Suggestion: Prestige permanently unlocks perks
I've picked up here and there that people are thoroughly annoyed with the way the bloodweb throws random perks at you to unlock and level, which means that as you acquire more perks, you are sometimes left leveling up dozens of times before a perk becomes available, all at pure RNG.
My suggestion is that Prestiging a character allows you to choose a perk to be permanently available on all characters.
For example: You prestige David King once, you get to choose: Dead Hard, No Mither or WGLF. You -obviously- choose the best perk in the game, and now when you switch over to your level 1 Zarina, there's No Mither in all its glory, available straight from the start!
This would add a gameplay value to prestige and could alleviate the problem of overflowing perk lists, all in one fell swoop.
Anything that reduces the grind and rewards prestiging (besides bloody clothing) has a thumbs up from me!
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sounds pretty good
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That sounds really good. The only real grind are the random perks in the game but that's bearable, at least.
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Let's carry this man to behavior upon a throne.
You could even make it tiered instead;
Prestige 1 on David; all David perks on all survivors at rank 1.
Prestige 2 on David; all David perks on all survivors at rank 2.
Prestige 3 on David; all David perks on all survivors at max rank.
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Tiered or perk-by-perk, either would work!
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Sounds great, though BastardKing's idea is more like what BHVR would do since the original concept would reduce the grind a little too much for their tastes.
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Yes. Please.
Upvote this fellas, this needs attention!
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You still have the universal perks to grind out on even if it was tier 3 of the perks, I remember leveling to 50 (in the old system with 2 perks at level 50 bloodweb) and not having maxed perks when I was new to the game so there is still a grind it just makes it more than managable
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This will be great! but i want to change it a little bit:
Prestige 1: First teachable perk
Prestige 2: Second teachable perk
Prestige 3: Third teachable perk
Or maybe it will give you the 3 teachable perks BUT prestige 1 is level 1 for the 3 perks prestige 2 is level 2 and prestige 3 is level 3 a.k.a maxed
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And besides, the road to getting these unlocks is a ton of BP in and of itself. You just spend way less time fishing for the perks you want to have, and it gives long-term goals to players.
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The developers desperately need some way to reduce the exponentially increasing grind DBD has and this would be a good starting idea.
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I mean, in the long run, as more and more survivors and killers are added, this could stabilise the grind, basically futureproofing this aspect of the game.
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I think a good change to prestige would be:
- unlock all perks you already got on a survivor at tier 1 at prestige 1.
- At prestige 2 unlock all perks you got to tier 2 at tier 2 and any you got to tier 1 at tier 1.
- At prestige 3 unlock all perks at tier 3 that you got to tier 3 and all perks at tier 1 and 2 that you unlocked at that tier.
This wouldn't eliminate the grind, however it would make it more bare able that it is atm. Just an idea though.
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I don't think that's a good idea, as that would make prestige only benefit the character you're prestiging. This wouldn't improve the grind going forward.
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I don't see how it wouldn't help though? I got all perks unlocked on my characters before prestiging any of them so this would have helped a lot to reduce the grind when p3ing them.
Ive been playing this game for years and I've P3'd all my survivors, but I only have all perks unlocked at tier 3 on 2 of them lol.
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This is a fantastic idea! Which is exactly why Behaviour won’t do it.
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Well yeah, if you're P3ing them, but it doesn't help you before the first prestige. So when you get a new character and want to play as them, you still have to grind out all 89+ survivor perks.
That's why I'd prefer to have Prestiging take perks out of that list of 89 perks. It cuts back on the grind under all circumstances.
Actually, come to think of it, it doesn't change the grind for P3ing at all, since the time it takes to get to bloodweb 50 stays roughly the same anyway.
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Bumping this up again because I'm levelling Zarina and having zero luck in getting perks that I want.
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This idea specifically might get me to consider prestiging characters.
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How is that not a good idea? It would hugely reduce the grind for that character.
I've made that exact same suggestion before in fact. Prestiging SHOULD benefit the character you're prestiging more than your other characters.
The main downside to prestige is that it wipes all of the perks you've just grinded out, just for a cosmetic. If prestiging actually benefited that character by reducing their future grind, it would be a lot more compelling.
So yeah, basically P1: instead of wiping all of your perks, they just get rolled back to tier 1. P2: rolled back to tier 2 or stay tier 1/2. P3: keep all your perks as they are.
I'm currently of the mindset that I would never prestige anyone just for a cosmetic, so I probably never will. And if the 'prestige to unlock perks on OTHER characters' came out... I probably still wouldn't do it, because those perks will come up eventually, and I'm not prestiging the characters I do play anyway so it won't take long to get those perks. But if mine/KirkyLads idea was implemented, I would definitely prestige the characters I main.
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The reason I'm suggesting what I'm suggesting is that, if you have all perks in the pool, yes, they will eventually show up.
But there's 89 perks and each has 3 levels. At best, you get two perks per bloodweb. That's around 130 bloodwebs that you need to dig through to get all perks. I would assume that's well over 2 million bloodpoints.
