You Know What Grinds My Gears?

Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

When a survivor immediately opens the exit gates and leaves. Essentially screwing over the rest of the team. Had a rank 1 do this....a rank 1! I would expect that from new survivors but come on! He essentially got me killed cause I was nowhere near the exit gates and got caught. Ugh.

Edit: Due to some comments by all means you’re allowed to be selfish and a dickweasel to the other survivors. I won’t call them teammates since these people don’t think of them as teammates. But just because the game allows you to go at it alone doesn’t mean it’s not a team game. The game allows for a lot of things. Just hiding the whole match, sabotaging teammates etc, but that doesn’t mean that’s the way it was suppose to be played.

Post edited by Dragonshensi on


  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I just wish people would 99 the gate and realise bloodwarden is a thing lol.

    But honestly this is just one of the perils of playing solo, you have some solo survivors who will go out of there way to help the team and you have others that just play for themselves.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    You know I learned from others about 99 cause I watched them when I first became a survivor. It baffles me that a rank 1 would act like that.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
    edited April 2021

    Whelp we found the selfish teammate here. Who just leaves. He probably never saves anyone either. And yes it’s a team game. 1v4. Not 1v1v1v1v1. Also find it funny it’s MY fault cause I wasn’t in a position to leave with them when I was the one who popped the last gen. But yes. Totally bro.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    It honestly happens a lot more at rank 1 for me because a lot of rank 1's are still under the impression that rank matters and will do anything to ensure they pip and keep their rank.

    Weirdly I find lower ranks will run in and try there best to help the team more, even though they usually aren't that good and die in the process lol.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I so feel your pain. I dont care if the killer is camping I almost always go in for the save. In fact, you have a greater set of odds if whoever is left rushes the killer at the end for the save. I would rather die next to the survivor on the hook than run out the gate.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Anything is acceptable then by that logic and nothing is toxic then in this game, if it’s not stated so. It’s still a team game even if they don’t state it and only focus on your own survival. No one can do an entire match by themselves. Otherwise the game would be a 1v1 death match.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited April 2021


    It’s a team based game because if it wasn’t then you alone would be completing 5 gens and taking the killer’s aggro without anyone else helping you.

    I get that survivors are not obligated to stick around in an effort to help the other teammates, but saying it’s not a “team based” game is a very weak excuse, not to mention incorrect. Especially since so much before the exit gates can actually be open revolves around working as a team.

    Esentially you can do whatever you want, you can hop in a locker and hide the entire match for all we know, but that doesn’t change that someone else did something that helped you either escape or live a little longer.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It's one of the big things that keeps the kill rates artificially high: selfish survivors.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    It’s not selfish at all. It’s risk reward regardless of which action is taken with gates. I’ve lost count of the amount of times the very reason I was caught and died was BECAUSE the gate was only 99. It’s not a hard and fast rule that 99 is always the best option.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    The killer was on the other side of the map. I completed the last gen. He immediately went and left and caused me to die. It’s beyond selfish.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Pgtw? Overcharge?

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited April 2021

    That’s not enough info. How did you go from finishing last gen to dying? Was the killer running Bitter Murmur? Were you foolish enough to finish the gen in the killers face? What exactly happened?

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    He was 3 gen patrolling. I was outside his terror radius but the gen had to be completed. I made it near the exit gate after he immediately opened it and left. If he waited he could have bodyblocked or got me off hook. He caused the other two to panic and such and they couldn’t bodyblock properly. We could have all easily made it out. Oh btw, he had not even been hooked once yet. He took no aggro for the team or helped unhook. Just did gens and left.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited April 2021

    It’s not a team game at all. It’s a game that provides the choice/option to work cooperatively.

    The survivor game is designed in such a way whereby there is equal pro and con to working cooperatively, and equal pro and con to working as a lone wolf.

    For every benefit that can be listed working as a team, there is an accompanying list of drawbacks that could contribute to a killer turning the match in their favour.

    It’s a horror game. There’s SUPPOSED to be uncertainty whether teamwork or lone wolf play is the right choice or wrong choice. And even when one of those options is the right choice it can very quickly swing towards being the wrong choice.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    I will leave if I'm on deathhook and injured but will try to buy time if the killer isn't yeehaw.

