Does Steve have the worst perk set up in the game? Suggestions for buffs.

Adidi Member Posts: 44
edited April 2021 in Polls

In my opinion all of Steve's perks suck, but I wonder if I'm alone on this one?

Second wind: Heal someone for full health state to later get healed after being unhooked.

On paper this perk sounds amazing, but sad reality of all it's shortcomings butcher it. First of all, if you are healing with med kit it does not activate. Then if you heal with other survivor you only get half of the charges... and most people will not even let you heal to just sit on gens... So getting it to activate is actually not as easy as it seems.

If you manage to get it, you get broken status effect for x seconds after getting unhooked and then perk heals you if you DON'T GET DOWNED IN THE MEANTIME. This is terrible... why not using adrenaline, borrowed time or we'll make it which cuts the healing in half? If you get tunneled it doesn't help at all. Also it makes you broken so killer knows you have it.

Oh... and if you are already broken it simply does not work... which is a shame, because it would make for an amazing combo with deliverance. Right now it is not worth a perk slot... just bring med-kit and it is actually better.

Suggestion: Make it work even if you are already broken (it will simply remove the broken status and heal you after the durtaion), but add a note to No mither so it doesn't bug out - Broken status effect cannot be removed.

Camaraderie - another perk that sounds amazing on paper... but is actually almost useless. If other survivor is near the hook while you are in the second stage your timer is paused for 34 seconds. Idea for perk to counter campers is great, I love it, but the execution is terrible for multiple of reasons. Noone knows you are using it untill they are within range to activate it... So if there is kindred in game and killer camps, people will simply sit on gens and not even activate it. If someone does activate it the killer instantly knows that other person is near the hook, because timer stopped. And the worst: if you get hooked while survivor is within range IT ACTIVATED IMMEDIATELY. What does it mean? Timer of the perk is getting wasted during the animation of The Entity materialising... it doesn't sound like big deal... but it is actually 1/4 of the perk. Oh and even if you have smart survivors or have team to coordinate... this perks works only ONCE!

Suggestion: Make this perk refresh to it's full timer everytime the survivor is near the hook (to reward stealth plays and punish campers). Alternatively make this perk work without any kind of conditions. It simply prolongs your struggle stage by x seconds (but animation of Entity spawning shouldn't eat up the timer of the perk as it doesn't eat up timer of the sacrifice progression). Also all the survivors get notification that camaraderie is in game (just like you get with leader, we'll make it ect.)

Babysitter - another amazing concept. If you unhook someone they don't leave scratchmarks or blood for 8 seconds while you and the killer see each other auras for 4 seconds. It is actually almost decent. Problem with it is this: if killer camps, he can see unhooked survivor anyway... so borrowed time would be better. If he doesn't camp this perk does help the killer - he sees your aura and therefore knows who went for the save (Make your choice, map awareness in general). Also if killer is proxy camping... he sees your aura and knows that unhooked dude leaves no scratchmarks or blood so will look for them directly if he wants to tunnel.

Suggestion: Killer doesn't see your aura, but you and unhooked survivor does see his aura for those 4 seconds (Kind of like buckle up). Unhooked survivor also has their grunts of pain silenced for the duration (You would be surprised how much killers rely on sounds). Maybe even give unhooked survivors 10% haste for those 8 seconds if the unhooking happened within terror radius?

I still think borrowed time would be better, but this would be nice, stealthy alternative.

Edit: Like... compare his perks to these of Nancy. Literally every single perk of hers is amazing and even better when comboed (Better together + proove thyself) (Fixated + Sprintburst or Fixated + exhaustion perk + vigil) (Inner Strength + any locker (Head on, ds, quick and quiet) or totem perk (small game, detectives hunch).

Does Steve have the worst perk set up in the game? Suggestions for buffs. 34 votes

Yes, every perk is garbage
AdelooAlexMenaceSkeletalEliteScary_Punk_GhostPixel_BoomBotGannTMpururinAdidi[Deleted User] 9 votes
Yes, but sometimes they are usefull
TapeKnotDimekA_Can_Of_Airmusstang62Taigazach3734GothicPrincessxtr4meFobboBrequeWishIcouldmainDistortedDreambowoIgnanswager21KirkyladShenshenTrickstaaaaayikesamasimpforfelix 21 votes
No, those are decent perks
GibberishCritical_FishCrowman[Deleted User] 4 votes


  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019
    edited April 2021
    Yes, but sometimes they are usefull

    ash has the worst perks in the game. none of his perks ever help. steves second wind can help if you are being tunneled while ashs mettle of man requires you to throw the game. flipflop relies on the 20% chance that youll get slugged and even then you still have to reach 50% of wiggle which is usually impossible due to how close hooks are, buckle up requires on slugging and even then its effect is next to nothing

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Survivors are just Skins. Steve's Perks (regardless of their design) are irrelevant. Within a short period of time people will just wear a Steve Skin and take whatever Perks they want. You are not required to use Steve Perks with Steve. :)

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
    No, those are decent perks

    I think all of these perks are decent, but there are simply just better perks available. They aren't bad, just mediocre, which would fall under the many words for "decent".

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2021
    No, those are decent perks

    Cameraderie is great and Second Wind is decent. Babysitter is a fun meme at least.

    Steve's are far from the worst teachables in the game, that goes to Ace.

    Up The Ante and Ace In The Hole are both literally luck-based and UTA gets worse over time, while Open-Handed straight up doesnt work with several of the aura reading abilities in the game, and is not a very big buff to the few it does work with..

  • yikesama
    yikesama Member Posts: 24
    Yes, but sometimes they are usefull

    Second wind is a great perk if used right.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927
    Yes, but sometimes they are usefull

    Steve's aren't great but second wind can be okay.

    Quentin holds the title for worst perks for me.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019
    Yes, but sometimes they are usefull

    how in heaven can quentin have the worst perks?

    pharmacy is a permanent 80% chest speed boost so you wont have to worry about wasting time opening chests

    it makes chest looting quieter

    and you get a free green med kit, thats one of the fastest heals in the game

    wake up can help your teammates and those 15% might come in clutch. sometimes i forget where the exit gates are cuz im in a chase and dont have time to memorize them

    vigil is trash unless you have an exhaustion perk or the killer has certain addons. even then its not the greatest

    ace has the worst perks in the game

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853
    Yes, every perk is garbage

    Steve’s perks are bad but I gotta give the title to Ash for the worst perks.

  • bowo
    bowo Member Posts: 121
    Yes, but sometimes they are usefull

    camaraderie is actually insanely strong in tournament play, or with a coordinated team, but in a standard pub match it's just not worth it

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672
    Yes, but sometimes they are usefull

    Camaraderie and Second Wind are decent perks, But Babysitter is kind of meh.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    The perks have situational use.

    But if we wanna talk about survivors with the worst perks, how about bringing Ash and Quentin into the convo.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452
    Yes, but sometimes they are usefull


    Second wind:always activates after getting unhooked.

    Camaraderie:works for other survivors and gives you a chance to unhook yourself in the struggle stage.

    Babysitter:give the person who you unhooked a 2 second speed boost