What this change is aimed at is not having to level Demogorgon to 40+ without getting Barbeque & Chili, which has already happened to me despite having very few killer perks unlocked.
I mean, it's possible to do both ideas, I'm just saying that I'm not interested in prestiging characters for the sake of prestiging them. I want to get something out of it that's more impactful than bloodied base cosmetics, and having the character-bound perks permanently unlocked across the board is exactly what I'd want out of it. That way I can bank on those perks always being there.
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Actually, from level 1 to 50, you need to spend around 1,4 million bloodpoints and you get 62/243 tiers for perks (For killers).
Now we have 181 tiers left. For each bloodweb at 50 lvl, you're probably spend around 50k ( 35k as minimum or 65k as maximum but we take 50k as the average number) for gaining 2 tiers of perks.
At the moment, we need to complete this type of bloodweb (at lvl 50) 91 times. It takes around 4,550,000 bloodpoints.
Overall, from level 1 to 50 with all perks and maxed tiers of the perks on only 1 killer, you need to spend 6 million bloodpoints.
From level 1 to P3 level 50 with all maxed perks, you need to spend around 8,8 million bloodpoints.
Well, we have 23 killers at the moment. And for getting all killers from 0 to fully maxed p3 killers, you need just 202,4 millions bloodpoints.
And don't forget that we have survivors...
I have almost 3,5k hours and playing since release date and still have ONLY 4 maxed characters from 48! Yes, mostly of them have p3 50 level but still they're not having even all perks.
Yeah, the grind of this game is... Huge.
And it definitely needs some improvements for sure. At least, make the opportunity to gain 4 perks per above level 50 bloodwebs than 2 in current state. This change could save 2,2 millions for each killer.
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Something that actually fixes the grind and not only the inflation?
No way, I stopped believing.
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I'm actually gonna keep pushing this, since every time I get a new character, I get frustrated with the bloodweb throwing stuff like Monstrous Shrine and Premonition at me over BBQ & Chili or Spine Chill.
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I came up with a new build so it's time to push this idea again!
Because now I need to figure out who to put my new build on and then dig through the massive list of perks to find the four that I need!
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That's actually a great idea!
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Can we @ one of the devs at this rate? This King needs to be paraded like our great Lord Sigmar?
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I'd certainly be up for @ing a Dev if I knew how. In the meantime, I'll just keep bumping this idea, I think.
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We can upvote it all we want, it will NEVER happen and here is why:
Why do we still have 1mln BP cap? So when new killer / survivor comes out, we cant just perk them out within 20 mins, play for 2 days and stop playing. If your idea was implemented, we would have new killer/survivor perked out in an instant. So we already know it's against what BHVR wants with their BP cap. So yea, it aint happening.
Dont get me wrong, i like the idea, but im aware that it will never happen.
Maybe if there was like limit, that it doesnt apply to latest DLC survivors/killers. Maybe then. But still doubtful
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I am approaching the BP cap once more, and I am once again asking for this to be a thing. I'd love to prestige some survivors to get their perks permanently unlocked.
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This may be a necro-post, but it it still relevant.
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This would increase the grind would it not? So for me to get one character to have all the perks in the game I need to P3 every survivor/killer?
That 6 million bloodpoints I used to get all 3 perks of Meg's unlocked would've been better used unlocking Bill's, Meg's and David's perks. I get the idea is that I don't need to spend more bloodpoints getting the perks in the bloodweb for my main but I still think overall I'm spending more points.
If I try to P3 max perks every survivor/killer it may reduce the grind then but only if I'm doing that.
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No, this would be in addition to the current system.
So you can still unlock and level perks as normal, but if you have a P3 David, then all characters will have Dead Hard, No Mither and WGLF at max rank straight from the get-go. They won't have to level those up at all anymore.
Say you have, I don't know, 18 perks in the pool or something like that, and you P3 one of your characters. Then that reduces the pool to 15, so if you want to get all perks maxed on another character, you'd be saving yourself those 3 perks worth of bloodwebs.
If you were to have all survivors at P3 except for the latest, Jill and Leon, then Jill, for example, would only need to level her own, and acquire and level Leon's perks, plus the ones not bound to any other character.
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Oh ok I understand now lol yea this seems like a good idea then.
Though I will say this only really helps players who are prepared to put a lot of time into this game and are prepared to spend a lot of money buying dlc. I know a few of my mates who hardly touch this game and this won't really help them. Here's why:
- They aren't going to buy every dlc or play enough to get them free.
- They won't play enough to level up a bunch of characters to 50 then use all their good offerings/items before prestiging.
I think they need something more helpful for newer players who don't play that often. For players who want to get more perks without having to buy characters first. Basically a better Shrine Of Secrets.
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Well, as the perk list keeps expanding, it'd be fair to split the Shrine into killer and survivor perks and offer four of each, at least for now.
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honestly sure I'd mostly prefer to just get rid of perk tiers all together but if BHVR is more okay with this then so be it.
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Prestige in general should require grind, otherwise what's the point.
Here is my suggestion for eliminating grind, it basically covers your requirements: