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We’re Gonna Live Forever buff

Since the emblem system has replaced the old point based ranking system and players are now punished for bad altruistic actions can we bring back the old We’re Gonna Live Forever? With all the new content being released (killers, survivors, perks, etc) the game could use that extra boost in blood points.


  • Glossed
    Glossed Member Posts: 49

    We're Gonna Live forever didn't effect rank up with the other ranking system, But I think the old we're gonna live forever could be a good idea to bring back.

  • ReflexSniper82
    ReflexSniper82 Member Posts: 5
    You’re right which is exactly why people were farming teammates. With the new Emblem system in place people who farm teammates will be punished. If you unhook a survivor and they are downed within 15 seconds it goes against the saviors points in that match.
  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 984
    I don't know why everyone is talking about "bringing it back" I still use it all the time. Doesn't really need a buff, it's perfect where it is right now.
  • McJesusBurger
    McJesusBurger Member Posts: 7

    They mean the way it was. You got 50% more points for each stack. So you got 200% more points in the altruistic category which could be a total of +16k

    But the way it is now, you receive 100% more points with 4 stacks in each category. which means ~10k for each category. That is nearly the same or even more, depends on how much you do of everything. In my opinion it is even better in all categorys than just the altruistic. Correct me if i am wrong, but if i remember it correctly it was just for one (altruistic) category back then

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 984

    They mean the way it was. You got 50% more points for each stack. So you got 200% more points in the altruistic category which could be a total of +16k

    But the way it is now, you receive 100% more points with 4 stacks in each category. which means ~10k for each category. That is nearly the same or even more, depends on how much you do of everything. In my opinion it is even better in all categorys than just the altruistic. Correct me if i am wrong, but if i remember it correctly it was just for one (altruistic) category back then

    Not quite, it was 200% for all categories, and it was so strong that there were matchmaking problems because people stopped playing killer altogether for rhe ridiculous number of BP that it could grant in one game, which is why it was nerfed.

    Which is why I like it exactly the way it is now. You get some free BP for a slot you really don't need. It makes me BP gain on survivor similar to killer in most games. It's just nice QOL. Doesnt need anything more imo.
  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    All I would wish for would be that it still maxes out at 100% but we only have to get two stacks with 50%. So only two unhooks or blocks or w/e. I would love if they added in that healing another person by one health state gives you a stack, too.

  • ReflexSniper82
    ReflexSniper82 Member Posts: 5
    I don’t believe the match making issue was due to the perk. I also don’t believe people stopped playing killer because of the bp gain. In fact there are farming builds for killer that yield way more blood points than the old version of WGLF. The difference is gaining bp as survivor is easier and stress free. Killer for awhile now has been very stressful. Which is also the reason for the match making issue. People don’t want to deal with the hassle of being the killer. With all that being taken into consideration I don’t see a downside to putting WGLF back to its former glory. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited June 2018

    Sure, lets bring back the old WGLF. After all, only survivors got it nerfed. Since they complained about being hook farmed. I hope you enjoy your even shorter matches, where survivors hook rush to get those We´re gonna farm forever stacks.

  • ReflexSniper82
    ReflexSniper82 Member Posts: 5
    Those who farm will get punished by the new emblem system and more than likely stay in lower ranks. 
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    Honestly the BP gain up to a max of 100% is fine. What needs to be changed is the whole method of getting tokens for it. Its alot more difficult to get 4 tokens on the current WGLF compared to BBQ. I think WGLF should earn stacks for more than just altruistic actions. We could add healing teammates to the actions that effect getting a stack but also include a variety of things like completing generators, opening exit gates, escaping the killer, surviving the trial, etc. Its not the bloodpoint gain that needs a buff its the ways to get stacks that need a buff.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Fun fact we're gonna farm forever got changed not only because people where sandbagging each over and farming each other for the token.
    But it also got a negative impact on matchmaking because people that usually played killer switched to survivor because why bother playing a full killer match when you can get more point in under a minute with WGLF and die to get to the next game.