Why is Trickster slower than Clown?

Always wondered after Trickster's release why is he slower than clown?
Clown seems an unhealthy overweight guy so I'd assumed he'd be slower. (Sorry to Clown lovers)
Could also argue Clown's bottles are much stronger than Trickster's knives xD
Trickster actually runs but clown just calmly walks over which I find amusing.
I like Trickster but he's just so weak, can't find a reason to play as him other than to listen to his theme music, which is epic btw.
This seriously needs to be implemented as a Clown BUFF!!
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its because Trickster can damage survivors from a long distance and Clown can't.
Yes a also find it odd.
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Funnily enough clowns entire power is about outrunning the survivors by slowing down survivors and speeding himself up
Making him 110 would hurt him a lot
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Lore doesn't really have a lot to do with how fast they are. Demogorgon is a gigantic monster that could probably move faster than an edgy teenager with a knife.
There's probably a lot of testing that goes into testing out a killers movement speed. I remember seeing a post asking why Pyramid Head didn't move at 110%, and it's likely because they deemed that would make him too weak. Same with Plague.
I guess they decided that making Trickster 115% would make him too strong. Which seems doubtful, but hey, what do I know.
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Yes if the survivor is in a dead zone of looping a pallet with a low wall, other than that it's faster just to M1 one lol.
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More understandable if Trickster was 115% and clown was 110%.
Clown's 1v1 is extremely strong in the right hands.
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Pyramid Head I can understand, he has strong anti loop, Trickster doesn't which I find very odd. :/
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He is strong in the 1v1 because of his 115 move speed
if the clown is playing loops effectively heāll be 125% move speed while the survivors will be 85%. A move speed nerf would hurt he a lot since he relies on getting close
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Like I said, there's a lot of testing and reasoning behind it (probably.)
For Clown, he can't injure with his power. He only relies on M1's. Making him 110% would severely hurt him, it'd be like making Wraith 110%. Pyramid Head's ranged attack is severely limited (and he's also 110% while using it, so there's that.)
Trickster, especially with his upcoming buff, has a much larger range in which he can hit. And unlike Pyramid Head, he pretty much has no penalty for missing his attack.
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I agree with you, Clown is strong in 1v1 but has little map pressure.
Trickster on the other hand has a weak 1v1 and little map pressure, I can't play Trickster without multiple gen regression perks.
I'd prefer both of them to have 115% movement speed.
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If alien ever gets added i can never see that being 115% that boi ZOOMS.
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Regrettably, now that Disney owns Alien, I think the chances of having an Alien chapter tanked.
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The devs have mostly determined that ranged Killers move at 110% as a balancing mechanic. Since they are a threat from a distance, they move slower. Plague is an exception on account of how her projectile works, as they arc and require a bit more finesse. It's pretty standard video game logic. The issue is that Trickster isn't really capable of doing that much damage quick enough to make the normal slow speed feel warranted. They either need to make his power stronger to warrant the slower movement speed (this would be my personal preference) or speed him up while making sure his power doesn't become overbearing.
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I'm curious to know how much testing goes into a new killer :/
IMO giving Trickster a larger range means nothing if the damage caused by the knives disappears after a short time...
If the damage didn't disappear so fast I would consider the large range a slight buff, but if not I'm just gonna rely on m1.
I'm not saying make Clown 110%, it just baffles me that Trickster is much weaker than the Clown yet the Clown is at 115%.
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"Clown seems an unhealthy overweight guy so I'd assumed he'd be slower."
dont assume because jadada, guess things arnt as they seem
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I understand that Trickster is ranged, but his range attack is so weak it's faster to go for the M1.
I agree I don't want Trickster to be 115%, as he would just become another m1 killer.
At the very least his knives should make the survivor "mend" making him Legion 2.0, or reduce the number needed to injure/down.
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As soon as I seen that Clown has 115% movement speed I don't ever underestimate an overweight person, that's for sure!
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The most common suggestions are dropping the needed hits from 8 to 6 (though some argue 5 or even 4, but I feel that would be a bit too strong sometimes) and making knives ricochet once as basekit to add more identity to the character. Less common, but I feel are good, are suggestions that using a single knife throw instead of a flurry should reward bonus Laceration charges based on distance, as it's a skill shot.
Edit: And don't get me started on Main Event. It's currently weaker than it's PTB form, and the PTB form was already weaker than simply not using it.
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I would say make ricochet basekit, and reduce the needed knives to injure to 6.
