Ruin and undying gets nerfed because it's overused. Spine chill and iron will?



  • goldenchild74
    goldenchild74 Member Posts: 47

    On a real note who actually complains about spine chill and iron will lol. Out of all the perks you cld have complained about u choose those two?

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    How do you run past every totem except the undying hex?

  • goldenchild74
    goldenchild74 Member Posts: 47

    Ive literally never ever once as killer said to myself "man they need to nerf iron will and spine chill" right after losing a game lol. Just take your L and do better like the rest of us my guy. Complain abt actual perks tht are dumb for survivor to have. Heck complain abt keys tht makes more sense. I get plenty of 4ks against survivors using iron will spine chill in red ranks.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Ehhh....not really....the cost of using undying+ a hex are 2 perks that could be deleted in seconds after starting the match. Hell, you could have someone find your undying, then you're screwed, as soon as they catch Ruin its over, you're running a 2 perk build.

    Not surprised at the nerf though. Anything good, the devs will always eventually nerf to make the game easier and lower the skill requirement for the game. As if thats ever helped anything.....

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited April 2021

    Statistically overpowered?

    You ever stop to think, that maybe it was used so heavily because gen times keep getting faster? Couldn't possibly be the one thing complained about from killer side for at least 3 or 4 releases now.....that would be too obvious. If killers didn't have to worry as much about gen times they would run more flexible and variable builds.

    But....this nerf won't solve anything. Instead it'll just have killers running even more slow down perks, while at the same time putting killers who rely on stuff like ruin or perks, get sucked out of queue. Then you'll have to deal with Nurse and Spirit and hillbilly every game like it was like a year ago.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I play both as well, however I think the issue was more of a QOL change rather than purposely shaking up the meta. Undying had potential to let ruin last all match, which was oppressive and unhealthy.

    I think some recent buff discussions are to help other perks shine more (Open Handed, Diversion, Iron Maiden). These changes encourage shakeup in the meta.

    Spine chill i don't think needs a nerf. It can actually hurt survivors in some matches since it'll make them anxious. Other than stealth killers (Wraith, GF, EW1 Myers, Spirit) it doesn't really hurt killers. I play Doctor so ill know where you are regardless of Spine Chill. It's just makes your skill checks even harder when madness hits and its activated lol

    Funny story though! I was on Coldwind against Billy. Across the map, i see a hooked person and the rescuer and Billy thanks to Kindred. Im working on a gen as the unhook happens and I get to 70%. I hear a chainsaw but figure he's going after the 2 people on that side of the map. Nope lol all of a sudden I see Spine Chill go off and then 2 seconds later Billy comes flying out of the corn and hits me right in the face lol I should've assumed Tinkerer but oh well lol

  • DJ_2_toxic
    DJ_2_toxic Member Posts: 29

    The only way the devs would actually nerf Spine chill is if the stealth killers complain their butts off about it or make a counter perk. Now iron will already has a counter people hello!!! It's called stridor, just run it or stop complaining since most people don't like running it or ask the devs to buff stridor a bit simple.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2021

    That's a Michael being overly weak at the start of the game problem, not a Spine Chill one. Spine Chill is really easy to counter once you realize that someone has it, and determining if someone has it is quite simple. People always clamor for survivors to stop using meta perks but then want to go and nerf a good, but counterable perk like Spine Chill.

    Instead of nerfing Spine Chill literally just because of Michael, we should be addressing Michael as a killer and fixing his glaring flaws.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2021

    Undying did way too many things for what it cost.

    It allowed an extremely strong gen regression to persist for typically a lengthy amount of time throughout the trail, had added game delay from survivors having to search for and cleanse totems, while also giving aura reveal if anyone even passed by the radius of totem. In almost every scenario with the Ruin-Undying combination, the killer never really saw any downsides to using the perk. The only real situation where it did have some downside was when it was cleansed in like 2 seconds. But even then, that was relatively uncommon. It almost always was doing something for the killer no matter how the survivors played. They cleansed totems, that's a win for you. They ignored totems, win for you. They go near totems, win for you.

    The nerf it was given was warranted, and it isn't even a bad perk even post nerf. It was way too overbearing on certain killers and solos.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited April 2021

    People cleansing totems in low ranks is uncommon....but for actual skilled survivors its not a mystery where the totem placement is in every map. It just lowers the skill cap of the game putting totems on the backburner again. Nothing more, nothing less. I'd love to see whats happened to the game population since simplifying the game so much over the past 2 years.