I just did a match where legit I looped for 3 gens straight and then at the end the killer pulled NoEd out there ***!!!! Why doesn't BHVR make it so a killer can only down two people? Then if you break the Hex Totem during a game, you can only down one person, during end game phase. Or you can still down 4 people, unless you get some sort of Hex Totem during the game. Then it drops from downing 4 people to only 1.
Because during my match, all the huntress did then was slug, until it was to the point where no one could get revived. Even when I play killer I don't use nor think I would ever slug. Its to the point where, bad players that abuse the game need to be in their own lobbies. Or just nerf the F out of NoEd. I mean, its okay to nerf DS, so why can't BHVR Nerf NoEd? Fair Is Fair Killer Mains!!!!
Oh.. you done did it now.
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NOED’s Hex needs to start the match lit. If it makes it to the end then you get it. Easy fix
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Do bones
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Might I suggest taking detectives hunch. Its a really good and underrated perk.
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NOED need buff, it is weakest perk in the game. I hope devs will buff it.
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anything else you want. a drink, some food, or an easy win. know what bones are, well start doing them.
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I agree and make show survivor auras too. I think that will be fair for both sides.
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It can be removed by cleansing every totems on the map.
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DS nerf was also unfair. Buff DS again and also buff NOED. I dont know why fun perks nerfing... I miss oldest NOED and DS.
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You will pry Noed from my cold, dead hands! We killers need second chances too damn it :'(
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I personally think NOED is a trash perk and have never ran it as a killer. I also think it's a cheap free pass rewarding killers who can't kill anyone before end game.
With that being said: This is why I always try to cleanse totems as much as possible. Generators are not the only objective in this game, but survivors tend to get tunnel vision and pass up totems left and right KNOWING that totems can play a huge role during end game - precisely because of NOED. I don't think NOED needs changed in the slightest. Also with that being said: I will not "GG" any killer who has zero kills before the end game and only gets a kill due to NOED.
Oh and if you are a survivor with me...and NOED pops up - good luck! I am not rescuing you or hunting for even more totems. I make it a point to cleanse a minimum of 2 totems per round...if my fellow 3 survivors cannot be bothered to cleanse at least one.... and they get caught up with NOED - that's their fault for failing to complete a simple totem.
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You are demading a niche killer perk be nerf because it gives an advatage to killers? Or are you just miffed about DS? DS got nerfed because it was a defensive perk that was being weaponized. NOED is doing what it's supposed to do, encouraging bones, and giving a leg up for killers that are less that top teir(Clown anyone?).
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Inb4 people take this seriously.
It's obviously someone ranting. They had a bad game and they needed to vent.
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I'm not against NOED being re-worked. Even if it can be stopped by cleansing, I think getting that much of a boost of power just for being at the end of the game is excessive.
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I'm with OP. Haters will say so better, cleanse totems,, or something crazy, but NOED needs a look at.
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I doubt you have 4K hours.
Most of your posts that I've seen have been standard newish player posts, "why is DBD so laggy" and "nerf NOED" are pretty standard.
Other than Sluzzy, our resident master baiter, nobody super experienced complains about NOED. We all know it isn't super fun, but it's not OP.
13 -
I mean, Undying got nerfed when it made an OP combo with Ruin after less than 6 months, while DS Unbreakable was in the game for like 2 years if my memory doesn't fail me.
I do agree that NOED needs to go, though, and its my opinion it shouldn't insta down at all.
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why you are sad bro
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This is some low-quality bait.
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Never used DS*, but I think in its current state it is reflective of its purpose: anti-tunneling. Would you like to know my Survivor build?
Alert, Lithe... and whatever other 2 perks I wanna use at that time: Sometimes Borrowed Time...if I am playing with friends usually. Sometimes WGLF if I am looking to farm BP. Sometimes Soul wait for it.. combat Hex totems and especially NOED. There are over 100 perks in this game and I think you will find that a large amount of survivors do not rely on the "meta" perks.
I am not sure why if survivors know that NOED is made from a dull totem why they would ignore dull totems.
*I have used DS when requested by a viewer of my stream when they pick my perks, but have never used it as my own personal choice. I think in total (4+ years of playing) I have used it MAYBE 10-12 times all from viewer requests.
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NoED should only expose survivors who've been hooked once during the trial. If you haven't been hooked, you shouldn't be exposed. Kind of hard to do bones when you're being chased by the killer for several gens. I think that'd be a fair nerf that wouldn't encourage face camping.
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I think your thread is silly and redundant. However, I will point out if you were able to loop the Killer for three Generators, why would NOED be an issue for you (or your teammates)? If you loop someone that long, it means you have the Skills (or the Killer lacks them) and you can loop them all day long. NOED already has MANY solutions. It is an in-game problem, that you will have to solve in-game. Nobody is going to fix it for you. There are many threads just like this one where I (and countless others) enumerate what you need to do to deal with NOED. Instead of wasting your time writing a post like this, why not go look those up, do a little research, and learn to handle the issue yourself?
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NoED gives the killer a speed boost. Practically a perma-stack of PWYF.
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I used to hate NOED--and then I started playing Trickster. I've had 3 gens pop before I've even walked all the way across the map but the usual number is 2. The only way to even kind of have a fighting chance half the time is to down someone with NOED and to hide in the wings (not under the hook) for people who are heading to get a save.
4 -
So? I can name Perks that increase speed too. Hope gives Haste to Survivors at the same time NOED activates, and is a bigger bonus; big whoop. :) The best way to deal with NOED is simply make sure it doesn't go off in the first place.; do Bones.
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Did you think up that argument yourself? Oh right, it's been used on this forum forever. At least be a little original.
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Killer: Maybe I shouldn't pick that survivor up he might have DS
Killer: Maybe I won't attack that survivor might have Borrow Time.
(Examples of Killers thinking about Survivor perks during the game)
Survivors: GENS LOOP GENS GENS!!!! *looks at totem...stares* Nope! GENS LOOP LOOP GENS, SPEED GENS!
*Dies from NOED* REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE on the forums.
(Example of the survivor not thinking about killer perks)
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This isn't a theatrical competition. That is the main solution, always has been, and always will be. To be original I'd be making stuff up. NOED is neutralized by killing the Dull Totems so it can't activate. I play both Killer and Survivor, and the people who whine the most about NOED never seem to be the ones doing Bones; imagine that. How much plainer would you like me to make it for you?
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Coming from a survivor main, dont get hit when noed is active lol
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I really liked Fungoose's rework idea for NOED. I believe he said he would make it so it was like a reverse BBQ and Chili. You'd start with 4 tokens, and for each unique survivor you hooked, you'd lose a token. When the exit gates are powered, you can instadown one survivor for each token you have left. I think that's both fair and balanced for the game. Hell, I'd even throw in the movement speed boost just so the perk did something even if the killer loses all their tokens when the exit gates are powered.
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I’ve encountered killers who have played terrible and use it to get an easy 4K. I suspected they were going to use NOED so I did three totems myself and still couldn’t find all of them. Sometimes it’s not enough to “just do bones”
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The Survivor side is a TEAM effort. :) If you did three, that means the other three Survivors only had to do two. Again, that is on you and your teammates, not the Killer. Survivors are only as good as their weakest link. Get the word out. :) I think that Survivors frustrated with NOED would get far more out of doing educational posts for their peers than they do whining about NOED.
This is the game. It is (4) Survivors versus (1) Killer. The Survivors win by working together, either coordinated as a SWF or just using commonsense and experience. If they don't do that, they lose. NOED illustrates this point clearly; the Perk does not reward bad Killers, it punishes bad Survivors. Totems are ALSO objectives. You gamble when you don't cleanse them, just as the Killer gambles when he/she puts them in. We all have agency in this game. We all make choices. Stop blaming personal failures on the Killer or the Perk.
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There’s no “getting the word out” in solo q. You can’t convey how many you have done to your teammates. And if it’s a SWF then the Killers will just complain it’s SWF, which I hate SWF too. At least with NOED it’s a lot more complicated than just do the bones.
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To be honest, whenever NOED does go off, it's usually because the Killer played bad. At least that's how I've observed it. I despise NOED and I haven't used it since 2018.
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You can continue to make excuses for why you can't get your Bones done, or you can just saddle up and ride. You and I play the same game. I play Solo Que most of the time when I'm a Survivor. How is it I'm not experiencing the problems you are having? Statistically I run into NOED just as often as you do. Could it be that the random Solos (and myself) seem to get those Totems cleansed, or if not we manage just the same when NOED triggers? Do you see my point? Countless Players manage to get by against NOED every day; I'm sure you can too.
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When sensible people tell you despite all your hours in the game that this one simple perk has simple counters and you still complain about it shows that noed isnt the problem.
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agree to disagree then.
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That's way to much. I main killer, and I can tell you right now that NOED being base kit and revealing auras would not be fair. I recommend trying to get away from using NOED if possible. I used it as a crutch when I was first starting, as I wasn't confident in being able to apply enough pressure to the survivor team. While it is a powerful perk, it can really limit your growth as a killer player if you begin to rely on it too much.
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Very good and pretty basic game mechanics, you are right everyone passes up totems until the end then they cry when NOED strikes again lol. I try to do at least two of them unless I see something lit then I go for it.
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People complaining about NOED. Baby survivors.
It's literally the most counterable perk in the game.
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How? If he was most likely solo que and the only one getting chased the entire game? More like “tell your teammates to do bones”. Don’t blame it all on this guy.
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I play solo queue almost exclusively. I run small game. Somehow, I manage to do bones, every single game.
Funny how that works. I guess I'm just better. Or perhaps I'm not lazy.
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no one escapes deez nuts haha laugh
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Then nerf genrush. NOED is a endgame perk who can help u down 1 survivor for sure, but still u can broke totem right?
And save survivor who on hook then escape, if u have very good teammates or just running with SWF
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git gud do bones
stop gen rushing