I did ‘This’ many Gens


I started ranting. I just want an icon to represent how many gens you did (progression wise). Like, technically you could be credited for completing 6 gens if the game was long enough and the killer managed to regress a lot of progress. In theory of course, I’m not expecting only one person to do gens all game.


Well...we have The Reconstruction Ritual (Repair the equivalent of 3 full generators) and have also had similar tome challenges related to repairing generators too.

My point is, the game already seems to have the ability to track and determine how much of generator progression we made per trail.

Im just wondering why we can’t have a new marker, on the hud, that represents how much each person has been pushing the gens. Like, not representing how many gens are left (we have that) and not giving credit to those who were there for the pop...

but an actual marker that shows up when you’ve done the equivalent of one gen.


Well, for one, Gen Jockey is a thing and it would be nice to show others that I was supporting the team too. I just wasn’t taking the aggro, I wasn’t distracting the killer, I didn’t help others heal, and I might have gone down too quickly in my chase...but...I did knock out the equivalent of 4 gens. I wasn’t just hiding all match. Also, letting your ego think ‘you’ did everything because you got 2 saves and 2 heals and happened to help 3 gens pop. You just helped finish 3 gens, you didn’t even earn one full gen progression symbol.

Another thing is, I think it would be a more healthy direction if a survivor can physically see how much they have pushed gens. Specifically while still in the trail. For instance, If a strong looper can see the Killer target the “gen jockey”, the only person to do any real gen progression so far, they may be more inclined to help or body block. Typically, people just assume you might be able to loop effectively and have to wait till late game (death hook) to know your character might not be built for loops but built for gens and without a helping hand, you could be easily tunneled out.

Killers are always saying if they find a weak looper they will target or tunnel them out.

Survivors should be able to also have a small possible ‘tell’ that someone might be a weak looper, but has chosen to try and excel on other parts of this game, so they can respond to it. By the time a stronger looper in soloQ realizes he is playing with some people without a strong loop game, it’s because he watched certain people go down again and again with less effort then was needed and obviously didn’t have the perks to help them out in chase. So, usually I see more effort to take aggro when somebody hits death hook, but by then...Killer is already partially invested and more inclined to tunnel out.

— I wouldn’t be against the idea of including bone icons for people who did those too. —

Lastly, just want to point out that thanks to the obsession icon, or one of many information perks, or the simple detail of seeing somebody get injured and watching and waiting to see their icon drop or heal up, you can get a understanding of who is a decent looper.

You don’t get that same general knowledge about gen progression. When a gen pops, it doesn’t also blink the player icons of everybody who helped progress that specific gen, giving the survivors in game a stronger understanding of who is knocking out gens. You would have to literally see someone working on a gen to even feel like that contributed at all.

We also all know some games where you felt like you looped the killer forever and should have popped 3 gens, 2gens minimum...but you only got one. If you could see more icons, then you might have realized that you helped 1 guy got 3 bones, so he must be taking care of the NOED, 1 guy got the gen done by himself, and the last guy opened a chest and healed up, presumably getting a medkit from the chest.

I think knowing all that is more healthy then getting sour and killing yourself because you got stuck with a bunch of “noobs” who didn’t do anything the whole 2 min chase, except 1 gen.

At the end of the day, it’s a team effort and not everyone chooses to be an “all rounder” and might choose a more focused task in each trail, and they bring in perks to compliment that play. It’s much easier to loop killer with specific perks, much easier to hunt chests and bones with specific perks, and much easier to do gens...with specific perks. I just wish this game would reflect the efforts every survivor is putting in...I use to be on the fence about survivors having to much information but the Devs broke that fence into little pieces already, so might as well just add this little bit of info to help bring SoloQ closer to SWF.


  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Need a tldr for this. The game is so simple. Are you being chased? No? Do gens. That’s it. The hoards of urban evading clauds only boost kill rates.

  • Tomskrex
    Tomskrex Member Posts: 142

    What's the point? It would only spark more bad sportsmanship and finger pointing. We have enough of that already.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,550

    For a moment, I thought this thread was about how many generators have you repaired since you first started playing. I was about to open DBD Playerstats to check it.