We need more survivor mains to contribute with Community Service.

As survivor queues are way to long in my opinion, i feel we need some survivors (like me) can do some Community Service by playing killer and helping the queues. I dont like playing killer because whenever i decide to play killer just for fun i get stomped on but i do it for Community Service. It would be nice if we can have more survivors doing such thing and it would be balanced. What do you think fellow citizens of the fog? Is it wrong? Is it right?
No thanks I would be terrible and I'm too sensitive when playing killer. Plus I really enjoy survivor.
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Was a killer main, now I'm just playing other games instead.
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Thank you for your service.
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How about less people who main one role, and instead play both equally
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Nah playing killer literally raises my blood pressure. No thank you 🙏
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I play Killer from time to time. It's not as fun as survivor, but considering I'm not having much fun as survivor lately I am considering playing it more (or more likely just playing other games)
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While it's nice of you to try improving the survivor queues a tiny bit by playing killer,it is not something that you should feel forced to do.
Just play the side you enjoy the most.
It's up to the devs to improve the queue times for everyone.
Trying to do that yourself is impossible
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I do play but in small increments since otherwise I will just get frustrated
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Been doing that, but constantly going against red ranks certainly is not very fun.
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You're asking for this in a forum that's mostly occupied by killer mains... I suggest posting this on Reddit instead. It's less biased over there.
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Nope. I explicitly said that it's less biased. Not everything is absolute.
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I wouldn't say abandoned. More like "poked instead of embraced". Killer balance doesn't get the TLC that Survivors do because Survivors are just skins, while each Killer comes with unique mechanics, which create issues when trying to consider how they interact with everything. This game has a gorillion mechanics now that each Killer can interact with. Nearly every one of those needs to be separately considered with Killer, though some do ring true globally.
On top of that, opinions on Killer balance can range widely between Killer players, while Survivors are just a skin for the same playstyle and as such tend to be more focused and unified in their opinions on things. Toss onto that the extremes on either side that want balance to go one way or another, and feedback becomes a total mess to figure out.
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I think you should play whichever side you enjoy.
I play both sides 50/50 but I wouldn't if I didn't find either side enjoyable.
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I've been trying my best recently, just got twinkster and been trying to learn and do well with him ( I know I'm torturing myself lol). Even got him looking like even more of a cutie with a new outfit.
The thing is though killer can just be really frustrating to play and after a couple of bad matches unless you force yourself it's easy to just give up for the day and play something else.
However I can have numerous bad matches in a row as survivor and just ready straight up after and not really mind because it's just way less frustrating to play.
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Nope. The forum is perceived as being "killer sided" because some people are under the impression that you're not allowed to agree with something unless it favors you or a group you're a part of.
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Not that having empathy for killer players is bad, but getting stomped is part of the learning curve though. I got stomped once upon a time too, and even still do when I'm learning a new killer.
Yeah it sucks, but it's part of learning. Each time you fail, you get better and better at what you do.
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I want to lowkey vomit every time I read this. Please for the the Entity's sake, research buffs and nerfs before spewing out this nonsense. Survivors have ate way more nerfs while Killers have been severely buffed over time. I've played since before Huntress and David were even out. I feel most people just spew out what they hear from the forums or their favorite killer main youtuber with extreme bias.
The main thing that keep Killer less populated is people have friends they want to play with. Even Killer mains make Survivor friends and end up starting to play the other side.
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But.. then they are the toy and they might upset the survivors and get hate messages on their profile like they do to others.
Can't have that can we?
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I have been playing from beta.
The NUMBER of buffs and nerfs favor the killer, but that is because the devs like to do really dramatic stuff for survivors while killers get buffed by inches. Like, for example, about a year and a half of survivor buffs were dedicated to the refusal to just remove vacuum pallets and try to compensate for them, a singular buff that forever changed how DBD worked to this day and which was never fully reverted.
Furthermore, outside of buffs nerfs, content in general favors survivors pretty hard. For example, BT completely warped the killer's relationship to the hook in an extremely negative way that removes almost any advantage of hooking someone and, at its launch, was so powerful killers were forced into a slug only meta. It is still exceptionally strong and it boggles my mind survivors want to buff it with an absolute distance mechanic rather than a TR mechanic.
