For those who asked for obsession every game..

OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,183

You want to prevent tunnelling. Yes tunnelling sucks, I get it.

But let’s ask one question. Is it SO DAMN HARD to bring 1 DS out of 16 perk slots??

And don’t give arguments of DS being useless or no one brings it in solo queues. It’s FAR FROM USELESS. With just one DS it already forces killers to respect it and not tunnel. Even in solos where all other teammates don’t bring it, you yourself can bring it to force an obsession. Why is it so hard??

Asking for obsession basekit is basically asking DS to be basekit. This is very impactful and it’ll shifts the balance of whole game. Survivors will have more slots to put more second chance perks, and killer has to respect it. It’ll create a scenario where killer is against 20 perks because he respects DS but nobody brings it.

Unless there is a overall killer-equivalent buff, obsession base should not be a thing right now.



  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Obsession base would be a buff to killer rn. Basically if there is an obsession it probably means the killer has STBFL or something

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,915

    As 50/50, there's no reason not to have obsessions in every game. Not just for things like that, but if anything for the extra BP available. If people are worried about tunnelling, then it makes logical sense to bring DS. The obsession status is still worthwhile having every match though.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 866

    Honestly, I don't see why the current version of DS couldn't be basekit as it really only prevents tunneling right now. It's far from the broken perk it once was. It could shift the balance of the game, but seeing how tunneling right now is the playstyle a lot of killers turned to, I do believe something should be done about it because it's just not fun for the survivor side. Nothing is holding the devs back from compensating the shift in the balance if they were to make DS basekit though. Sometimes you're forced to tunnel a survivor so it would be silly in my opinion if they made DS basekit and left it at that.

    Adding a default obsession to the game isn't going to change anything though. A lot of survivors don't use DS anymore now they can't really abuse it and killers are aware of this. The default obsession would be nothing more but a bluff and any killer that wants to take advantage of tunneling would still be able to do so because they know the perk isn't used a lot anyways. The chance of you getting away with is simply much higher than the chance of you getting punished for it.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424


    I was thinking the same thing 😂

    Maybe if the devs would actually invest in giving survivors options outside of a perk that doesn’t even deter killers from tunneling, we wouldn’t see that many people doing it.

    I’ve literally had killers say this to me in post chat after making sure they tunneled me out “Nice DS you got there” because it literally doesn’t do anything impactful to really make them not want to eat it.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Well now that they “nerfed” it, so survivors are not Gods for 60 seconds, now they could add a lil speed boost or multiple uses per game.

    in all honesty, never use the perk and other perks exist to create an obsession.

    I think everyone looks a lil silly.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Survivors that didn't use DS to begin with, are not meant to change their load out.

    But those survivors that abused DS by weaponizing it. Those should still use it. Instead of taking it off, claim that it's useless and than complain on the forum about getting tunneled.

  • Bearded_Owl
    Bearded_Owl Member Posts: 60

    Well, I made that other post, nice to see you creating your own post instead of contributing the the main one where we are talking about it.

    This comment here "Asking for obsession basekit is basically asking DS to be basekit." What are you on? Killers can create obsession in matches themselves so how would that be making DS basekit?

    I literally see no downside in obsessions every match, the only thing that comes from it is an uncertainty on the killers side if DS exists (which may prevent tunneling, which IS a problem) as well as more bloodpoints for the killer & survivor!!!

    Also, no one said it's useless, in fact, I said in the first post the DS changes were good! Just less people are running DS which has caused more tunneling to happen, it's just an idea, don't make this a killer main v.s. survivor main argument dude!

  • Bearded_Owl
    Bearded_Owl Member Posts: 60

    No one said Devs would punish it, but the majority will agree it's not a healthy part of the game, required, sure, not healthy though.

    I have already said this should have been introduced years ago, just like I feel discordance should be base kit for killers, these are fundamental issues with the game and these changes could balance the game more. But adding obsessions as base isn't like adding DS base at all, not really sure how else to explain it...

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,116

    Tunnelling is not the only way to win at high ranks. I've seen more than enough killers do just fine without tunnelling or camping.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Well in the grand scheme of things we should want solo survivors buffed, obsession baseline would be one of the way to help with that. It's not something drastic like giving kindred to everyone but still provides decent amout of information and some discouragement from tunneling but doesn't actually stop it in any way.

    I don't see why should that be an issue, you already play around DS even when nobody has it if there's obsession that was made by your perks or survivor perks besides DS. If you really want to kill someone you got to take the chance of DS anyway.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 866

    Just because the devs stated over a month ago that they view tunneling as a strategy atm and allow it, it doesn't mean their opinion on it could change. They literally stated before that DS was perfectly fine in its old abusable state. Clearly they changed their perspective on it.

