Killer Perk Buffs:

A Nurse's Calling

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-No changes

Barbecue & Chili

-No changes

Beast of Prey


+While out of chase, gain the undetectable status effect. When entering a chase, gain an additional 3/4/5% haste per level of bloodlust.

•Bitter Murmur


+Each time a generator is completed, that aura of all survivors are revealed to you for 5 seconds. When the final generator is completed, the aura of all survivors are revealed to you for 10 seconds.

Blood Echo


+Healthy survivors, within 16 meters of an injured survivor, yell; revealing their location for 6 seconds after a survivor is hooked.

•Hex: Blood Favor


+When a survivor is injured by a basic attack, all pallets within 32/40/48 meters are blocked by the entity.

Blood Warden


+Exit gate switches, when left unattended, regress at 50/75/100% speed (0.5/0.75/1 charge per second).



+Blood pools last for an additional 5 seconds.

Brutal Strength


+Grants the ability to cancel pallet breaking and breakable wall breaking animations

+Breaks/damages pallets, breakable walls, and generators 35% faster.

Corrupt Intervention

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-No changes

•Coup de Grâce

-QoL and Buff

+Press the activate ability, while Coup de Grâce has tokens, to prime or disengage Coup de Grâce. Once primed, your next normal lunge attack will be increased by 100%, consuming a token.

•Hex: Crowd Control


+Affects pallet vaults

+Decrease blocked time to 10 seconds

Cruel Limits


+When a generator is completed, all windows are blocked for 32 seconds.

Dark Devotion


+Doctor’s static blast now works for Dark Devotion, the obsession and any survivor within 32 meters of them are shocked.

•Dead Man's Switch


+When a survivor hooked, all generators being repaired are blocked by the entity for 20 seconds and revealed to the killer in white. Any survivor repairing a generator that is blocked are kicked off and yell revealing their location for 6 seconds.



+When a survivor completes a healing action and is healed by one health state, outside the killer’s terror radius, they yell revealing their location for 6 seconds and are affected by Death Bound. Any survivor affected by Death Bound are oblivious for 30 seconds.


-No changes

Hex: Devour Hope

-No changes



+The generator is immediately unhighlighted when there’s no longer 2 or more survivors on the generator.


-No changes

•Dragon's Grip


+Decreases cool down to 60 seconds.

Dying Light


+Each time a survivor, other than the obsession, is hooked for the first time, Dying Light gains a token, up to 2/3/4 tokens (Nemesis, DS, etc.). For each token, all survivors (including the obsession) suffer from a 11% decrease to repair, healing, unhooking, totem-cleansing, and sabotage action speeds. The obsession gains a 33% increase in healing and unhooking action speeds.


-No changes

Fire Up


+Each time a generator is completed, gain a stackable 6/8/10% action speed bonus to picking up and dropping survivors, breaking pallets and breakable walls, damaging generators, and vaulting windows, up to a maximum of 30/40/50%.

Forced Penance


+When a survivor takes a protection hit, they become broken for 30 seconds. While broken, their aura is revealed to you. Gain 100% additional blood points towards the brutality category.

Franklin's Demise

-No change

Furtive Chase


+Each time the killer hooks a survivor for the first time, Furtive Chase gains a token. For each token, the killer’s terror radius is decreased by 4 meters, to a maximum of 16 meters. For each additional hook past a survivor’s first hook, the killer’s terror radius is decreased by 2 meter.



+When a survivor achieves 4/3/2 good skill checks while repairing, receive a notification at the location of the generator and the aura of the alerted generator is highlighted yellow for 5 seconds.

Hangman's Trick


+Shows the aura of hooks within 16 meters while not carrying a survivor.

+Sabotaged hooks repair 5/10/15 seconds faster.

Hex: Haunted Ground

-No changes 



+Prevents the chance getting items of very rare quality or above from chests.

Hex: Huntress Lullaby


+Begins with silent skill checks

+Hooks increase the versatility, frequency, and penalty of skill checks

I'm All Ears

-No changes

Infectious Fright


+Has a 45 second cool down 



+While a survivor is hooked (the killer must not be around the hook longer than 10 seconds), the killer is undetectable until the hooked survivor is rescued or another survivor is injured.

•Iron Grasp

-No changes

Iron Maiden

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Knock Out

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-No changes

Mad Grit

-No changes

Make Your Choice

-No changes



+When within 4 meters of an incomplete generator, become exhausted for 20 seconds. Survivors do not recover from exhaustion when within 4 meters of an incomplete generator.

+Completing a generator exhausts all survivors within 16 meters for 40 seconds.

Monitor & Abuse

-No changes

•Monstrous Shrine


+Guarantees the chance of two basements spawning if the map has the possibility. When a survivor is hooked in the basement all generators are blocked by the entity for 30 seconds. Survivors cannot escape by their own hand when hooked in the basement.


-No changes

•Hex: No One Escapes Death


+Survivors are no longer exposed unless the endgame collapse has started.

+When the last generator is completed, the auras of all survivors are revealed to you.

•No Way Out


+Reveals the aura of all survivors within 12 meters of an exit gate switch.

+Increases initial time to 20 seconds and each hook grants 10 seconds, to a total of 60.



+Regressing oppressed generators are compatible with overcharge, dragon’s grip, and trail of torment (a random generator of the 4 is chosen to be highlighted for trail of torment).

+Decreases cool down to 60 seconds.



+The skill check can spin counter clockwise as well as clockwise.

Overwhelming Presence

-No changes

Play with Your Food

-No changes

Pop Goes the Weasel

-No changes



+Scratch marks last 5 seconds longer

+Scratch marks are more discernable


-No changes

Remember Me


+Each time the obsession is hit by your basic attack, Remember Me gains a token up to 2/3/4 tokens. Each token increases the amount of time required to open an exit gate for all survivors (including the obsession) by 5 seconds, up to a maximum of 20 seconds.

Hex: Retribution


+Dull totems also reveal all survivors aura for 5 seconds.

+Hex totems also inflict the oblivious status effect on all survivors for 30 seconds.

Hex: Ruin

-No changes

Save the Best for Last

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-No changes

•Sloppy Butcher

-No changes

•Spies from the Shadows


+Reveals the aura of the survivor who disturbed the crow for 3 seconds.

Spirit Fury

-No changes



+Survivors exposed by Starstruck yell, revealing their location for 6 seconds.


-No changes



+When a survivor is put into the dying health state, all generators within 32 meters of their location instantly explode and start regressing.

+Applies an immediate 10% progression penalty.

+Decreased cool down to 30 seconds

+If no generators are affect by surge when it activates, it does not enter cool down.


-No changes

Territorial Imperative


+The three generators closest to each other are highlighted in yellow. Each time any of those three generators begins regressing, a 8% progression penalty is applied. If one of the three generators are completed, all survivors are exposed for 60 and Territorial Imperative deactivates.



+Increase 4/4.5/5% per injured/dying/hooked survivor to 6/7/8%.

Hex: The Third Seal


+Survivors are also oblivious

+When broken, all survivors affect by third seal are revealed to the killer for 10 seconds.

•Hex: Thrill of the Hunt


+Increased totem-cleansing debuff from 4/5/6% per totem to 8/9/10%.

+An additional 2% debuff for each hex totem.

Thrilling Tremors

-No changes


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Trail of Torment

-No changes

•Hex: Undying

-No changes

Unnerving Presence


+Increased chance of a skill check from 10% to 25%.



+ Increased from 30% to 50%


-No changes

Zanshin Tactics

-Removed the cool down