I despise new Small Game



  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Well they’ve only had like five years to fix totem spawns and they are as terrible as they have ever been. But you have faith that they’ll finally do something to them just because of a survivor change? Please.

    They've also had to keep solo players in mind during those 5 years. This could be a reason as to why.

    Survivor mains wanted a totem counter, now it exists.

    Killer main, still want the basekit totem counter. Still want solos buffed so it's not practially a free win.

    I understand it’s a strong gameplay element and should require a perk to counter it.

    But that's the thing, SWF don't need a perk to counter it, so no matter if it should or shouldn't, it doesn't, and until solo survivors are up to scratch with 4man SWF-on-comms, this game will never be anywhere close to balanced.

    The idea that solo should have all the free information of SWF... have you played DbD?

    Just a smidge

    Not that much, just a teensy weensie bit to understand the basics

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    That's a fair way to deal with seeing what totems are left. I doubt SWF write down a tally for every totem they come across, so a notification visible to both killers and survivors would make things more interesting.

    If all survivors were to get a counter for remaining totems (which I'm not a fan of), then have it so all totems are cleansed as well as the gens done before the gates are powered. That could become very frustrating though.

    So yeah, a notification of a totem being clensed to both killer and survivor would be more than enough. A totem counter on Small Game should be a benefit fpr those who choose it only.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    The perk itself is completely useless now though?

    • The detection range decreases by 5° for each totem cleansed

    The current range is 12 meters, if they increase it then it becomes way too big of a cone and sends you on a wild goose chase unless you know roughly where they spawn. If they keep it at 12 meters, than after 2 totems are cleansed it's just a glorified totem counter.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Well, I'm glad that we've cleared that up.

    I wouldn't say I'm "clueless" when it comes to balance, in fact at risk of sounding rather narcessistic I'd say I'm quite good at coming up with ideas.

    And no, I don't want free wins vs solo teams. Glad we've also cleared this one up.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    quick reminder that degrees are not the same as meters

    meter is distance.

    degrees are curvature

    basically, the perk does this

    you don't lose distance, it just gets a bit narrower.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811
    edited April 2021

    People want this change because NOED exists if I'm not mistaken (and other hexes). If a killer can take up a spot for a hex you can too. The end. Also, the idea that you're "forced to" is ridiculous. I always here specifically survivor mains (not killers or people who play both sides) say this. You are not "forced" to bring anything. Run nothing. Go ahead. No one will stop you. I play solo just as much as I play swf and I don't need anyone to tell me how many totems are left, I can figure it out on my own. I'm perfectly capable of that. I'd only run new Small Game as a solo if I'm been running into an absurd amount of NOED as of my last few matches or have a totem challenge.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    It's the dbd way. Add a quick fix to a perk or add on instead of actually fixing the base game mechanics.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Also, the idea that you're "forced to" is ridiculous. I always here specifically survivor mains (not killers or people who play both sides) say this

    Killer main, used to play both sides equally, so congrats I'm the first.

    If a killer can take up a spot for a hex you can too

    But SWF don't have to, so it's nowhere near fair. I don't know how I can make this clearer, but if SWF don't have to use a perk, why should solos? They shouldn't; they shouldn't be forced to use perks to get information SWF can for free (if there's any other way to consistently and reliably get the information of locations of totems + their status whilst playing solo, at the moment of another player passing by them, let me know).

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,064

    I disagree. Totem Cleansing is a secondary objective that survivors can choose to either do or ignore, and for the most part they ignore it. Now not only is Small Game going to become the quintessential totem detection perk, It'll also keep track of how many totems are left for any survivor that uses it. By keeping this information bound to a perk, the survivors have to use up 1 perk slot, which feels more balanced considering how valuable that information is to survivors, especially when approaching the end game (talking about NOED avoidance). Whereas Giving survivors that information as a base part of the in game UI/Hud becomes all advantage to the survivors, and no disadvantage for having access to that information. If this were base kit to the UI, lets face it, Certain hex perks would become antiquated and useless. By giving this information only to the survivors that equip the perk, they are essentially equipping it in order to counter any hex perks the killer might bring in, and thus it becomes a perk with the sole purpose of defeating another perk, which to me sounds like a fair trade off.

    On the other hand, in the case of SWF on voice comms, only one survivor would ever need to equip the Small Game in order to inform their teammates of how many totems are left in the match, which by this use, will have the same effect as having the information base kit UI, and effectively render those hex perks pointless without costing multiple survivors their perk slot. This is where the perk becomes an imbalanced advantage for the survivor team, so with this change to Small Game alone, they've just made SWF that much stronger against the killer players who use hex perks.