    Also it really isn't the only way to win. Yes, I agree that in some instances you have no choice, but claiming that you have to tunnel in order to win is pretty stupid. I'm a casual DBD player and I'm able to win without tunneling.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I don't like the idea of "obsession as basekit" as a solo Q survivor. I use the knowledge that there's an obsession in play to start making guesses as to what either my teammates might have or I have. I usually assume the teammate might have DS in play, but I keep in mind it might be the killer is running STBFL or one of the other common obsession perks.

    I feel that taking information away from the solo Q survivor is a step in the wrong direction.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    No you’re wrong, tunnelling is the only viable strategy at high rank if you already abused tunnelling to get there. You’re not good enough to be in high ranks if you think like that. But you basically just got carried there because you tunnelled and camped. Same way survivors get carried to high ranks by being in SWF.

    Both are just the easy ways of ranking up, you just aren’t as good as you think you are.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It's really bad when a perk is so overnerffed and unfun to use, nobody wants to use it.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 718

    Seriously LMAO

    I'm honestly just mad that for some reason, even though DS basically functions the same as far as what it does to the killer, killers seem to care even less about risking it now. I hate that I have to waste a perk slot on a perk that I used to not even take even in solo. I still will run plenty of builds without it (NEVER in solo queue right now, though) but I find myself feeling like I NEED to take it just due to killers realizing that there is less reason to fear it now (mainly because a lot o people dropped the perk as a knee jerk reaction to the heavy handed nerf).

    But let's face it, killers ALREADY often tunneled through DS, now they tunnel even more often through DS because there is even less to lose by continuing after you. If they got hit by DS, they know they don't need to go check on the gen near you, because you definitely weren't on it. What does it mean to them to go immediately chase your scratch marks as soon as they come out of the stun? Nothing, really. They're free to have that lightly extended chase with you as long as they want because you definitely didn't just spend 59 seconds working on a gen- you haven't been doing crap LOL

    I think that if they keep DS as is, they should add just a bit of time where your scratch marks are hidden after hitting it- just about 3 or 4 seconds, maybe. That way, you'll actually be able to get away on most maps, and it will seriously discourage a killer from specifically targeting a recently unhooked survivor rather than going after someone else (like the unhooker) as now he has lost both survivors and has to spend time looking for someone to chase.

    New DS is just even less likely to discourage tunneling now. There's really no reason not to tunnel after the DS if you have the opportunity tbh

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    having an obsession be basekit would unironically be a huge shadownerf to DS.

    imo they should make it so Survivors have insight on their teammates rank and perks, allowing them to coordinate their perks a bit even outside of SWFs.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    ds is from a licensed character so not everyone is going to have access to the perk. and there are a lot of people who missed ds in the shrine.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,789

    I would be okay with having an obsession in every game if having/being an obsession had some kind of effect without obsession perks. I don't like the idea of having an obsession in every game just for the sake of obscuring information.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    This is kind of hilarious in the grand scheme of things. Killers constantly complain about the Survivor meta perks. One of them gets a pretty hefty nerf to combat how it could be abused instead of used for it's actual purpose. However, it's actual purpose is so weak that it's dropped in usage pretty dramatically. So now Killers abuse what the perk was meant to combat especially when there is a visual indicator the perk isn't in the match, and they claim Survivors should just run that perk every game. Which this would again make it a meta perk.

    I don't even run meta perks besides IW (screw Spirit) and BT. (screw campers) And even they get kicked out here and there.

    Make DS multiple uses (2 basically), give the Survivor a speed boost or instant heal or longer stun on the killer, and make it so every match has a obsession.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Asking for DS to be base kit would be the same as killer asking for pgtw to be base kit. Just bring the damn perk.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    One could also say if you got to red rank by using swf, headsets and stacking 2nd chance perks. That survivor doesn't belong there either.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Yeah I already said that, reading not a strong point huh

  • Wafflecat
    Wafflecat Member Posts: 20

    1 DS out of my 4 perk slots? I solo queue, why do I HAVE to run a specific perk to make sure the killer doesn't tunnel me? Why doesn't the killer just want to play the game fair? I don't run at the killer off hook, I don't stick around under hook.

    Also, it doesn't work. Killers have become more aggressive with their tunneling since the nerf. I ran it last night and stabbed quite a few killers, know what they did? Still tunneled me out. I had a Freddy come back right as I was being unhooked (there was only one other surv in the game because he tunneled the other two). The other survivor was injured, I had BT. He tunnel me through BT, then he tunneled me again. He stood above me and swung at the wall repeatedly, waiting for DS to run out. He then picked me up with .000001 seconds left on it, I stabbed him, he tunneled me again. This is red rank by the way.

