Trickster changes on the way.

So now that we have confirmed changes on the way what do you think they will be?
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Man, tbh I don't give a ######### anymore. They released him as he is due to arrogance.. He's the worst full released killer we've ever gotten. After this, I'm only buying killers with shards going forward. I feel like BHVR gave me a big FU when they released this killer for purchase. So many anti-consumer be going jg on at companies right now, and no one in support willing to listen.
And I can tell I'm not the only one feeling this way. Even Scott Kind keeps making passive aggressive videos about how poorly the devs explain their decisions and selectively listen. It's not even difficult to figure out what the killer needs at a base. Ricochet and no more laceration degeneration would already be a good start (even if he needs more than that pretty sure)
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Considering that they explicitly said that they would avoid doing this after what happened with Old Freddy on live release, the situation must be pretty dire for Trickster for them to make an exception here (though I guess it depends on WHAT those changes are, exactly). So much for two months before looking at the data.
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There was no way he was gonna stay in the state that he is right now for months.
He IS the worst killer in the history of dbd.The only killer that was worse than him was PTB Ghostface.
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Thank god, i hope they're good
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Good news but I am still holding my hope to see what the changes actually are.
He needs a lot of adjustments.
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Thank you guys I'm assuming next week because it wasn't this week it could be delayed because so hopefully noe
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Why does everyone think the changes will be buffs?
Does nobody remember the Freddy release 2 years ago? Everybody said, Freddy was weak and after a week he got changed: by nerfing him!
So i wouldn´t be to optimistic here.
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Because it is in response to someone saying that the Trickster is very underpowered. Context is important.
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Good to hear about some things in the works, a tiny bit more transparency is appreciated even if it's completely contradictory to what one of the balance members said (Something along the lines of, 'it's gonna take months for us to know if trickster is weak')
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Ya but reading hurts my brain
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Sweet, can't wait to hear what they'll do
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As i said, Freddy was also considered a weak killer. Then they promised to change him and nerfed him.
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Unless you can show me an example of BHVR responding to someone complaining about Old Freddy being weak on release with "Don't worry guys, we have some changes on the way," it's not the same thing IMO.
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I would highly doubt that would happen again. They want people to play their new killer no?
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I hope they actually make changes to his power that make it more fun for both sides, but nah it'll likely just be straight buffs that break him and he'll just be the next killer to cause an epidemic of DC or suicides.
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I'll wait and see. Still not spending any money on that trainwreck. What happened after Blight? 2 awfully designed killers in a row?
I hope not, even just making him a mid tier would be great. I don't care if a killer is meta or not as long as I find them fun to play as/against. Just a straight buff making it way, way easier to hit the daggers would be lame. Add more creative ways to use his power that are more effecting than just running right behind them and spamming.
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Freddy was nerfed 1 week after his release. A few weeks later, the devs recognized that they went over the top with it. Yet the rework/buff took them 2 years. Fire Up, a perk people thought it was bugged, because its effect was so small, still hasn´t changed in all those years.
The devs being very vague about the changes is what worries me.
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It was actually a free and double bloodpoint weekend. People with less than 2 hours of gameplay review bombed the game.
Oh and i mained Freddy before his rework.
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Tbf trickster’s perks are actually pretty solid.
As for his changes considering they buffed him from PTB and he’s still commonly considered trash I’d highly doubt they’d nerf him.
The reason it took freddy so long to change was because they probably tested multiple completely different ideas in house considering he has a full new kit now
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If you were actually there during those times, then you would know the majority of the survivor player base was saying he was "OP" because once you got put into the dream, Freddy got a "free hit". DbD got hit with I'm pretty sure its biggest review bomb at the time so of course BHVR took action
Trickster is more than likely gonna receive buffs, the devs got smarter when making killers just look back at the ones we've gotten in the last year, all of them are viable and are placed high up in the majority of tier lists. Trickster is the only exception and I have hope.
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If nobody buys the new killer then the development time was a loss, financially speaking. He is very very weak. Every time I'm in a game with him it's "oh free win.'
I haven't been wrong yet with that prediction
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I thought Almo on his stream said he needed month and half to figure out if he needed changes. that was a fast month and half.
On serious note. I really hope they improve his throwing mode base movement speed and remove slowdown for throwing multiple knives. It makes trickster feel like he is walking in quicksand.
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I thought he was already OP.
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Good. I'm excited to hear what it is.
Also... I like their Twitter person a lot, but why is that the only person who tells us stuff?
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I was there... 2000 years ago... oh wait...
It wasn´t the majority of the playerbase but thousands of new (free) players that played against him (and only him) during the (free) double bloodpoint event.
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Hopefully they give him a couple solid buffs. Movement speed, bouncing blades, laceration taking longer to fade or it not fading in chase, and Showstopper being on command once earned would all be VERY welcomed for him.