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Tips For Playing Against A Flashlight Bully Squad?

^ Title

Earlier today I played a match that challenged unlike any other. I was facing a team that wasn't doing gens and were mostly hiding. However, EVERYTIME I would find and down a Survivor, someone would come and flashlight blind me. Either the downed Survivor would crawl to an area making it easier to blind me, or I would face the wall or some other obstruction and as soon as I walk to the hook, I got blinded.

Here are some particular details of the match: I was Deathslinger. I'm a yellow rank killer, and I am still getting used to this Killer. Two of the Survivors were Blendettes, and one of them picked Dead Dawg Saloon as their map offering (so you already know where this is going. lol) I was able to kill the two non-Blendettes, but this match dragged out for more than 30 minutes with me getting 8 hooks during that time. In the end, rather than DC, I went down to the basement and faced the wall so that the Blendettes would do gens. Of course they kept making noises to try to get me to chase them, but I had to jump on a call for work.

So...any advice for playing against a coordinated team that was holding the game hostage through flashlight bullying?

P.S.--This was one time that I really needed Lightborn. lol


  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Franklins, NOED, insidious, iron grasp/agitation, Bubba. You already know what to do.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    You will learn all their tricks with time. You can bait them pretending you want to pick up, then flashlight saver will run in front of you to make it in time. It's often a free hit. Also try to pick up while facing the wall, or make sure saver is far enough to not get in time, so you can pick up facing opposite direction of him.

    If survivors don't do gens, you just kill them. With time you will do it more efficient.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    If they swarm you around like headless chickens, just slug them. It's legit if you see someone around. They will have less fun, and for bully squad it's ok.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    Nurse or Hillbilly with this build.

    You won't need to pick up survivors if you will slug them to death / only pick when everybody is on the ground.

    Worse than flashlights, are keys.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,816

    It's a tough situation. If they keep blinding you every time you pick up, and you can't find them when you patrol the area, you can try to bait them by pretending to pick up, or you can just refuse to pick up. Pretend to walk away and see if someone comes out to do a heal.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I love running lightborn and agitation when I see 2+ flashlights in a lobby. Bait the flashlight save and chase them with agitation - lightborn will give you their aura for like 10 seconds or something, so it's easy to keep track of them, even if you get a quick hook first

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    If it's a consistent problem, I suggest bringing Lightborn. It nullifies flashlights entirely

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited April 2021


    I like to look away from the fashlights to pretend that I don't have Lightborn to better bait them in.

    Works better if you play as Demogorgon or Pyramid Head because, if you try to pretend that you don't have Lightborn, you can still break the pallet and the survivor will just chalk up their failed blind to "well, I don't excatly know where his head/eyes are at" and still bait them in later.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Bully Squads are annoying to me because they often cost us new Players. Beyond that, once you understand the foolishness of the practice, you can easily destroy them and make them suffer. Obviously, if you have access to Lightborn and see a bunch of Flashlights in the Lobby you can just put the Perk on. This is the easiest counter. However, not everyone (particularly new people) have it. Thus there are several things you can do:

    1. Always face a wall when you pick someone up and start spinning the second you see any light and looking up.
    2. Get used to using your ears. This is important for Killers. You can chase and down a Survivor blind.
    3. Don't let them trigger you; that is their entire goal.

    I love pulling Bully Squads now, because I consider them easy games where I'm going to score maximum points and make their lives really miserable. Consider the fact that they are not doing Generators. They are not moving toward an escape. They literally only have one way to win, i.e. make you quit. If you don't quit, and just hum to yourself as you go along, you will beat them or eventually they will have to start playing the game to try and get out. Consider the following:

    1. Flashlights will eventually run dry if you don't quit. You are stronger than their Energizer Bunny.
    2. You can slug all the night long. Their staying close together to try and do their saves makes it pretty easy.
    3. Their other Perks like Unbreakable and whatnot are not unlimited.

    It comes down to who has a stronger will and more patience. Think of a Bully Squad as a training game, where you get near unlimited practice chasing. Since they are not rushing the Generators you can get all the practice you want. Eventually they are going to mess up or you are just going to get down your moves against the flashlights. You can also play whatever Killer you want and just pour the BP into unlocking Lightborn on Hillbilly. If you do use that Perk, remember to really screw with the Bully Squads by "pretending" to not have it. Still look at walls, try to turn away from the lights. The longer they think they can stun you, the longer they are going to take risks which you will make bank on.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    True. It's kind of amazing how long people will try to blind you and not catch onto the fact that you have lightborn if you make even the slightest attempt at pretending you don't have it lol