Overly competent survivor

let me be clear on 1 thing first...
got it? great.
Let's think here, what survivor would break the game? who would completely subvert what the entity expects and just win?!?
for our 1 contestant, I would like to submit Bruce Wayne. aka the goddamn Batman.
1 - He's a genius. He can get the gens fixed in no time at all.
Polymath: He has studied Biology, Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Mythology, Geography, & History. Gained degrees in Criminal Science, Forensics, Computer Science, Chemistry, and Engineering by the time he was 21. He has mastered Diverse Environmental Training, Security Systems, and illusion/sleight of hand by the time he was 23. He gained even more degrees in Biology, Physics, Advanced Chemistry, and Technology by the time he was 25. He has learned Forensic, Medical Sciences, Expanded Computer and Engineering Sciences, and Expanded Device Pool use of personal powered armor and system, database creation on underworld crime bosses, rogue's gallery foes and other supers; improved material sciences for body armor and micro-machinery by the time he was 26. Has also learned Advanced New Development in Forensic and Medical Sciences.
hell, he can probably just open the gate by using 1 generator by rerouting the power or something like that.
2 - You can't surprise him
At one time he was able to hear a sniper load his weapon from across the street a block over, hear an alarm three blocks away, hear the subtle movements of bats, see so far that Robin had to use binoculars to see with clarity and allegedly has the sight of an eagle; allowing him to see even the slightest shifts in the air enough to fight an invisible person. His awareness, instincts, and senses combined make him extremely alert to danger, bordering a sixth sense.
yes. he can see wraith from far away, while wraith is cloacked, by looking at the air.
3 - You can't catch him
He can flawlessly coordinate his body with perfect balance, flexibility, and dexterity. His main phase of movement is Parkour which he learned in France and uses it to scale the cities rooftops in an acrobatic manner. He is capable of completing a triple somersault, running across thin wire cable which showcased his balance. Bruce regularly practices his agility by practicing gymnastics blindfolded. Batman's balance is shown to be practically perfect when he ran across a thin wire-cable and has a lot of midair maneuverability. Bruce is shown multiple time to be able to jump very high and leap very far.
but parkour is not all he has
He can run and move at speeds comparable to the finest human athletes. In combat he is extremely agile and evasive, supplementing his strength with sheer speed to defeat his enemies, he could even match the master assassin Deathstroke's combat speed. Occasionally, Batman has shown enough speed to catch up or outrun a speeding car while running on foot.
let me repeat that
Batman has shown enough speed to catch up or outrun a speeding car while running on foot
you just can't catch him... he dodged the freaking omega beams man
and just in case you don't know
Omega Beams which are powerful bio-electric energy beams that can be concentrated, and fired from his eyes which can lock into a target to ensure it never misses and disintegrate a selected target, however anything Darkseid destroys with them can be recreated with a thought. They are powerful enough to harm Kryptonians, destroy planets, and fast enough to catch speedsters.
4 - If the killer somehow gets to him, he'll kick their ass
Master Martial Artist: Batman has entirely mastered and even perfected every single form of hand-to-hand combat known to man and is one of the finest human combatants Earth has ever known. He was trained around the world for years to master multiple martial arts. Master Kirigi stated to Bruce that he is a natural genius in fighting due to "his great violent nature inside of him". Even Karate Kid of the future was very surprised that Bruce adapted and learned future-style combat in seconds that he never even experienced. He has completely mastered all unarmed hand-to hand combat styles of martial arts including but not limited to MMA, Muay Thai, Escrima, Krav Maga, Capoeira, Savate, Yawyan, Taekwondo, Judo, Jui-jitsu Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Ninjutsu, Kendo, Fencing, Kenjutsu, Kali, Bojutsu, Wrestling, Francombat, Boxing, Kickboxing, Hapkido, Sambo, Wing Chun, Parkour, Shorin Ryu, Silat, Chin Na, Kyudo, Aikido, Varma Ati, Jeet Kune Do, Shaolin, Ba Gua, Hung Gar, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Kenpo, and Karate. His primary form of combat is a harmonious mixture of Jui-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Judo, Muay Thai, Savate, Karate, Kung Fu, Boxing, Capoeira, Krav Maga, Aikido, and Ninjutsu. Batman has proven he easily defeat a highly trained Green Beret within seconds, defeat multiple groups of armed opponents, fight evenly with Lady Shiva and Deathstroke multiple times, and defeat enemies that are physically superior to him through the use of sheer skill. He has also trained many other people to be the fighters they are (Nightwing, Red Hood, Tim Drake, and so on) and it can be inferred from him turning them into the fighters that they are that he is indeed a skilled fighter.
"oh, but killers like Oni are superstrong, he can't beat him on a fight"
MF he does stuff like that on a regular basis
and let's remember that Bane isn't just a buff dude. he's very intelligent and trained in combat.
killers are worried about someone dropping a pallet on them? Bruce is gonna pick that pallet up and beat them with it.
5 - "The entity would eventually break his mind", nope.
Indomitable Will: He has no known superhuman powers, but he does have an almost superhuman "force of will". Batman's unstoppable determination, sense of discipline and morale, and strength of will make him an extremely formidable opponent. This makes him able to function while tolerating massive amounts of physical pain, and also allows him to resist telepathy or mind control. His willpower is strong enough to operate a Green Lantern Ring when necessary. He is also unshakably devoted to his solemn vow never to kill, in spite of his vicious inner temptation to do so - the latter of which factors is displayed prominently when facing the Joker.
so, for these reasons, I believe the entity should really avoid adding Bruce Wayne to it's trials.
What characters would also break the game? (Yes, you must unnecessarily overanalyze why)
[you can choose a killer that would break the game if you rather do that than a survivor]
tbh Bruce Wayne would just hire batman to be taken by the entity instead of him since he is so rich
Post edited by Yords on0 -
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If the Entity chose Bruce Wayne for any reason, it would probably be as a killer.
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he does tend to go quite insane after breaking his no kill rule
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- Dead really hard: Do dead hard without causing exhaustion because plot armor
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From the lore standpoint (I'm no expert ofc, just my opinions) entity is basically sentient universe. If batman ever got dragged inside, he'd be as powerless as other survivors in the grant scheme of things, he'd be able to evade or even defeat most killers (assuming entity doesn't weaken him) but in the end, he's stuck in endless cycle of undying.
We don't know if there is a way to exit the realms of entity (there probably is as long as you don't get banished into the void) so he'd probably have the highest chance to get out but I don't think there's any way he could beat the entity and stop it from creating trials.
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I can see it now , he's on haddonfield and drops from the roof top to do a stealth takedown on the killer to leave them hanging tied up , upside down off of strode house
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Welcome to my TED talk about why Mario would be the most powerful survivor.
He can jump really high
Thank you for attending.
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and the quote under would be the nitpicky fan
"how can you dodge the omega beams? the MF flash has issues with it! makes no sense!" 🤣
and it really doesn't... but it was cool.
yeah. he's not beating the entity. but the trials? those are a cakewalk for him.
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oh c'mon... we can go deeper than that.
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But jumping high is all that is needed. What can't you do once you master the art of jumping?
Not to mention that he can squash killers. For example, he can leave your average Billy from looking like this:
to looking like this by the end of the trial: