Red Rank survivors against mid teens killers

Could this stop please? I've been in several matches today with 1 or more red ranked survivors doing their typical hardcore schtick and then they either apologize for trouncing me, or they tell me to "Git Gud".
THIS right here is why you have a killer queue problem. It's also why killers chose to depip. There is no excuse for putting sweaty hardcore rank 2-4 survivors against rank 15-14 killers. Let them wait for a killer more their speed.
I understand you want to keep the queue times down, but this is only making it worse in the long run.
If these red rank survivors are doing this then it is wrong def! But, part of the problem is horrible matchmaking. Cant tell you how many matches I have had with rank 15 or 17 survivor players who have no idea what they are doing. However, I have had the exact and opposite experience with killer mains! Most of them I play are hardcore campers and tunnel the crap out of us. I used to win 4-5 games in a two hour game play, now I am lucky if I win one game and thats with good survivors who know what they are doing. You have to let fellow survivors die simply because if you go in for the save the killer is right there ready to down you because he is a Wraith invisible next to the hook. I am not great at this game by no means, I am a red rank solo player and can tell you for a certain fact killers are winning more yet always complaining when they dont win 50 out of 50 games.
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I Win about 3/4 my games, but I call it a win if I get each survivor hooked once, and at least 1 dead from 3 hooks. If I see a DC, I'll get 1 hook each, them check if the survivors want to meme around for a bit (which guarantees me an iri gatekeeper emblem and therefore safety pip). but since I hit 15 I've been winning (by my definition of 1+k and atleast 6 hooks) about 1 in 6 matches. And each one I lose, there's atleast 1 red rank. I can't wait for the MMR to be ready for prime time.
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The matchmaking is horrible. There are usually at least one red rank survivor, but I just went against 4 red ranks in the same match. While being rank 10 myself. Needless to say, they did the gens and left.
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I agree. This hurts the game in the long run. I´ve been saying this for months. First the problem was, that there were not enough red rank killers around. Only red rank survivors had long queues. But now it doesn´t matter what rank the killer is, because the matchmaking desperately takes whatever killer it can get.
People have been complaining about VPN killers, because they thought that killers used a VPN to gain an unfair advantage. But i´ve watched my lobby ping and noticed, that apparently i get matched with killers across the globe (based an their profile and my higher ping). So i think the matchmaking started to ignore region locks to reduce the queue times.
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High ping, way lower rank killers stand NO chance in that scenario. Sheesh, I feel sorry for them, it's ban enough when I've got a ping of 53-61. I can't imagine how bad it'd be with 400-500 or more. . .
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Oh i dodge everything with a ping of 200+
But i noticed my ping sometimes stays around 100-150 in the lobby/match and then the profile of the killer says he´s from another continent.
Usually my ping is around 50, so its easily noticeable.