Reality of playing M1 killer on red ranks

Profezia Member Posts: 673
  • Get loaded in a match
  • Walk to the furthest gens
  • By the time you've came there, a gen is already 90%
  • At least you've grabbed one of them.
  • Hook a survivor.
  • Gen pops
  • You start chasing a survivor that just left this gen
  • Another gen pops
  • You still are chasing a survivor, cornered them in a single tile
  • 30 seconds after mindgames you get slammed by a pallet
  • Survivor is already miles away
  • At least you got a hit through pallet
  • Another gen pops
  • You decide to go protecting gens instead of losing even more in a futile attempt to finish that chase
  • Just about time you find another hot almost 100% gen
  • Survivors who were doing it started running when they saw you 30 meters away
  • You've wasted around 20 seconds catching up to them.
  • Start chasing another survivor
  • Another T-L
  • You are doing it well but they still are one step ahead
  • Get to jungle
  • Start mindgaming
  • 30 seconds lost, nothing achieved, they just don't fall for it
  • Let's do it the old way
  • After another 30-40 seconds you've managed to get slammed by the pallet
  • Without a piercing hit
  • At least they've chosen a wrong direction and got hit.
  • Once.
  • You decide to commit to chase this time
  • long-short wall tile
  • Finally a successful mindgame after 40 seconds of spinning and faking
  • got E-outplayed
  • another pallet dropped
  • They yet again cornered themselves in a dead zone and finally got downed.
  • 3 pallets lost. 1 gen has been popped by now. Somehow.
  • You hook them near that almost 100% gen you've found earlier. That still has not been completed. For some reason.
  • Decide not to leave this area.
  • Survivors pop last gen that was on the other side of the map
  • At least I have NOE-
  • *hex totem destroyed sound*
  • nevermind.
  • EGC starts
  • 3 survivors come to you
  • Why do I feel like I'm the victim here
  • You slam M1 like insane hoping to down at least someone.
  • They use all kinds of available bodyblocking tricks to make you waste 5 hits (BT included) without a single down.
  • You get called noob, camper and tunneler.
  • You start questioning why weren't you playing some other killer who does not depend on survivors being bad
  • Or, better say, why are you even playing killer.
  • At least you get to end ######### survivor matches in 60 seconds or less.
  • Instead of being a victim for more than 5 or even 10 minutes.
  • Or, why you are even playing this game in the first place.

M1 killer is surely fun.


  • Sangotunk
    Sangotunk Member Posts: 46

    That's why I only play strong anti-loop killers (pyramid and hag) because at least I have a chance to fight back against gen speed. I don't always win but it's less frustrating

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Playing bubba and am barely or even not able to keep up with under 30 second chases each. You just waste to much time walking from one point to the next between hooks.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    edited April 2021

    Honestly this is why it's kind of hard to go back to playing other Killers after I've played Blight for an extended period of time. He negates survivors just mindlessly holding W. As a survivor you have to be constantly trying to outplay a decent Blight. There's not as much downtime. If you're not a really good Blight then you can still suffer from the issue of survivors splitting up and hammering out the gens though. His power can be difficult to use at some tiles so if you're still learning Blight then at said tiles he's just an M1 killer for that player.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    This is why I main clown

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    I disagree. In my opinion, you are blaming your lack of competence on game mechanics.

    The share of matches that actually show you why M1 killers are bad against competent 5k+ hrs/each SWFs/comp teams is less than 1 in 100 trials you enter (due to current MM state). That's not often enough to make up for such an elaborated complaint.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    This sounds like a match where I play against red ranks.. and I am a very bad killer player and am aware of that..

    this sounds like a matchmaking Problem that hopefully gets better with SBM..

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    feels bad playing trickster.

    the 110% m1 killer

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Sometimes you just go against teams that are better than you. But that is not the majority of the time by my stats and BHVR's stats.

    Stop blaming your losses on the game and start learning from them to get better.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    I wouldn't mind a long chase if gens were done at human speed.

    Basically all the problems in the game are directly or indirectly related to how fast gens go this days.

    • Gens go fast: killer decides to tunnel or camp to secure kills/apply pressure.
    • Gens go fast: Nobody get points, probably most of the players get blackpip or deranks.
    • Gens go fast: Killer is gonna be tilted because he can't play the game, he is going iris Huntress next game or just bubba.
    • Gens go fast: Boring game for everybody, unless fornite kids that their concept of fun is just escaping with 10k points and tbag on the exit gates.
    • Gens go fast: Maybe lets play Nurse and now survivors have no counterplay.
    • Gens fo fast: Unable to play a killer if you don't have ruin+undying with him.