    I remember one game where 1 was on hook during endgame, the 2 other decided to go for the unhook instead of healing up first and went down. I just left after that. Funny part? One of these hookrushers came to my twitch and insulted me. Hope the 1 week timeout was worth it <3

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I've seen it enough over the years to still take it into account. But whether it's used or not the smartest option is always to 99 the gates, even if it's only to give you plenty of time to rescue another teammate.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Once again, let’s see if everyone in the match just goes at it alone and see how far they get. It’s a team game. Just cause you can go at it alone doesn’t mean it’s not. You can go stand in the corner and tbag yourself the whole match, doesn’t make it a tbag simulator.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited April 2021


    In the context in which I responded to the other response. It is a team based game.

    Could you do all 5 gens, take the killer aggro at the same time? IE 1v1 the killer until you successfully complete your objective? If the answer is no, then that means you needed teammates to help you.

    Of course not every single objective is going to require to work as a team, but one teammate being chased last when they cannot 1v1 the killer, is very much in need of their teammates in that specific scenario.

    I think you are confusing ‘team-based- with ‘doing tasks together’

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    That part of the store page is the stupidest crap I keep having to hear about from the "iT's nOT a teaM GamE" crowd.

    You know what? Sure. Once the exit gates are open. It's not a team game anymore. You're free to piss off and leave your teammates to die once literally all of your objectives are complete.

    At every point before that it is. Every mechanic encourages teamwork. You being able to do more harm than good to your team doesn't change this. You know what game really DID have this "it's not a team game" idea in mind?

    Friday the 13th.

    Because it wasn't just "gates or pity hatch for the one person". You could call the cops and escape. You could fix the boat and escape. You could fix one of two cars, each with different amounts of seats you could chose to use and drive off. You could wait out the clock. All of this is not only possible to do alone while everyone else is busy with Jason, but entirely feasible. Nothing stopped you from fixing the two-seater all by yourself and just leaving, winning the match for yourself. There's even an achievement for it.

    THAT'S a game where you can really go it solo-- because you can win and survive early on while the match goes on as normal for everyone else.

    With DbD, the hatch is a pity mechanic for the last survivor to end the game quicker. If you aren't a team player, it's the only way you can get out, and it's not even the purpose of the mechanic. To "play selfish and go alone", you would literally have to get your entire team killed. Before, the hatch only spawned if enough gens were done.

    Before that, there wasn't a hatch at all.

    You think a dude who "plays selfish" and doesn't help his team like the store page told him to do's gonna do 3 gens by himself? In almost every situation it's nigh suicidal.


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If the gate's open and the killer has NOED with no totem in sight, or if I'm injured, I'm out. If you wanted to escape, you should've played better. That's my view, including when the shoe is on the other foot and I'm the one being left behind.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
    edited April 2021

    He didn’t have NOED and the guy who opened the gates and left hadn’t even been hooked once! He was the one who immediately opened the gates after I did the last gen and left.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    You said it better than I could have. If people want to play like a dick and be selfish in the match fine whatever. Just don’t say it’s not selfish and it’s not a team game, cause it is. If you want to just look after yourself then have at it. But don’t get mad and try to get technical with “you can go solo cause store page says so”, when your survivor teammates chew you out for screwing them over.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915

    It doesn't matter if it is a team game on paper or not, fact is that your chances of surviving are MUCH higher if you play together instead of "everyone just doing their thing and then see". At least against a good killer. There is a reason why voice comm is so OP. Organizing your tasks together and exchange information will greatly improve your chance of survival. If a teammate gets tunneled out early you will probably die, no matter how good you are. It's very hard to destroy a 3-gen or open the gates if you are only 1-2 people, but relatively easy if you're 4 people.

    Of course there are situations where you can leave a teammate behind without consequences for yourself (someone getting camped in endgame, or letting someone die on hook and instead finish the last gen) but generally speaking you need your teammates to win.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    After numerous times of sticking around and ending being the one left behind I've learned my lesson.

    I won't automatticly leave ofcourse but when the risk outweighs the benifits I'm out.

    You can yell all you want that this is a teamgame but it isn't. Outside of the odd challenge you have zero benefit when other survivors make it out.

    They are a recource to be used to escape. That's a playstyle this game offers.

    Ofcourse if it seems doable to save i will because of the bloodpoints. But you escaping is mostly in your hands. If you want a bunch of mindless minnions that gladly sacrifice themself so you can live you need to find a swf that wants to do that

  • Seoul
    Seoul Member Posts: 54

    Maybe they had a daily to escape as that specific survivor and wanted to get it done?

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    I'm rank 1 and if my game performance is low or if the killers I get have been hugging hook match after match after match, I'm doing more than leaving out the exit gate, I'm done with dbd for the day and no unspoken obligation to altruism is going to stand in my way.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    get gearhead bro

  • swearingtulip28
    swearingtulip28 Member Posts: 35

    I've had people leave early because they needed to take a #########