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Question about your opinion to Killers

Good day. I just wanted to ask you, which killer do you hate the most to play against and why?

For me its the Doctor, because he can reveal my position with a single button press, so on very small maps there is literally no escape if he wants to get you. Also i cant drop pallets if he is right behind me. Thats disgusting😂


  • storydove
    storydove Member Posts: 54

    Yep playing against a talented Doctor is an ordeal. It sometimes feel like there is no time to just relax and get a gen done with the Doc. He would be my pick also.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Ghostface because of his broken reveal mechanic.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,434

    Nurses who camp on hills to survey the entire map, so that they can proxy camp all of their hooks at once.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    It's a tossup between three different Killers. Spirit, Freddy and Pyramid Head.

    Pyramid Head and Spirit are due to a lack of interactivity with their power and Freddy is because on console, going into the dream freezes the game tremendously.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Nurse. I just really, really hate Nurse. I find her far easier than everyone else claims, even easier than Spirit. At least with Spirit I have to pay attention. I don't even need that with Nurse in the significant majority of trials, not since I have a modicum of sense and some basic ability to land blinks.

    And that translates to hating going against her. I hate everything about it. I hate the break LoS and make a wild guess, I hate the no-win situations, I hate that you have no real control as a survivor and are just hoping the Nurse is bad, I hate the massive slugging, I hate the ruin and the pop and the Infectious Fright, and above all I hate that everyone just jerks off the Nurse for 4king us but if I'm playing Spirit with no perks or add-ons and get 2 kills I'm an absolute ######### who deserves to have her front teeth knocked out.

    And Knockout/IF/Third Seal. How. #########. Fun.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Ghost Face, because he's a tosser.

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    I don't like playing against Bubba. I don't know what it is, but I just can't play against him. I stand there like a deer in headlights and can't do anything. 

    Why he triggers me like that, I don't know. 

    It is then from the experienced survivor with me nothing more to notice and I play like a beginner. XDD

    He is the only killer where I sneak around and avoid every confrontation as good as possible. 

    On top of that, most (I've met exceptions too) Bubba players are campers and won't move even a milimeter from the hook.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I cannot stand playing against the Pig.

    I hate the reverse bear trap mechanic. It usually takes me at least 3 attempts to remove it and sometimes even 4. It's incredibly frustrating and boring to have to go around the map finding the Jigsaw boxes and to complete it and it still doesn't even work is just super annoying. Make the process harder but a one-and-done and I'd be fine with it. Plus the laugh really rubs it in!

    I don't like going against the Spirit either but that's mainly because I haven't really worked out how to counterplay her.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907


    Because of trap paranoia.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    for me its probably plague, I just find dealing with her mechanics annoying. Her or maybe freddy since most of the people who play him do so in the same very boring fashion.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    Ghost face, only because his reveal mechanic is janky

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I'm in the same boat. It's super annoying to do everything in your power to reveal him, keeping the survivor model in the corner of the screen so you see as much of Ghosty and everything, only for him to still not be revealed. It's tremendously frustrating. I don't really enjoy facing stealth killers to begin with as it just doesn't feel good to be hit when you had zero idea that the killer was near you. Feels kinda cheap, lol.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Yeah, I know this feeling all too well. You think you are about to reveal him... and then you get exposed because the mechanic did not work. It is so frustrating.

    I honestly don't mind going against Myers or Piggy, because they were the only stealth killers around when I first started playing. But since his PTB, Ghostface has been the bane of my existence. 

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I don't like jump scares as survivor, so any stealth killer bugs me and then Doctor scares me with Static Blast causing the scream which makes me jump lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Mnhh......I like playing against every killer when the skill matchup is good.

    For example I don't like playing against people who literally play this game for a living, it's never any fun- they kill everyone at 5 gens and it's like "ooh what a surprise".

    If however, the skill match up is spot on, any killer is fun imo.

    It's rare it happens, but close tight games, are the best.

