Toxicity and Perspective Problems!

DrNick Member Posts: 53
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

As the Title says there are some damn big problems with the Community behavior and even the Survivors or the Killers in General.


Toxicity is the biggest problem! It destroys the Game fun and leads to more Toxic players! its infectious like a Virus. If a survivor acts Toxic with Looping (and Teabag) flashlight klicking or bodyblocking the Killer will tunnel camp and bodyblock them (like leatherface or Hilliblly with Chainsaw) So its your own fault if you end dead on hook or without any kill.

Suggestions to Bhvr how to deal with Toxic Players:

-Toxic Survivors:

Teabagging is a serious problem! iT's jUsT aN aNiMaTiOn!!! its a provocative action to harass and make fun of the person you are playing against. Like flashlight Clicking to make fun of or abuse the Animation to easily dodge a basic or Abillity attack. Or even disconnectiong which will cost your gameplay bloodpoints you wont recieve or even Weaken your perks for an Egoistic person or just a bad connection.


  • Crouching and Clicking for the flashlight should have a cooldown of 2 Sec.
  • If a survivor disconnects the Killer should get his Perk Tokens out of that person with full sacrifice Points (2100). If a survivor disconnects the killer should get his Barbecue and No way out tokens and if Devour Hope is used 2 Tokens for it. 1 Generator should be done automatically (unless 2 are already repaired).
  • SWF are a serious problem for some killers on higher ranks. For each SWF member every generator should take 15% more time to repair so that the killer jas a better chance if he does a daily or challenge for example with a killer he doesnt want to play.
  • 360 and Doging attacks in general! there are some friends of mine out there dealing with this mechanics having a problem to catch survivors cause of their Bad computers or even their disadvantages like autism. For that survivors should get an animation to turn around or changing running direction which should take some time that the Dodging gets harder and even People with disabillities have a fair chance.
  • There should be no more room than for 2 survivors on a generator!
  • Survivors who are the last one alive should get an extra chance escaping the hook and should be able to do escape attempts.

-Toxic Killers:

Some killers are just sadistic egoists enjoying to destroy the Gameplay of some People. Tunneling for no reason and even Camping are a serious problem. cAmPiNg iS a leGiT sTrAtEgY! no its not its boring and destroys the Fun of the survivors you damn egoistic snoot. Bodyblocking to abuse the Power is even worse. You try to hide from the killer and if he finds you (Leatherfaces and Hillbillys probably other 1 hit add-on killers too) Just abuse it to get a free kill.


  • Bodyblocking to instantly kill a survivor should affect the Deep wound and give them an exxtra boost to get away to avoid this abusive behavior.
  • Tunneling and Camping should be punished with 50% decreased Bloodpoints and a derank if happened too often.
  • Last survivors camped to wait for their successful self unhook should get deep wound applied instead of getting hooked again.

Suggestions to make the Game better:

What i just wrote should be implemented to decrease the Toxicity signifficantly and we wont need the Disconnect penaltys anymore!

Toxicity should be a ban reason but just Temporary Hour bans to a maximum of 5 hours per ban so that People stop being toxic otherwise they get banned to keep the Game clean of toxic behavior.

NOED shouldn't be a Hex and each totem will increase your movement speed by 1%. If all totems are Cleansed it should only work for an additional 30-60 seconds and then deactivates.

Crowd Cotrol shouldnt be a Hex either and the Time should be longer where the vault locations are blocked.

No Mither should get an additional Buff cause nobody uses it and even a non Insidious Camping Leatherface is WAY rarer.

Mettle of Man should get a buff when you do a totem you get an extra point for it to activate it and the Debuff for the Healing should be removed.

Visionary should be Reworked because nobody needs it just the new players and complete blind people.

Deliverance shouldnt make you broken after unhooking yourself.

Rework Play with your Food that a successful hit only consumes a token (not counting for abillity hits)

At this Point i want you to support this to clean the Toxicity and Balance the Game for Everyone!

This Game should be a nicer place without Toxicity or at least a way less toxicity.

Post edited by DrNick on


  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Im gonna be real a lot of those things aren't toxic to people who aren't 15 and some of them is just playing the game. This game really isnt all that toxic compared to other games, honestly the forums are a million times more toxic then anything in game

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Looping is toxic?

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    You can't fix toxicity, it will stay on the internet forever. Also these suggestions aren't healthy.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,160

    Eh, these read more like attempts at band-aid solutions, which this game is already full of. What the game needs is for the underlying issues to be addressed.

    One of the reasons survivors do things that seem toxic is that survivor gameplay is repetitive and boring. If the game were stimulating on its own, they wouldn't have to resort to flashlight-clicking and teabagging, begging to be chased, just to have fun.

    Another issue is the game's lack of structure. While the lack of structure means people can play in a myriad of different ways, it actually sort of kneecaps players. A survivor can be tunneled out of the game before the match hardly starts. How do survivors combat that? Gen rushing. How do killers counter gen rushing? Trying to get a survivor off the map, because 1v3 is much more manageable than 1v4. The best way to win the game is to prevent the other side from even having a chance to participate. Playing efficiently to win isn't fun for the opposition and it isn't even necessarily fun for the side doing it. That's not good design.

