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Any tips

Skaty Member Posts: 66

I’m pretty new to the game and mostly play survivor. But want to swap to killer for the most part.

I’ve had a few good matches and even some tips on end game chat which were constructive but I’m sick of the gg ez or people telling me I’m toxic if I chase for more than 10 seconds.

Is there any recommendations on which are good I guess killers for starters? Or should I focus on one and learn the maps better ect?

There seems to be a lot of don’t do that for killers that’s my POV. No matter how I’ve played I always get crap end game chat? Is that just the way it goes?


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Try and ignore survivors as much as possible and play how you want. As long as you're not intentionally playing like a #########, you're fine.

    I'd reccomend either Wraith or Bubba. Both aren't too hard and are also really good. Additionally, if you're up for it, Billy. He's a good bit harder but he teaches you well, especially that you're still a 115 killer if you're not great with your chainsaw.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I´m so sorry for you. People shouldn´t mock players after a match. Especially when they are new like you.

    In regard of tips, just play how you like. Don´t let survivors dictate what and what not to do during the match.

    You´ll get more points, when you don´t focus on a single player. BUT sometimes its better to focus someone out, in order to slow the game down and pressure survivors.

  • Skaty
    Skaty Member Posts: 66

    Thank you I tried billy, I think the chainsaw is fun but I crash into everything but the survivors haha.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Best advice I can give you - close end game chat - it serves no purpose. There's no sense in letting people live rent-free in your head.

  • Skaty
    Skaty Member Posts: 66

    Oh that’s possible? How do it do it sorry I’m being really dumb now?

  • Skaty
    Skaty Member Posts: 66

    Thank you I think sometimes I’m letting people dictate my gameplay. I never go In to be a d.... I just want to have fun and then move on to the next game and have fun.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    Killers that are both strong and easy to play are Spirit and Freddy. You will get insulted if you play them, but then again, you'll get insults in the end game chat anyways. I recommend that you just turn it off. Out of free characters...maybe Huntress or Hillbilly. But don't choose just a strong or "good for beginner"-killer, choose one you like playing. Watch some streamers playing killers, that usually helps to decide.

    It's important to learn the maps, but you can do it as survivor as well. I recommend that whichever killer you choose, get some bloodpoints as survivor first and at least open all 4 perk slots for the killer. Makes life easier.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Of course you want to have fun. Thats what games are for. But some people are really *chat filter intensifies*. So its best to ignore them and move on.

    Whenever you feel frustrated about the game, try to play some meme matches. Like patroling gens and then run away from survivors. Or try getting as many hooks as possible without killing people. Or by using addons that render the killers power useless, but give bonus points.