AFK/Botting Killers

Why hasn't BHVR done anything about this? Survivors sit in one spot, they get crows. Killers who Bot/AFK cause survivors addons and offerings to be wasted. I guess nobody cares because its a free escape so the dev just turns a blind eye?

Even if it was less than 1 in 10 games, this is unacceptable. If the killer doesn't MOVE for X amount of minutes, all survivor offerings and addons need to be replaced. This is really freaking boring. Especially since you cannot initiate chase while a killer is stationary anymore. Tried to get chase points, wouldn't happen. Broke a few totems, did gens, left. Not even close to a black pip. No chase, no healing, no unhooking. Complete waste of time, offerings and my map addons.

Reporting them doesn't do anything even with video evidence. Ive reported till i'm blue in the face. Where do i need to go to apply to be the person who deals with player reports? because in the thousands of hours ive played and hundreds of reports, they never get replied to, nor do the people breaking the rules get punished unless youre on the forums and you offend someone then you get banned. That has been the only time in my experience that anything is ever done to someone participating in toxic behavior and thats not even in game.

There should be a 0 tolerance policy for AFKing/Botting, Just like DCing.


  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    But... AFK Shape plays though. :( I've actually seen some killers pretend to be afk and use it to their advantage. Sometimes its funny. Sometimes its annoying. If a killer afks the entire match then yea I think survivors shouldn't lose addons or offerings.

  • Grisu1074
    Grisu1074 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2021

    I can really unterstand why some killers do this to derank. It is no fun to play every round against toxic survivors, letting teaback and bullying you the entire round. I also think this is a fault in the matchmaking. Why do killers on Rank 16/17 get red rank survs in their lobby ? It is no fun to play ...

    Is is not also a waste of time for the killer when the survs are waiting the whole of the endgame timer at the exit gate awaiting him to come to teabag and klicker with their flashlights ?

    Post edited by Grisu1074 on
  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    AFKers bumps player count.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    After a certain point in the game to me, it’s becomes unfun and unplayable. I’m rank 10 killer and rank 5 survivor. My matches aren’t fun. It’s just constant sweating from beginning to end. Everyone in higher ranks takes it so seriously 100% of the time. So I sometimes either go AFK or just totally goof off in the match in hopes of depiping and going back to ranks where people are more chill and fun. It’s not fun with constant sweating tryhards who take this game seriously all the time.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. It’s too easy to rank up and I’m just playing for fun. Red ranks seem to play like it’s an esports match. Only way for me to enjoy the matches again is to try to depip or not pick it up again till the next rank reset.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I occasionally get non sweaty red rank matches that are fun so I try and enjoy it while not goofing off. But if I start a match and immediately two people are downed and hooked and not even one gen is done I know it’s going to be a sweat fest and I’m not taking it seriously and goofing off