Should The Trickster get his own map?

JEX_CC Member Posts: 4

Should The Trickster get his own map? 29 votes

Yes - same theme as background
79% 23 votes
Yes - more of a music studio
0% 0 votes
Yes - more of a concert setting
13% 4 votes
No - he doesn't need a map
3% 1 vote
Other - please specify
3% 1 vote


  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    The devs have stated they plan on giving him a map that’s basically the lobby screen. I have no idea why they didn’t just wait till they made the map as well to release the All-Kill Chapter. It would have made the whole chapter a little more bearable if we at least got a map out of it.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    With each update seemingly adding less and less stuff, a map release like this feels like it would be its own update. If they are going to keep adding only 2-3 things every couple of months I would prefer many other things over a new map. But if it was a proper update where a map was going to be introduced anyways, a Trickster themed one would be cool.