a hunt for food fan made dlc

mama_3000 Member Posts: 29

new killer is called The Werewolf

bio: He was a normal human like everyone else. When He came across A poster that is 50k just to do a experiment He accept and did the experiment. But there was something that the doctor didn't mention that the shot will have a werewolf DNA as well and when he injected him with it he started to feel weird and dizzy. The doctor said to rest for a few days until the shot was fully set in his body. The next day he turned on the news and the head newspaper says 10 people died from an animal attack from like a wolf or a bear. Some scientist think that there could be a werewolf among us and we should keep all the doors locked and windows shut and boarded up. When he wakes up he feel like he is always filled up like he already ate food. But he shrug it off thinking he is probably sleep walking and eating that he doesn't know about so he didn't put much thought in it. So 2 weeks pass he is starting to question about that shot that the doctor gave him so he called the doctor and he confess that the shot that he gave him was mixed with a werewolf DNA so that why he is always filled up and he feels like he wants blood all the time. So he ran away to a forest and hunt for food.

terror radisu 32m

speed 115%

height: Tall

source: original


He is hairy and he has somewhat have human abs.

power: A blood fury

You are hungry for blood, Press m2 to have a furious attack like demogorgan shred and you will have a 30 seconds and its like legion.

weapon hands


i smell fear and blood- Survivors have a lot of fear in them press CTRl to see there aura for 2/3/4 seconds cooldown 90/85/80 seconds

Chase my prey- Every time you chase your obsession you will be 5% faster for 2/4/6 tokens like play with your food but instead of loosing every token only by the obsession you hit them.

Hex: Where is my food- while the hex totem is active and kick a generator and hit the obsession within a 30/40/50 seconds you can see the other survivors for 5/6/7 seconds. cooldown 100/95/90 seconds.

no new survivor

new map there will be a new macmillan estate with the werewolf killer.