New game mechanic "Banish the Killer"
For a long time I have heard from devs that they are thinking about new things do for survivors so games just wouldn't be rushed. So here is my idea.
After a generator is finished, allow survivors to work on it again, this time in a form of performing some kind of ritual. And here are the things that this ritual would do:
-finishing ~10% of ritual on a gen would bring this gen back in killer's aura vision (this time in different color).
- completion of ritual would reset this gen to 0% progres and block it off for ~30s-60s
- completion of ritual would cause some random negative effect in ~5 m radius to survivors such as dmg/exposed status/etc. But it would also add one additional time when they could be hooked by killer. (It would be only one time addition, so survivors would get max 3 hooks per round)
- completion of each ritual would blind a killer for extended amount of time 3/4/5/6s (no matter where he is on the map)
- complete 4-5 rituals and entity comes this time from underground and takes the killer
- Once when doors are powered killer gets bust in speed equal to ~3% times a number or perform rituals
- You cannot perform a ritual on the same gen more then once
So basic idea is: let survivors sacrifice their genes for some cool effects. Sacrifice enough of them and get a true victory. But don't prolong game when gates are powered.
So your idea to add more things for Survivors to do and stop Gen rushing is to ######### the killer up with troll effects, which only help Survivors get more points and leave the killer depipping.
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eh.. something less taxing on the killer. I'm all for giving the finger as i'm skating off to the bon fire but this would make even more people not want to play the killer role.
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Dont want any objectives added that include the word generator.0