I agree with the single knife throw, the flurry accuracy is so random that when I do throw the knives it's always single. Spam them and you will need to reload very fast :/
If single knife was implemented maybe make the max you can carry be 40/50.
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Well, considering they'd be used for trick shots (and his name is Trickster so why wasn't this part of his design already?) I don't think the ammo count would be that big of a deal. I'd IMAGINE at most they'd do double Laceration at their longest, which is 2 charges of Laceration. If the base amount of Lacerations was reduced to 6, it would be 3 charges. There's a math to it, but long story short, dropping the required hits from 8 to 6 would make every hit worth 1.5 charges instead of 1. So doubling that would make a trick shot basically 3 charges.
It's also worth pointing out that Trickster already HAS a scoring event for hitting a long ranged shot, which is any shot past 16 meters. So the game ALREADY detects shots from a set distance and gives a bonus score for them. Applying extra damage wouldn't be that hard, as they already have an event connected to distance.
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I didn't know he had a scoring event for long range shots (never tried it).
But the damage from the knives heals so fast even if you doubled it would it be worth it?
If it took longer to recover from the knives then yes, 8 knives with double at distance may be viable.
At the moment I only use them at loops with low walls, which I feel is a waste :(
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Well, the next buff for him is going to make Laceration Decay activation take longer (from 15 to 20 seconds), though I personally am not even sure if Laceration decay needs to be a thing unless the Survivor is healed. It would be like Ghostface or Myers losing stalk simply because they stopped stalking.
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Laceration decay should only be automatic when the survivor is not running IMO, that would justify the Trickster's 110% speed.
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yeah i dont get it either:
the trickster is a well fit man in his 20s
while clown is an obese 90 year old, smoking, alcoholic grandpa
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I was actually thinking the exact same thing, the clown is super fat
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Never underestimate a 90 year old, smoking, alcoholic grandpa, they could be rolling towards you at 120% movement speed!
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Maybe his just bulking? š
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I think you are all underestimating how fabulous Trickster is. He's so pretty, he doesn't run at super sweaty speeds in order to catch up to Survivors, as that would not be dignified. Also, I don't think his clothes are well suited for strenuous activity.
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Now that you mention it I think you're right!
Which explains his perk Star Struck! Survivors are just so in awe with his fabulousness, they can't move.
Any survivor who doesn't appreciate it should be banished from the fog!
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np! Never take anything to seriously :)
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Considering you can throw his knives through most walls(without cracks), i find he's actually fairly broken. The game favoring killers when it comes to rubberbanding doesn't exactly hurt him and most people DC because of this lol. As a survivor when someone is using him and abuse the broken aspects of him, like when I start getting hit through the ######### ceiling of the basement, 2 things are happening: I'm DCing or going AFK. I'm tired of people abusing broken mechanics BHVR can't/won't fix or address.
Don't compare them to The Trickster, seriously? You're comparing a ranged killer to 2 stealth killers. Myers needs a buff, since you can kite him around and wipe out his power -completely-. Ghostface has no limit to how often he can use his power.
Don't change Tricky's movement speed, he's ranged. I feel like most people suggesting these type of things don't understand that would put him at a huge advantage. Clown cant down you from range. He needs his speed right above survivors run speed, which is where its at.
in b4 someone asks for Iri Heads on Trickster. I don't feel like any of you actually care about balance and think you need to 4k every game lol
His perks also need some major work:
Crowd Control is probably one of the weakest perks in the game. I barely ever find myself doubling back on a pallet, and most survivors who have more than 300h of play time are going to vault multiple windows before doubling around. Or they're going to abuse double T/Z walls
No Way Out is a flat 8 seconds. 4 Tokens should be 32 seconds(8 for each token) but no. The perk is busted everytime ive used it and everytime ive had the killer use it. You'd think this would have been fixed by now.
Starstruck should not be tagging people in lockers. And if I can see someone with BBQ, Starstruck shouldn't tag them either. Its beyond range.
Pallet bug is also still a thing. Its not a whole lot of fun to play survivor or killer right now outside of doing Tombs and straight up memes.
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Because the clown is tall, so his legs are longer
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Clown is drunk while trickster isn't
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It's better they buffed his power rather than his movement speed, if they made him 115% he'd just be another m1 killer.
I care about balance and no I don't care if I 0K or 4K, it's just everytime I play against Trickster I know I will win and I do lol. Stay away from loops with low ways and just shift w, if your teammates are competent the gens will be done after one chase.
I agree with his perks, they're awful.
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Maybe that's the reason Clown so fast!
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Accepted Answer! š