    The game also needs a better tutorial. It teaches players damn near nothing (especially killers, it doesn't teach them anything about pressuring gens, and the most intuitive way to play the game is tunneling and camping hooks, so yeah, of course that's what inexperienced killers do), it just throws them in the deep end. Worse, the terrible matchmaking often puts experienced and inexperienced players together, and guess what? Neither have a good time in those matches.

    ... that's my viewpoint on the game's problems, anyway.

  • Yugyr
    Yugyr Member Posts: 17

    I don't care about toxicity at all because I know by the next match I'll have forgotten everything that happened the game before. Even if people are actively trying to annoy you they are just playing the game to have fun... Same as you are. Be annoying back and lighten up a little. Some of the most annoying killers and survivors I've gone up against were sweethearts in the endgame chat and didn't mean anything by it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I just had a survivor earlier who was downed and everyone was out the gates.

    It was SUPER obvious they had power struggle and were on a pallet.

    I was like....okay.....I don't want to just let this person bleed out for like 3 minutes, I'll let them have their power struggle value and escape; so I eat the stun and turn to nod at them- they T-bag and BM me at the gate.

    Okay w/e post game chat they start trashing on and insulting me and such I am like "why? I just let you escape"

    Which of course set them off on a rant about how they "Outplayed me so hard" and about how braindead I am and so on and so fourth.

    Now, I will never ever do that again. I WILL make anyone going forward bleedout because of that person. That's the kind of cycle this game creates behavior wise.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340
    • 360 and Doging attacks in general! there are some friends of mine out there dealing with this mechanics having a problem to catch survivors cause of their Bad computers or even their disadvantages like autism. For that survivors should get an animation to turn around or changing running direction which should take some time that the Dodging gets harder and even People with disabillities have a fair chance.
    • There should be no more room than for 2 survivors on a generator!
    • Survivors who are the last one alive should get an extra chance escaping the hook and should be able to do escape attempts.

    Crouching and Clicking for the flashlight should have a cooldown of 2 Sec.


    If a survivor disconnects the Killer should get his Perk Tokens out of that person with full sacrifice Points (2100). If a survivor disconnects the killer should get his Barbecue and No way out tokens and if Devour Hope is used 2 Tokens for it. 1 Generator should be done automatically (unless 2 are already repaired) and the killer should see the Survivors auras for 3 seconds each no matter what even in lockers or with perk cuz it would weaken both just for an Egoistic Player.

    No. This game already becomes super difficult for survivors if it's a disconnect at the start, and you want to give the Killer two stacks of Devour? Yeah, I'm going to disconnect too, if that happens. And you want the Killer to see auras after a disconnect?

    SWF are a serious problem for some killers on higher ranks. For each SWF member every generator should take 15% more time to repair so that the killer jas a better chance if he does a daily or challenge for example with a killer he doesnt want to play.

    This serves to only punish soloQ players that get matched with a SWF. Absolutely not. If Survivors are supposed to take their loss against a Stridor Spirit, then Killers have to take a loss against a SWF.

    360 and Doging attacks in general! there are some friends of mine out there dealing with this mechanics having a problem to catch survivors cause of their Bad computers or even their disadvantages like autism. For that survivors should get an animation to turn around or changing running direction which should take some time that the Dodging gets harder and even People with disabillities have a fair chance.

    Wat? Are you serious?

    These suggestions are something else.

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    The DC change would be absolutely devastating to the game. On death hook with a second gen almost done? Just DC, get a free gen out of the deal. It can also feel bad the other way. Another survivor could rage quit and the killer could find you with the aura. It's just bad for both sides.

    Also, how would increased the spots on a gen or giving survivors a free hook escape reduce toxicity? Those are just random survivor buffs thrown into the list.

    As for the tunneling and camping, BHVR would need to change its stance before any changes like those are made. Right now, they are considered valid strategies and typing it out in alternating caps doesn't change that.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I excuse most rude behavior on the part of survivors. Their queue times are so long I don't really blame them for trying to get as much out of the game as possible.

  • RuthlessDecay
    RuthlessDecay Member Posts: 37

    Toxicity is within the eye of the beholder.

    The game is meant to be fun, everyone's perspective of “fun” is a little difference.

    If a game ceases to be fun, you should probably take a break

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Looping, bodyblocking, camping, tunneling or slugging aren't toxic. They're intended game mechanics.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’ve encountered dickweasel killers recently that will carry me to hatch, drop me off, and let me crawl to it, only to slam it in my face and then hook me. It’s kinda stupid to act like that. Especially when I don’t do anything toxic to you. The most ive done is stun you with a pallet to get away. Heaven forbid I did that.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,160

    That's such a dick move.

    Whenever a killer drops me away from the hatch so I'd have to crawl to it, I crawl away from it towards a hook. Either I'm making a nice gesture towards a killer who won anyway, or (more likely) I'm taking away a toxic player's fun.

    No reason to be a jerk when you've already won. And if I think a survivor's been annoying in the match, begging for my attention, I don't gloat, I treat them like everyone else. Enjoy my indifference.

    ... yeah, it's good to take regular breaks from this game.