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What's the point in DS having a skill check?

I want to start by saying that by no means do I think this is a problem that needs attention. It's just a random and trivial thought that came into my head awhile ago when DS was changed, and for some reason it keeps bugging me so now i'm finally just going to ask it. I dislike making another DS thread as we have gotten plenty of those recently, but I believe this to be something not yet talked about. All I want is to reflect on this aspect of the perk that I feel might be outdated, not to discuss if the perk needs a buff/nerf still. I want you guys to help me out by giving me your thoughts. Thanks.

Before DS was changed it made sense to have the skill check as it was stronger and it wasn't purely anti-tunnel. This gave the perk a risk , although a very small one, as a trade-off for that power.

The new DS is pretty much only usable against actual tunneling now. If a survivor manages to miss the skill check then obviously DS was useless. If I were to take DS into a match nowadays, its for the sole reason to ensure that i'm given a chance if I get tunneled. The fact that it could be rendered useless just seems odd to me with the new changes. Imagine if BT gave you a skill check when you were unhooked, one that if failed means you don't get the endurance status effect. Seems kinda pointless and defeats the purpose a bit does it not?

You might then ask how would DS activate. Well if it stays as is it would be a simple change. During the pick up animation you can press E to activate DS, once the animation is over you can no longer use it and the perk is saved for later (like it is currently).

I didn't mean for this to be as long as it is for such a small thing.

No i'm not making this thread because I missed my DS just in case anyone is wondering. Though I did miss it once a couple months back right at the exit gates before the rework, boy was that disappointing.