    Making this information available as base kit in game UI/hud is the unfair option, because as long as it's tied to a perk, the survivors have to choose to use up a perk slot for it, but if they didn't have to, then the Hex perk mechanic in the game (especially NOED) would go the way of the dodo. You're demanding the devs give survivors information that gives them a hefty advantage against the killers, without sacrificing anything to compensate for receiving said information, and for that, I disagree with this OP's opinion.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    You actually are the first wow. I take that part back now. Also, solo's don't have to. I play solo just as much as swf like I said and not even as solo do I feel I need a totem tracker. It would be unnecessary clutter imo. The only reason I'd need small game is to make sure I got all the totems and I have an idea where they are like I said only if I had too much NOED or a totem challenge. Even then do I feel I actually need it though? No, just to be a little more helpful in those situations. There are only 3 maps in the game that for me personally I'd be like "Yeah, Small Game is super helpful." The two swamp maps and Midwich, anywhere else? No.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Making this information available as base kit in game UI/hud is the unfair option, because as long as it's tied to a perk, the survivors have to choose to use up a perk slot for it, but if they didn't have to, then the Hex perk mechanic in the game (especially NOED) would go the way of the dodo.

    Except, the latter option of hex perks going the way of the dodo already happens vs competent SWF teams. Which is what I'm trying to argue here- SWF and solos should be similar power levels to killers and their mechanics can be buffed accordingly, such as with longer cleansing times, more totems, and better totem spawns. It's not like giving them this basekit woudl lead to something that doesn't already happen because it's already happening.

    On the other hand, in the case of SWF on voice comms, only one survivor would ever need to equip the Small Game in order to inform their teammates of how many totems are left in the match, which by this use, will have the same effect as having the information base kit UI, and effectively render those hex perks pointless without costing multiple survivors their perk slot. This is where the perk becomes an imbalanced advantage for the survivor team, so with this change to Small Game alone, they've just made SWF that much stronger against the killer players who use hex perks.

    Which is the exact opposite of what I'm attempting to aim for and another reason as to why it being basekit would be better! This current Small Game actually buffs SWFs further whilst solos remain the same, which isn't okay.

    Yet another reason I absolutely despise this new Small Game; it's a change that should've been basekit and making it a perk has just further widened the gap between SWF and solo. Which is why it should be basekit.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I'd add Saloon onto that list too.

    I'm glad that you feel like you don't need the totem counter, but unfortunately in my solo games it's a miracle if anyone but me does a generator, let alone cleanses a single totem. Knowing if my team are actually on totems, so I'd be able to focus on maybe gens more, or knowing they're attempting to slam gens but ignoring totems, would be so helpful to how I play. Furthermore, whenever I play killer vs solos who try and cleanse totems, it's almost an instant win because they'll be searching areas where totems used to be but were cleansed before, buying me enough time to easily win the game with PGTW value.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    Most of Dead Dawg's I feel like I know the locations of because I've done multiple 5 totem builds on that map and even just having stuff like Detective's Hunch on the occasion or a map. Besides, it's not necessary every game to cleanse totems. Sure totems are popular and NOED is too, but all you need to do is cleanse the hex if there is one. In the case there's a fear of NOED, if that's still a fear far enough into the game then you probably have time to find a cleanse the totems while a single person sits on gens. You bring up a good point that not all survivors do that because there are many very useless survivors out there. I don't think having a totem counter would be the worst thing, I just don't want so many things on the HUD because clutter and honestly killers have a totem counter perk too so I don't know why survivors are making such a big deal that "We need this." I think of it as the survivor equivalent of Thrill of the Hunt. It's main effect has to do with keeping/destroying totems and gets weaker the more that's cleansed and is a totem counter.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    The reason so many survivors are making a big deal out of this is because killers never play with a team, they'll always be solo for the foreseeable future and so the devs don't have to balance around two completely different levels of coordination (which is impossible, and they've just made their job harder). I understand your lack of want for HUD clutter but literslly next tot the gen symbol theres a totem symbol and a number.

    I just want BHVR to make solos and SWF closer together in power- because no matter what you cannot disprove that solos and SWF are so dst apart in strength that it makes balancing this game impossible. A totem counter wouldn't have been the fix all solution to this but it would've been a start.