Balance to SWF

Just an idea I had which should be pretty simple to implement. If you are running a SWF group, you should all have a symbol over your head for all to see. That way if a Killer and fellow Survivors don't want to play against or with such a group, they are given the chance to back out of the lobby.

And if SWF groups struggle to find a lobby, that's just a trade off so they can communicate. No need for separate servers or complex mechanics, just give everyone a fair choice.


  • ErgoPr0xy
    ErgoPr0xy Member Posts: 31

    how about not letting dead survivors see killer build till after game is over for all 4 survivors?

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    Thats not balancing, that is QoL changes.

    Voice comms have to be balanced