen it happen a few times. Had a Meg stay behind when I had a miserable game as Spirit. I just went in the basement and stared at the wall phasing. Meg came down, and I hit her to get her to leave, but she just stayed.

    It's pretty rare, though. I've offered myself to be hooked when killers have had a miserable game. They usually refuse though. (Or they leave me slugged, which isn't fun btw. At least hook me.) I find it's less likely for survivors to show mercy because only solos would probably do that, and solos are rarely in position to give mercy because they're at the mercy of their teammates who are self-caring in a corner with sloppy butcher.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    That's a good way to look at the rarity of it happening.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Never, after 2400 hours.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I have played this game for four years, I only got offered one once. I let that Jake go.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I have just passed my one year mark recently and I had never seen one. I had got sick of the taunts and abuse especially when I learned nurse and now trickster that I never let anyone live no matter what. I do my best to play fair but it theres a time crunch I will use any tool at my disposal (legal ones). Not long after I made that change trickster came out and playing with this fool at rank 1 is such a BLAST I had a Jake stop at the gate and let me kill him. I think he felt bad for the rng on the haddonfield map we were on or maybe being trickster was enough idk.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    In all those DbD years, I have never seen such a thing. That's why I never give hatch. They aren't gonna be nice with me so no point being nice with them.

  • Zwergz112
    Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

    It does exist, i was playing Leatherface for a daily and lo and behold my match is against a ttv and their amigos, I try anyway and get demolished and mange one hook, could've easily facecamped but I decide not too, they get the unhook and as I chase them to the gate they point at the hook and walk up to me putting down their items, upon rewatching the stream they felt bad for me and wanted to get me points. Other times survivors would give me a last hit before they leave or one would refuse to leave so they die,). Not all Survivors are at the gate teabagging y'know.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    Unless I have a challenge that involves escaping I give kills to killers pretty often. Same with my swf teammate, we'll both hang back and have entity take us if killer won't kill us. Sometimes they are able to carry me to exit and drop me in a way that forces me to escape. I've given myself up to killers that went after the survivors that would sandbag teammates, I do it as a thanks for making sure they didn't escape. I've had killers that didn't sweat and deserved 4k that will try giving me hatch but I'll go to hook instead. Killers that were farming or ones just trying to get a challenge like double blink and hit I'll have them kill me or hang back for entity to kill me.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    I've done it several times, especially if the killer burned party streamers and they had a terrible match and played very nice. I just feel bad for them. The worst is when they give up and go stand in a corner. I just want to give them a hug.

    As killer I've had it happen a couple of times.

  • Sodahead
    Sodahead Member Posts: 99

    I do on every bad console nurse that plays fair.

    I also do when my swf buddies bully the hell out of them and they still play fair.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,155
    edited April 2021

    Well yeah I know but the amount of free hits at the gates vs last second dodge with or without dh or something are sadly forgettable at this point.

    So i prefer to avoid the open gates and either farm points from pallets or killer powers. Or i do something in real life like getting something to drink or go to the toilet or watch something on yt.

    Still i prefer giving the last survivor hatch just to make myself feel better.

  • fatbabyslayer
    fatbabyslayer Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2021

    yeah lol a few days ago the guy I got when he was going to end gate I put on hook, he got out with the first attempt to solo get off, I got him again I got DSed and then teabagged on and the Jeff let me get him yet again he also looped me for 3 gens but Jeffs out of all survivors are always pretty chill and say gg wp not "GO D*E HAHAHA GET REKD HAHAHAHAH OMG TRASH TRASH TRASH KILLER!!!! OMG OMG GET REKTTTTTTTTTT"

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    I very rarely get the chance to (let's just be nice and say I am not great).

    But, BUT, if I do find myself playing against a decent killer that gets violated by sweaty survivors when they noticed they have more experience, I do offer to sacrifice.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    If I have a bad game all they give me is tbagg and flashlight clicking and I don't expect anything else because ppls ego in this game is big as Mount Everest