    It doesn't work. Killers don't care. So the arguement of 'Run DS 5head" is pretty worthless.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Every decent streamer I’ve seen doesn’t tunnel or camp most games, op although tofu and otz are the only ones where I’ve seen more than 1 video.

    And it’s easy to win games in red ranks without camping or tunnelling if you know how to play well. Yes against a good SWF you probably have to, but even at rank 1 you only come up against these in about 5% of matches.

    I play this game like once a week max as I find it boring otherwise it’s deffo possible to show you how easy it is

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    We don’t need abc obsession in every game. We need DS not to give an obssesion

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,161

    As Killer, I really dont care of 5sec stun, its much better to take it from early game rather give them a chance to use it in late game. Though I dont camp or tunnel, it happens only if unhooker have the hooked being alone.

    As Solo Survivor, you cant expect other to bring DS so you can have 4 perks free experience. I agree in SWF, having friends using DS in turn is ok. For solo, no one should being forced to bring DS every single match in case other 3 dont have DS.

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    I’d be okay with there always being an obsession in every match as long as they FINALLY add a downside to being the obsession. Logically, you shouldn’t want a killer to be obsessed with you. Thatd be a fair trade off. You gotta take the bad with the good

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,190

    I'm not a DS advocate but I can tell you that all these people tunneling their little hearts out and hollering "just run DS it's still a good perk" are part of the problem and with the way solo play has been I wouldn't be surprised to see a new perk brought out or survivors being buffed in some way to defend tunneling better , I personally haven't had an issue but the proof to what I'm saying has been all over the forums people complaining about being tunneled and then being told to run a perk they have to buy a character just to get in order to defend it , you reap what you sow....if survivors continue to get tunneled at they rate they are don't be upset when they get buffed to defend it

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Exactly so you’re saying 20% of the playerbase is SWF. Now what % of them are actually extremely good? Not much making it a very low % in total of sweaty SWF. I’ve played killer plenty in red ranks and I won 75% + of games easy.

    And I did address it, I don’t play the game really anymore as I’m bored of it so it would probably take me about 2 years to get what you asked

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    The killer thinking there is a DS is an advantage. They have to play different especially in end game.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    why would you assume the killer brought an obsession perk? what if it was a different survivor? Also what advantage is it if a killer takes an obsession perk? Almost all of them are bad or very niche

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'm someone that never uses DS, now I have to bring it because no one else is using it just to protect my fellow randoms from being tunnelled.

    Sounds fun, is it so hard for killers to actually just like get better at the game and not endlessly tunnel off hook when there's no obsession? lol.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    Nah DS isnt an anti tunnel perk, it is usseles

    And you see pretty up desesperate to tunnel someone, your whole argument isnt more then

    oh no i cant tunnel everyone more cuz i dont know if he has ds

    And saying that survival have 16 perks slot is stupid

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Wow, what a horrible disadvantage for survivors. Except a survivor only has to worry about 4 perks a killer has, as opposed to the 16 perks the survivor squad has. If a survivor gets unhooked and jumps into a locker in front of your face how do you know they are not bluffing ds. Fact is you dont. If a killer has STBFL you will be able to tell because they will never m1 the obsession. But DS is a one time crazy stun that destroys momentum. But oh no here comes play with your food, what threat! pfft

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    I'm a killer who virtually never tunnels respectful survivors. But if you point at me at pallets or attempt to assert dominance in some way by T-bagging at pallet or pointing or nodding at me, then you better be ready to prove it. If you do I give you an honest to God "gg" and tip my hat to you. Otherwise, enjoy the one hook

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Why shouldn't killers Cheer "just run ds" when previously it was exceptionally rare to get a game without it?

    Survivors can't abuse it and are crying for an auto obsession so they can take another abusable perk while also having the "threat" of DS. This is stupid and entitled.

    If you are being tunnelled (real tunnelling) then start to run the perk again. If it was still at its previous popularity then there would be no issues.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,190

    I'm a killer main FYI I don't care about DS I don't need it in a game and only ran it to troll, what I'm saying is if killers keep tunneling and having this attitude about it towards survivor on here YOU'RE gonna be the reason survivor gets buffed or a new perk gets introduced to counteract the gameplay

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965
  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,144
    edited April 2021

    I'm fine with them doing it, but i'd like to see some base mechanic exist in the game that makes obsession means something. Like maybe some kind of benefit to the killer if they chase their obsession and in return the obsession gets some kind of buff.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,183

    Yeah they nerfed DS so it won’t be abused now. So now it’s no longer free second chance perk. That’s why there is no reason not running it.