A big culprit for why killer is in such a bad spot gamefeel wise is because killers are currently tuned around snowballing, but survivors despise any mechanic that allows snowballing and contextualize them as 'not being able to play the game.' So killers need to play pretty immaculately to avoid getting blown out of the water and are forced to have near constant uptime while survivor is a lot more forgiving and, more importantly, has a lot more downtime. Its also little things like 'when a survivor does poorly it lasts a few seconds as they get eliminated, when a killer does poorly they gotta play out the rest of the match and the survivors can force the killer to keep trying by refusing to do gens unless someone is being chased.'
The gamefeel for killers is... truly horrific, and anyone who has been playing a while can see, regardless of the actual balance (at certain points in time killers are in an actually powerful spot, like a good nurse or spirit right now dominates), the devs really favor the survivor side in terms of their communication and patch style.
Or, put it another way, ain't it funny how killers had mori changes sprung on them while survivors got the alert that the abusability of DS was gunna go away months in advance, and still have access to keys and OoO? That isn't a whataboutism, it is directly pointing out that the way the two sides are treated is very different because there is a consistent pattern of proactive communication and appeasement for survivors while killers get bones tossed to them doled out over time while at the same time having to suffer surprise whammies.
All this together makes it really unsurprising that maintaining a large killer population is really hard. But, to BHVR's credit, they aren't stupid and they realize they actually want 'too many' survivors as they are the more social playertype willing to recruit and, because they are social AND third person, buy cosmetics to show off to their friends and look at themselves, which is why the devs bend over pretty far backwards to try to smooth over the survivor experience (again, regardless of power level. FEELING empowered isn't the same as BEING empowered), while killer is still pretty jagged and nasty, which takes a very special kind of person to enjoy and still results in a lot of burnout.
And this is all before the fact the BHVR devs basically endorse toxicity on their platform towards killers, which really takes the cake. Like the fact there isn't even an automated ban system for calling people slurs (not even alt typing of slurs, just the slurs) is actively embarassing for a company in 2021, and much like how they refused to implement a 'surrender' system and instead created EGC so survivors could bully the killer for another 2 minutes after they gave up because that is a FEATURE of the game, they instead tried to tap down toxicity ever so gently with the filter system, which doesn't stop toxicity but DOES let them pretend they are trying without implementing a system that would force them to ban the most profitable part of their userbase.
If you want to help keep the killer population healthy so you don't have long Qs, don't play killer, aim for systematic changes:
Pressure BHVR to actually implement basic report systems. What we know about mental health and online interactions makes their lack of movement on toxicity on their platform pretty indefensible.
Don't flame killers at the end of matches no matter how they play. Call out people that do. Be positive, we are one community.
Actively advocate for QOL improvements for killer players, even if you are a survivor player. Yes, some of these will be survivor nerfs in some way, but you need to learn that it isn't always about you. If you thought old DS was fine and didn't get how getting DSed when you weren't tunneling and someone forced you to grab them off a gen, would make many people decide to stop playing killer for a week, you were part of the problem.
Overall, don't view the killer as a utility. They are a player in your community. Don't demand they sacrifice their enjoyment of the game so you get a lobby to play exactly how you want. It isn't a service. Its a competition, and you should mentally re-align yourself to want the most competitive game possible. Reject the scrub mindset that any in game behavior that isn't an exploit is 'unfair' and, even if you don't 'service killer' yourself, learn both roles to have a more nuanced understanding of the game. There is bullshit on both sides and its fine to advocate for game change but do it from a 'this makes the interactions better' rather than a 'this is unfair to my feelings' sorta way.
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I'm sorry guys, I'll try to play more. I'm a killer main, but I don't actually log in until I feel mentally prepared to deal with the worst the game can throw at me. And if I feel even the slightest bit of negativity, I cut my night short in order to keep that negativeness from ruining my night.
