Odd Censoring?

So everyone's talking about how trickster is bad and other complainy stuff... However...
Can we just talk about how the censoring reminds me of Roblox? Almost every little thing is censored half the time when it shouldn't be. Certain letters are censored sometimes. "Ty" was censored when a friend tried to say it to a killer who was messing around and having fun. My friend has tried to talk about 'insta downs' but downs is censored (I get cuz of downs syndrome but I never hear someone say 'downs' when insulting someone). And various other words that shouldn't be censored are censored. You get the picture.
Like... why has DbD all of a sudden become a kids game? And why do we not have an option to turn off the censors? I can understand certain words/phrases being censored. Some stuff is too awful for anyone to see or say (even though I've already seen someone get around the censor by typing a letter like this --> |\| aka N) and it wasn't censored for trying to get around censoring.
So...like... can we not bhvr? I'm not 5 years old, I should be allowed to see and say the word prick (without it being confused for the b-word cuz of censoring) and the person I say it to should have the option to listen or not listen.
Yeah, it's pretty #######.