NOED is bad for new players. Not just survivors.

Im not just talking about survivors and it being a crutch. I have seen so many killers who brought NOED and would have done better if they just had like a regression perk or info perk instead. NOED is harmful in a lot of situation and frustrating to go against. I really want either a major rework or just it to be removed entirely.
Options for new killers are very limited. There are very few strong perks available when you start the game, most of good combos require leveling up other killers. Noed is the quickest strong perk to get, so many players choose it.
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It's one of the best free perks. There are not much options for new players.
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New killers don't have much so noed fine.
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ah yes funny joke totally got the joke first time (original version) (NOT EDITED)
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(also I didnt see the /s sorry)this is the first time I have been whooooshed I am now a degenerate with no sense of humor and no redeeming qualities
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IMO it's a great perk for beginner killers who are only on the learning curve, but a bad perk for experienced killers because it requires less skill to use and doesn't allow for more learning. NOED is powerful for experienced killers, but you won't learn anything if you've played for a while and still continue to use it (unless you're just doing an endgame build). NOED is unnecessary for experienced killers because they know how to play and get kills without it, and is just a crutch for those who've played for a while. If you've just started playing DBD, NOED is almost a must-run on every killer you play. Plus it's free so ynot
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There is only one change i'd ever consider for NOED. its meant to be the ultimate endgame perk and it should absolutely stay that way. Its purpose is to end chases quickly at the cost of not having a fourth perk for most of the game.
You don't want it to have the exposed effect. How about this instead. Hitting a survivor with an M1 doesn't give them a sprint burst effect.
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There are no good regression perks that can be gotten with just BP.
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As other people have already pointed out to you, not all Killers start with a handy dandy "regression" Perk. Pop is a Clown Perk, Ruin is a Hag Perk, Surge is a Demo Perk, and Oppression is Twins Perk. There are others but those are the big ones (and the Demo one isn't exactly huge). If you were reading carefully, there are no generic regression Perks, so unless you like one of those Killers enough or get lucky on the Shrine, you are having to fight with zero regression and a very limited Perk arsenal. :)
New Killers take NOED because it is one of the first strong Perks offered to them. Sloppy Butcher is arguably the other really good one they get access to early. A lot of people seem to be chiming in recently, wanting to be helpful to those poor new Killers; I find that kind of funny. You don't care about those Killers; be honest. This is just another inventive way to try and deal with a Perk you don't like OUTSIDE the match. If you really wanted to help those new Killers, you would be offering advice on how to use NOED effectively, because there are VERY effective ways to implement it that new Killers don't really understand yet (fortunately for you).
My advice to anyone who wants to "help" new Killers is simple:
- Don't Tea-Bag at the exit gates.
- Don't give them salt for doing their objectives.
- In fact, give them a "Good Game" even when they toast you.
- Do Bones if you want to encourage them, politely, to not use NOED (I assure you that is more effective).
- Don't put in maps which you know (everyone knows) are distinctively Survivor-sided (Haddonfield for example).
- Don't try to work with the Killer (or pretend to work with them).
- Run a variety of Perks (rather than just Meta) so both sides get to experiment without being rolled.
- Keep self-serving "advice" to yourself. Give advice that only helps them if you are honest.
- Don't disconnect the second you get downed, screwing over everyone (Killer and other Survivors).
- Don't suicide on the Hook because you are frustrated, screwing over everyone (Killer and other Survivors).
These things will help new Killers. Suspect advice on Perks you don't truly understand does not. Moreover, it helps to play both Killer and Survivor both before you start laying out your wisdom.
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Disagree. Noed is great for new player and advanced players. Its an amazing hex and pairs well with other end game perks. It is much as a 'crutch' as BT, DS, DH, Adrenaline or any other second chance perks survivors have. It gives you a boost when you most need it.
Just like a ton of perks sometimes it flops. The totems all get destroyed or the hex is destroyed as soon as its up. In that case, yes it would have been better to bring another perk but that is just how Hex perks are. High risk high reward. Doesn't make the killer bad, its just how the game went.
As for going against it you could argue that survivors would do better and be less frustrated if they brought maps or perks that counter totems. Noed and Devour are the reasons I run Detective's Hunch :)
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survs, if you want noed not to be a problem then DONT cleanse visible totems, cleanse only those who are so hidden is difficult for other to find. If you don’t cleanse those totems and noed is in play, probably near 100% of times noed would be one of these totems. If you cleanse totems as solo without small game or detective probably a hidden one would be noed and kill you
and I beg you, never, and I say never, never cleanse the totem in front of the last gen when other surv is finishing it
edir: and I forgot, first do the gen and then cleanse the totem. So many survs cleanse first and don’t get time to do the gen later
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No it's a great teaching experience for all Survivors, do the (bleeping) totems. No killer can guarantee they will ever get use out of it unless they spend all game defending dull totems.
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Actually noeds bad for new survivors since they won't know to cleanse totems.
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It's a free perk the decent gen perks are locked in dlcs. It's one of the strongest free perks they can use so they're going to be more likely to use it when they start.