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Chapter Idea: Tomb Raider

Tayte Member Posts: 65


As time has gone by the Tomb Raider series has reached an iconic status for many. This year square enix is celebrating Lara Crofts 25th Anniversary, and I could see no better place, but for one of the most iconic survivors in video games to join among the ranks of Dead By Daylight. I feel like this is an opportunity for many, that people could truly appreciate. Especially survivors.

A long with Lara, I have brought you the sun queen Himiko that starred in Tomb Raider 2013. Her design is quite unique, and I think it could work among Dead By Daylight, and make Oni feel a little less lonely within the fog.


New Killer:

Killer: The Sun Queen

Name:Queen Himiko

Age: Unknown

Gender: female

Hair Colour: Black

Eye colour: Black

Power: The Storm

Weapon: Fire fist.

Speed: 115%

Terror radius: 32 m.


Himiko was a ruthless queen who ruled Yamatai. Together with her priestesses and general, she would rule it for hundreds of years. The secret behind her immortality was something much more sinister. With every end of her rule, they would hold a ceremony. A ceremony where Himiko would celebrate the next ruler, but the truth was different. Instead of Himiko transferring her powers as thought to be believed, instead Himiko was overtaking their body and destroying their souls. Becoming forever more in their vessel.

One priestess found out about Himiko's horrific deeds and ended her own life before Himiko could take it. Thereby ending the cycle for Himiko, leaving her to decay.

Thousands of years pass, and the ritual within Himiko still rages in her decaying body. Trapping any survivor on the island by a storm. Survivors went mad, finding out the truth from scripts. A cult formed and they began looking for a sacrifice to clear the storm.

Lara’s companion Sam was kidnapped, and taken to the altar. Ready for the sacrifice and to lose her soul, but the first survivors weren’t the only one who had read into the lore, and Lara was quick to come and save the day. Plunging a dagger deep into the heart of Himiko. Setting her a blaze as her body faded away into a mist. Sam was saved that day. The storm faded away and all thought it was finally over, but Himiko’s curse had only just started.


Killer powers:

Powers: The storm

Fires a charged up lightning strike at the location she’s currently looking at. Needs to be in a 10 meters proximity of the killer. Gives a small indication on ground for survivors to react before she zaps the ground.

When hit, the survivors will lose one health state.

(Can be used to fire a lightning strike ahead of where the survivor is about to run if used properly).

(The lightning strike works through roofs and surfaces, and if a survivor is above them they will be hit by it too).

Secondary ability: Cursed statue

Plant statues into the ground. When the power The Storm is used. Automatically do an AOE attack around these statues. Hurting any near it.

Survivors can remove the statues to avoid them.

Melee: Punches with a fire fist. Giving survivors small blisters, making them scream 5 seconds after hitting them Revealing their aura to you for 4 seconds. As well as making them lose 1 health state as per a normal melee.

Mori: Sucks the soul out of a survivor.

Killer perks:

1. Peer pressure:

Survivors vaulting the same pallet 4/3/2 times, will cause the pallet to break. The numbers are individual to each survivor.

2. Sacrificial Belief:

For every pallet you break, gain 2 tokens. Your next vault animation will be increased in speed by 25%/30%/35% and consume 1 token.

3. Cursed belongings:

Survivors breaking a totem or searching through a chest will suffer the exposed effect for 5/7/10 seconds, as well as have their location revealed for 4 seconds.

I was uncertain if this would be strong, but thinking of iron maiden I think it can work. Especially considering how short the exposed effect is. Iron maiden does the same, but with 30 seconds in exposed effect.


New Survivor:

Survivor: Lara Croft

Name: Lara Croft

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Hair color: Brunette

Eye colour: Brown


An English Archeologist fixated on uncovering the truth and preserving the ancient relics of the past, and to secure them from villains with nefarious intentions.

Lara has been on adventures expanding all over the world, and stopped mortals and immortals alone, in the fight for saving the people.

During her latest discovery, an ancient artifact spoke of an undiscovered tomb, thought to be located in the Amazon rainforest. She wandered weeks through the forest, before reaching her destination. Brushing away the rubble and leaves, she found a crack revealing a dark hole into a crypt. Lighting a torch, she made her way through.

She landed roughly on the ground. The floor started shaking, she looked at her foot. It was a pressure plate. She began running, stopping only at a cliff. Looking down into murky waters as the tunnel behind her began collapsing. Nowhere to go, she jumped into the cold water and swam to shore. There it was… The ancient treasure tomb she had searched for.

Lara brushed the wet hair out of her face, and made her way up to the coffin. Sliding the top off slowly, as a fog emerged from the opening. Engulfing her, as she woke up in a new realm.


Survivor Perks: 

1. Tech medic:

"If I don't survive, none of us will."Lara

While doing a generator you regain health back up to 15/20/25%

(Due to confusion, I mention it again. Generators can not fully heal you with this perk)

2. Treasure hunter:

You’re able to carry an extra item found in chests. When your other item runs out, drop it on the ground and automatically equip the item you found in a chest. Can only be done once. Items will lose 20% durability when taken up, while carrying another item.

1%/2%/3% chance of finding a rarer item. Only your current equipped item will be kept upon leaving the trial.

3. Archeologist:

“Everything lost is meant to be found.”Lara.

During the breaking animation of a totem, you’re told what the hex-totem consists of. Uses up the perk slot afterwards. Breaking the totem 5%/6%/7% faster.

(The perk cannot be used again after its one use)


Killer Cosmetics:

There's a few things I could see them do, but most cosmetics for her would likely have to be original.


Survivor cosmetics:

Lara has a ton of cosmetics. There's just so many up for grabs. Can't even list them all.


New Map: 

Map: Peruvian Jungle

(Other potentially cool maps would be Lara's mansion or an original Tomb.



What better way to celebrate Lara Croft 25th anniversary year, but to see her make her way into Dead By Daylight?

Questions and Answers:

Q: Lara doesn't fit Dead By Daylight:

A: While Tomb Raider isn't a horror genre, I do still believe she could find her space in Dead By Daylight. Considering we have Evil Ash, who's newest series isn't that much horror compared to Shadow of the Tomb Raider, I would personally think it fits just fine. We can all have different opinions though, and it may be what makes her unlikely to come.

Seeing as how Lara has made her way into other games now with crossovers and what not. It seems likely square enix would allow it.

Q: These perks and powers are busted. Remove them.

A: I am not the best at balancing these things, and i've noticed people have wildly different ideas for balance. I prefer to leave it to the developers, but if you have good reasoning, I will likely tweak it.

As always, all critics and opinions are allowed. We can't agree on everything. This is afterall mainly just a chapter I would like to see. Try and keep the comments mature. c:

Special thanks to Vioren and Ludwig, for some help with these.

Seen my chapters before? I post all my chapters first on Steam.