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    Freddy for me. As a color blind player I rely on sound more. When I'm in dream state and don't hear Freddy's TR until I'm actually in chase it becomes VERY difficult for me. I know there is a lullaby or something that plays when he's close but I often hear it too late and if I'm not in a good position on a gen then I'll get yoinked pretty easily.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    I hate facing againts Blights. I dont know why but that killer is something I cant dodge. I dont have problems with Nurses,Freddies and Ghosties because I know how to counter them most of the time but Blight is something I am inexperienced. I dont have many matches againts Blight and I dont play that killer maybe because of that reason I cant counter him. But I really dont like facing againts him.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited April 2021


    holding M1 on generators is boring enough, i really dont need to have 5 additional slowdowns added on top of that, just to have it popped once he gets a hook.

    and dont even get me started on his chase. he literally just spams snares around a loop until he catches you, there is nothing skillfull with that and its just boring.

    he just extends all the boring parts of the game, while making the only exciting part boring aswell.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    I feel personally attacked with how many people hate doctor

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,028

    Bubba because he is bloody annoying and extremely unfun to face

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    For the longest time it was The Doctor because I played stealth and focused on not getting found and Doc always hard countered that. I've since learned how to hide from him effectively. Nowadays, it's Ghost Face, Leather Face, Wraith, and Spirit that fill me with dread. Freddy I don't mind *as much* but I didn't get into a match with one that closed hatch and put snares at both exit gates that left me SOL and I'm still apprehensive about them now.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I can enjoy facing all killers to an extent, some more then others but my least favourite ones to face are trapper and hag. I'm a magnet for traps and I hate it.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    Hmm sounds like you need more practise against her. Just play Nurse like 2 or 3 Months and learn her. Now you will know what really hurts a Nurse.

    All the great Guides on YouTube are really not very helpful as obviously Nurses can see this aswell and adapt to it. This doesnt mean the Tipps cant work but most of the time they are very limited to a specific movement pattern which is easy for most Nurses to counter such as double backing in a straight line or just running and breaking Line of Sight.

    I can suggest, and this is what most Nurses, even good ones will have a very hard time: Be unpredictable. The Moment your Movement can be predicted like going upstairs or going for a long corridor is your dead. You need to have room for your movement. Killer Shaq can be good because Line of Sight can be broken pretty easily and you got enough space to work with. Now and this is important!!: Try to watch where she is blinking at and you need to hear when she is blinking. And remember: there are Nurses faking a direction to blink at ant last millisecond flick to another spot to catch you. If you cant manage especially those 2 last Tipps, then you are probably dead anyways.

    Also try to use your enhanced Vision (3rd Person). Remember you can probably look above Objects and see her, but she can (if you do it right) not see you.

    Perks i would strongly reccoment iron will as most Nurses rely heavy on sound Informations if you Break Line Of Sight. Otherwise its simply guessing and this is not very good for a Nurse. A good Team will help you staying alive against her with spamming fast vaults so steps will be overmatched with the fast vault sound. Pretty damn helpful i can tell!

    Another Thing is: There are Console/Controller Nurses out there like me and the best Thing you can do against them is just 360 and "dancing around them" after they try to land their second blink in your face. They have do decide, where to flick bc obviously they have no 360 degrees vision. But be careful, dont get too close to her and you need to find a good place to do this with many objects around you such as trees, tables or something.

    There is another Thing with Console Nurses: For most players its like: Do i keep my 70% sensitivity and can blink precisely or do i want to flick better, go for 90-100% Sensitivity to go for the 360 Survivors? They have to decide.

    So with all that said i think there is more then enough counterplay potential and everyone can outplay/outsmart Nurses if you dont let her win the upper hand in a chase. It takes time, but it is worth not to give up. I personally have no respect for Nurses at all because i just act rly unpredictable and do weird stuff and this will throw everything off they have learned as Nurse. Since i spammed Nurse in the last months i didnt lose a single match to her (not even getting hooked once!).

    Oh and for me when im playing Nurse its like there are some types of players. There are the always double fake spammers (easy clap for me), there are the always run in a straight line away from me (easy clap), there are players using a mix of that (still easy enough to catch) and there are the very good survivors, being very unpredictable and if you watch like SupaAlf's 4k Videos you will see, the Survivors (most of the time) are just not that good as they literally doing nothing to prevent the Nurse from snowball the whole Match but i have to say Its obv. harder against 4k Hours Nurses then against like 1k Hours Nurses.

    So combine everything and build your unique(!) playstyle against her and you will have a fun time - even at high ranks. Cheers.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Huntress because of her BS hit boxes.

