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Wraith Spawns Uncloaked?

Boss Member Posts: 13,614

So i've always wondered this, but never bothered to find out.

Until now.

So when i spawn in as Wraith, and it does the camera pan, it shows him uncloaked, and as the camera goes firstperson, it makes a noise as if you're becoming cloaked.

What i wonder is if the Survivor could possibly see you be uncloaked during the camera pan.

Can they?

Best Answer

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    Answer ✓

    Probably. The way things like this work is that everything starts out normal, and then as you pan, things kick into motion. Like corrupt; the tentacles won't emerge until you actually finish the camera pan and can control your character, which can be really weird from the survivor end. Same thing applies here; you start out in the default state and then the machinery gets rolling.