    Only fixing that the game could be awesome.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    This is how last night was for me. Luckily I was running Clown so it wasn't the cakewalk these teams expected (their names were warning me) that's how cocky they were but SWF is the power role. Now that being said it's not like this happens that often it's rare that I get consecutive matches but def not 1/10 at least in my experience at rank 1 with crossplay.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited April 2021

    I have been tracking my killer matches for a long while, and I play most of the M1 killers. Lowest lethality is Pig at 87 or 88%, the rest are in between 90 and 94 percent. I'm by no means a top level player, currently a whole tier behind competitive killers skill-wise.

    "Death squads" do not show that all the killers are powerless, these 1% of matches are the only interesting games we get as of now.

    Blaming your lack of success on external factors rather than learning from it is a counter-productive, albeit emotionally comforting approach.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,765

    You'd be incredibly shocked how effective it is to not loop and just pre-drop every pallet and keep holding W. Especially against killers like Pyramid head and Slinger.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,765

    If you stretched your res even further Willy Wonka might offer you a role in his factory...

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,230

    Oh yeah, the low-mobility anti-loop killers get this quite a bit. At least they can catch up, but it wastes a lot of time.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,765

    My one nightmare as daddy dorito is seeing a full team who just predrop 😔

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    I love like the killers mains always tries to make themselfves the victim. Its never their fault, its always evil survivors.

    I played enough games VS red ranks to see them tunneling, facecamping, slugging the whole game for no reasons at 5 gens, stop pretending its never happening, its 50-50

    "Genrushing" is the word that most of emos killers are hiding behind to act like a***oles in game, while its not really justified

    You cry playing m1 killer ? Play solo survivor at the same level, you will have the same degree of frustration

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    Lack of success? Do you think you're the only sitting with 90% win rate with killer also? I'm a competitive DbD player and my Nurse sits around 90% perfect games. Being a good killer player and getting very high win rates doesn't negate my experience as a survivor. It just means that you're both a top tier killer and a survivor. What's the point here?

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited April 2021

    Unless I'm being stoopid (which happens rather often), this statement nullifies your previous claim. Your personal success as survivor against less skilled killers playing relatively weak characters is not a relevant indicator of an overall balance state.

    OP complains about his struggles with M1 killers in pub matches against average red ranks. This situation is a "git gud" case, rather than "legion unplayable pls fix" sort of stuff.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Hey,but they nerfed DS after years, enough for Killers.

    Im waiting to see how they rework Farms and Haddonfield. 25 pallets per map and same gen speed.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502
    edited April 2021

    Ever hear of the famous 3 gen problem with dbd? Heres the math. 4 survivors start seperate on different gens. You say find one after 30 seconds. First hit takes 20 seconds because of that being average loop time. Second hit we'll say takes the same no dead hard to extend it. Hook takes 10 seconds. Thats 80 buddy boy and the gen that had 30 seconds on it they can just finish if you don't go back to it.*gen pop gen pop gen pop* this is exclusive to m1 killers with no real map pressure. So no billy nurse spirit or any of them. So 4 gens can literally actually go in less then 2 and a half minutes? Thats why in certain games i just predrop pallets and hold w. Its just that easy. *signed 5k hours rank 1 on both killer and survivor* and i play both solo and a 4man depends on if my group is on.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited April 2021

    I see people coming up with this approach rather often. It is only viable to a certain extent, as it doesn't account for pretty much anything tactical. Choice of gens to defend, double spawns, control over chase trajectory, choice of the area of the first chase, juggling targets, choice of the first hook once you got a down, etc. etc.

    In a very unfortunate match (bad map with unlucky gen spot/tiles generated, paired with poor spawn point guesses) against competent survivors it might go precisely the way you described, though; it's just a rather rare case. However, this is still not a completely unwinnable scenario - depends on the gens you are left with, which you can sort of control.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    There's difference in being incompetent and being physically unable to win due to game being very unbalanced in certain situations.

    Killers like ghostface or trapper just suck ass against survivors just doing gens instead of ######### around and lasting at least 40-50 seconds in a chase.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    Its even worse though as some m1 killers dont even get THAT luxury. For instance michael myers. Never thought id be saying this but hes probably one of the worse for this. Starts out slower than every other killer. Has to stalk for 10 seconds to get out of tier 1. Stalk slows michael down. Michael has no anti loop and no map pressure. Other examples is probably pig for being painfully obvious for a stealth killer. Old wraith was pretty bad because he moved at 120% while cloaked. Not having map pressure AND Anti loop is just a dead character at the highest level.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    It can't always be the killer's fault. I know y'all like to chalk it up to that, regardless of the op saying "I'm rank 1 killer every season" or not, but it can't always be that they're just bad. There are 2 or 3 killers played in tournament, meaning every other killer is unviable. Those are tourneys, but they reflect what happens in the regular game when the strongest killers vs the strongest survivors: the killer usually loses.

  • lkalin91
    lkalin91 Member Posts: 150

    That was a funny read

    Also very true, lol