    Hag and Twins because they always love to camp

    Deathslinger because his counterplay his just hope he misses and put stuff inbetween you and him

  • Retromind
    Retromind Member Posts: 156

    Spirit because she removes the counter play from the equation. I noticed a lot of people in here really dislike the Nurse but you all fail to realize you can outplay her unlike Spirit. If the Nurse makes the right reads, correctly uses her blinks you should not hate on her and maybe realize it's you who needs improvement. It's either an extremely good MLG nurse with surgically precise blinks or it's a newbie who cannot hook anyone for 3 gens, and there is a reason for that which is you need A LOT of practice. Unfortunately for me, the pro Nurses usually resort to slugging and proxy camping for my last few games I encountered them. But hey, what works works am I right ?

  • Seoul
    Seoul Member Posts: 54

    If it’s a Plague, Nurse, Doctor or Hag I’ll install my “GenRush.exe” mindset so the trial can end fast 🤣

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Don't patronise a former Nurse.

    I know her quite well, both pre-nerf and post-nerf. She is a miserable slog of a killer that gets a free pass because of her higher-than-average skill floor. I had a win streak on her that lasted for over a year, and not because I'm particularly fantastic. She's just stupidly powerful and can only lose to very good teams that bring in all the fun things and slam gens, because you are not getting anywhere in a chase unless the nurse in question is very, very bad.

    I genuinely find Spirit to be more fun to play against. At least everyone recognises that her counterplay is pure guesswork.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Huntress don't know why she just annoys me so much and usually her Playerd tend to be toxic as hell

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    The Twins.

    Oh cool am I getting chased by a killer moving at 150% movement speed? Wow, look at all the counterplay!

    Oh wow, am I now being hooked right next to Victor while Charlotte pressures the other side of the map and can transition Victor in literally less than a second to get anyone that tries to save me? Cool!

    Are we all getting slugged on the ground for 4 minutes because we dare tried to play the game? We sure are.

    I would rather play against a Spirit or Deathslinger than that abomination of a killer.

  • letsgetshwiftyy
    letsgetshwiftyy Member Posts: 2

    My least favorites is the Projectile Killers - Huntress - Deathslinger- Tricker

    I don't mind going against The Trickster as much because he's noticeably weaker than the others, but his blades are so annoying! I can't be the only one who doesn't enjoy constantly being barraged with near-infinite blades...

    Now I just gotta say, I must have crossed a Black cat under a ladder because every time I get these killers, there's no pallets, it's an indoor map, and they have >100 ping.

    Add on top of that the pallet stun bug currently, and you basically have no defense against (any really) killers.

    T and L wall have been my best friends lately.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Hag. I despise her so much. From the jump scares to the way she makes hook saves so utterly oppressive. She was the reason I played with Urban Evasion all the time for awhile.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    I hate to play against a few Killers :

    * Good Nurse - Is just a hell play against a good one, and really painfull if she wants to slugg everyone.

    * Spirit - Because is the Noob starter pack all in one, Spirit just makes non sense to me, is the easy Mode on DBD, I dont like her and ofc I played her a few times when Tome 2 was released and It was ultra boring.

    * Bamboozle Bubba - Boring Gameplay against him, just for that.

    * Ninja Myers - Because I never use Spine Chill when I play survivor and is not the first time that I burn myself with muy cigarette when he scares me

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,624

    I absolutely hate going up against Hag and Twins.

    Hag because her traps are way too massive and way too impactful. A nasty Hag will put a trap under a successful hook and you won't be able to get a rescue off because doing so sets off the trap. You could crouchwalk, but you lose so much time that she'll just double back and tunnel, even if the trap is merciful. And if you trigger any trap? No worries, she gets them back instantly and can place them in a second.

    Twins because it is always a slug match where you can't do anything. Can't touch a gen or totem because Victor shows up in two seconds and grabs you. Or if he doesn't grab you and you try to move in for the kill, only to have Victor be so far away that his stun doesn't last long enough. Especially frustrating when you're halfway through the kick animation and he just cancels out of it. And if, by some miracle, you both manage to dodge the only hit box fatter than a Huntress hatchet, AND get up to him fast enough to actually kill him? By the time the animation is finished, he has respawned.