However, I do have a handful of killers to catch up on, and I really need to stop procrastinating on that. But you'd better come bringing it, because I typically don't hold back.
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I really love playing as killer even though I get curbstomped pretty much 80% of my games, mainly because I'm new to the game and the learning curve is really steep (and the matchmaking a bit... off). I tend to just queue up as killer when playing solo because it's easier bloodpoints, less stressful (personally) and the queue times are amazing currently.
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How are you too sensitive? At least you admit it though.
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I can see it.
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I’ve been dedicating most of my gameplay to Spirit and Huntress lately & I will say that it has been a bit stressful (sometimes). However, I am getting better 😇 But no, I don’t feel people who main Survivor should have to do this, especially because they may not be cut out for the job and it can’t put people off/scare them away from playing Killer again.
I have the upmost respect for people who play Killer exclusively. Y’all are unspoken hero’s.
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Blight and Wraith have just received buffs. DS was nerfed.
In next patch Demogorgon is probably buffed too while OoO is nerfed.
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Can you prove that, my friend? There's been a helluva lot of posts complaining about the DS nerf for example. Killer mains generally are fairly happy with the change from what I've seen. So where's the proof that it's mostly occupied by killer mains?
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I play killer during the night and survivor during the day im no longer a survivor main i play both sides because of this ######### matchmaking lmao
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Just went four 4Ks and one 3K with Trickster in Red Ranks. 4K on Haddonfield as well... really didn't expect that though. So hard, so stressful, so victimizing, and I should get a medal for my service.
Then I switch to Survivor and get hard tunneled cause I upset the Killer with a item I found in a chest. Not even a Key.
So idk, I typically find Survivor more stressful and rage inducing.
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I am doing the complete opposite I used to play killer all the time but after like 800 hours got kinda bored and was waiting for the new killer to start again and well trickster isnt exactly the best lol
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Survivor is fun. I'll play what I want to play. I don't owe anyone less queue time or wins by being a killer. (and let me tell you, I'm so bad at killer that it's always a 100% win rate with you survivors)
If the report feature actually punished BMs, even just toxic chats, and I felt confident that there was some consequence in place, then maybe. Not that I avoid killer because survivors are toxic, but it'd give me peace of mind if I didn't have to worry about that sort of thing and could just play my way.
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I want to take this moment to state, once again, I think BE should be giving consideration to granting BP bonuses anytime one side is significantly under-populated in order to encourage players to play that side. This is a feature that is the staple of some MMO's for some time now, so it's not like I'm suggesting anything radical or new here.
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Tldr: I still rather not play killer, survivor queue doesn't bother me because I'm doing something else, and if there was a community service bonus for being killer I'd be interested, but for now things are fine.
I ignore BMs too as survivor. Or well, if the killer does some unnecessary stuff, I don't sweat it. I personally have motion sickness in first person, which is why I don't play killer. However, I've been playing DbD so much I've been considering buying DLC chapters, particularly the one with Spirit. But I worry that running with Spirit gets its own flak (plus I just spent a lot of cash on cosmetics lol), so rn I'm holding off on that purchase and playing killer again.
Regarding queues: I just do other things between queues. Play games on my switch or practice makeup. (Last night I think I nailed a nice look! Very productive.) I handle queue times pretty well because I'm not glued to the screen. I know I can't quite advise other survivors to do the same, but I still rather not pitch in to lower the queue times of others in exchange of my own.
Now if I were to consider serious suggestions to help on a "community service" aspect, I suppose I'd prefer enough incentive that overweighs my preference to /not/ play killer. Current measures aren't enough: I ignore killer-based dailies and tome challenges, and faster killer queues don't entice me to get over the learning curve of being killer (much less my motion sickness). Maybe if there was a "community service bonus" of more bloodpoints, but I think it's plenty enough that the game is as is - people who like playing killers play killers, people who like playing survivors play survivors albeit with longer waits, and people who like both can switch at their own leisure.
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There is something innately funny to me, and a little tone deaf, to hear people say they refuse to play Killer because of how bad it is and prefer to be a Survivor Main and then I've seen these same posters in other threads defend garbage Survivor behavior.