Twins - Victor Pick Up


How does the community feel about Charlotte being able to physically pick up Victor?

I find myself ‘naturally’ camping with Twins because I hit with Char, they speed off, I pull out Vic and quite quickly catch and down survivor. Then start marching Char over, knowing Vic will keep them protected, and of course, hook at nearest hook.

Now. The Dilemma.

I would like to pick up Vic and start the next chase but...he’s been released and my only options from this point forward is to use him for camp purposes.

Whether I choose to use Char or Vic, one of them will remain near the hook. I have no way to simultaneously move both Vic and Char away from the hook. At least, not for 90 seconds.

I think we should be able to pick up Vic.

I also think its too strong to pull Vic to yourself whenever you want (with a button press) but If I use my time to walk up to Vic, I think it’s fair enough to take him with me. I’d even allow an animation added and the usual time needed before a Vic redeploy (6 seconds).

Plus I think it will indirectly provide less Twins camping.

I mean, this is like if Trapper was only allowed to place traps within 32m of a hooked survivor (base kit), so the game was forcing him to be a camper.

I don’t really want to Twins Camp, I’m sort of forced to, IMO.


  • Desarme
    Desarme Member Posts: 39

    It seems to me there is no need for this, you can leave it somewhere and it will give you information, why take it if it is already fast? Let it work!

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Right, the information it’s giving me is that somebody is going for the hook save. Might as well, use that information to slug with Vic and hook into the healthy survivor.

    Making me an effective try hard camping Twins Killer.


    I could be on the other side of the map downing a new survivor using Char and Vic but...had to leave one behind (because killer design, not really choice).

    Do you get the point yet?

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,087

    I also wish you could. I do not like camping as a killer so I'd much rather have Victor back than have to use him as a camping tool.

    Especially because unless the unhooker sticks around to take aggro, you're almost certainly going to have to tunnel the injured instead as they're the only one you can realistically find with Victor.

    And yes, I could just ignore it and let them both just get away with it but that's not using my killer resources very well either. It feels like I'm forced to either camp with The Twins and feel like a unsporting jerk of a killer or I'm forced to not get any powers until the survivors kick the ba...kick Victor or the 90 seconds or whatever it is ticks by.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Thank you Tippy. Started to think I was crazy. I’m wondering now if I could realistically kill Victor after I hook, or before. I’ve never looked for Victo kill strats.

    Sad I’d have to jump an extra hoop to play Twins the way I want.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    Twins is a badly designed killer because the play style heavily favors camping and slugging. Sure, you can try to go out of your way to not do this but as you said the game's doesn't make this easy. It's just how the devs want people to play them.