General Discussions

General Discussions

Worst Killers i ever met!

Member Posts: 55
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

i really like to play dead by daylight as survivors but honestly i have to say, there is some killers who are so overpowered Nurse,Nightmare,trickster and the aim assist is the worst thing that works on The Huntress.

i play as survivor solo lobby A killer start Tunnel me until i die no one can do anything he just wants me to dead after me got hooked he goes to another survivor it means killer has same perks slots + his own Power but survivor only has 4 perks.

The game is in killers favor,i don't like that , it's so frustrating. New updates are just coming but no one was solving this thing.

Post edited by Lakshya01 on

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  • Member Posts: 622

    aim assist in DbD? LUL

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Why is this in the FORUM FEEDBACK section? Seems like more of a GENERAL DISCUSSION thread.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Did you really read my feedback, read it first then you get your answer there.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    This is the Feedback forum for issues about... the forums... not the game. Please show me where your post has ANYTHING to do with the forums and not a game issue.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    There's aim assist on the ranged killers? That's news to me. I've been playing a TON of Deathslinger and Pyramid head lately and I ain't seeing no ranged assist.

    Original Poster must be in the lower ranks.... it's rough for survivor down there. Game evens out once you get better at it though

  • Member Posts: 297

    Bro thats a Game Mechanic. The Killer HAS to be stronger then a single Survivor, because he is playing 1v4 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    So this means he can get you if he wants to, but it will cost time, because you can loop him for some minutes and your mates rush gens. If he gets you, there are 2-3 gens done in higher ranks.

    So its always better and easier to play Survivor, even if you cant 1v1 the killer or whatever you think the game is about.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Yeah that's true but i am so frustrated again and again got tunneled !!!

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    What did I just read

  • Member Posts: 55

    Deathslinger and pyramid head is okay but Huntress not ? his hatch hit behind the walls why?

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    You got me at first half then I saw trickster being overpowered good bait

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Did this man really just say Trickster is overpowered?

  • Member Posts: 11,763
    edited April 2021

    Trickster is overpowered?

    My friend, Trickster is literally one of the weakest killers in DBD's history, loosing only to PTB Ghostface.

    Freddy isn't overpowered either. And Nurse... Well, a good Nurse is. But that is because she needs to be.

    Post edited by GeneralV on
  • Member Posts: 71

    You're calling TRICKY OP?! I think you lost a huge amount of braincells. You need to git gud.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Trickster op? Huntress having aim assist? The game being killer sided?

    Bro what the ######### did I just read?

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    My suggestion as someone who plays both sides and as solo survivor, is very simple.

    Do the same as me, play both sides.

    This way you get a better understanding about the game, how others play against certain killers.

    You get to know what their weaknesses are as well as their strength.

    Especially in the lower ranks this is a good idea to do because killers feel like they are OP, but once you get a better understanding of the game you will see a power shift happening and you will do much better as a survivor

  • Member Posts: 2,074

    There is absolutely NO killer that is overpowered. Only killers that a VERY strong which is a good thing.

  • Member Posts: 655


    On your screen you moved behind the wall, but the server hasn't updated your position. Its a fraction of a second discrepancy between what you think your location is and what the server thinks your location is. All multiplayer games have some latency weirdness that happens.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Well, to give OP some credit, at the low levels and new players this game is completely killer sided, and ranged killers like Trickster, Nurse and Huntress will feel even worse to go against because you're fighting a ranged killer with nothing to actually fight back with other than putting objects in-between them and keeping a constant eye on the killer to see what they're doing/if they're readying a hatchet etc. That can be really hard to learn on the fly for new players.

  • Member Posts: 420

    OP You're new right? You said Trickster was OP after all, trust me man, you just need to get better at the game and it play more, you'll understand how absurd what you're saying is by then. Also Huntress's hatchets have huge hitboxes, this works in your benefit and detriment, as it makes it hit objects it shouldn't of but also do the same to you.

    Play the game a bit more, try killer's side of things, and take a look at your opinion again. That or you're just baiting in which case makes me sad.

  • Member Posts: 1,328
    edited April 2021

    I wonder how many killers are gonna tear this man to shreds even though he's clearly an inexperienced player.

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