New lucky break might be an issue

You get injured you now have no scratch Mark's or bloodn with iron will no sound. especially on In door maps for 90s i like perks where you have no scratch Mark's
Ex self preservation
But i think this might be an issue if you got all 4 players running this combo you get a hit and lose the surivor repeate this process
You can still follow their footsteps.
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It's a day 1 Meta-Lock.
I'd imagine it will be changed within the month.
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I sense great things coming from lucky break.
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Ahh yes let me listen to their foot steps while I do whatever noise effect I make with my weapon RIP demo players I guess
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I think it won't be that big a deal. It sounds powerful but it will wear off in what 80 secs? The solution is hit everyone early and get it out of the way. It sounds like corrupt intervention. It's good when it's up but once it's gone your down a perk for the rest of the game.
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While your right unless your legion what are the odds your going to have all 4 players injured quickly at most you might get 2 and then probably lose them due to no way of tracking and then they other 2 do some gens while you try to find another survivor or the injured survivor
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The perk stays and can be reused if they heal before the time is up
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Yeah I just see this being an issue probably and if unused I'm playing survivor w it
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Have fun finding Survivors on Lerys with Iron Will and Lucky Break.
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What?! Nvm got jabated
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I honestly think it won't be as strong as people think. It only lasts for 90 seconds and if the killer is good then it will not matter, and then again it's only 90 seconds. About 40 seconds could be spent being chased before losing a decent killer, that is already a huge chunk of the perk gone. Also, it is a one use perk, it will be useful in the early to mid game, but that is it.
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what i think they should do with it is make it like poised and anytime you complete a gen you get one stack and you can have up to 3 stacks of lucky break and each stack lasts 10 seconds
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That's the thing you spend that 40s on a chase just to lose them that's 3 gens half and you got nothing off it ontop of everyone can use that
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It was an exaggeration, but I still think it is not going to be useful without a med kit or some form of healing on that survivor.
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I mean if it shakes up the meta wouldn't that be a good thing. No one likes the same old stuff but when a perk potentially could upset that established group everyone freaks out. Personally I don't see survivors running this because it suffers the issue of duration. It's something thats nice but since it runs out most people won't use it.
Every patch people freak out over the perk that has the most potential while simultaneously freak out every day over the only perks which are halfway decent for the other side to run. The meta won't change because people are so hesitant or afraid of changes which have the potential to shake it up. Then they wonder why the meta doesn't change and why their opponents run the same 4 perks.
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I do like metta changes but this is the wrong way at least old ds ub activated after a hook allowing pressure to be made this activates on a hit and has a good chance of losing the killer losing any pressure they could of had
Ps duration isint a issue people still run corrupt
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Not if the chase music has anything to say about it.
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Lol u think im gonna be in a chase if this goes live
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oh okay. I must have missed that part. I thought it was a one time use thing. Well considering the backlash the devs got for finally reining in DS, something was bound to happen to compensate. They don't nerf survivor for long.
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Na you got jabated I did too I rechecked
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It has been announced for the ptb and no one has played it yet. I for one plan on trying it out but when I play killer I'd much prefer survivors not running ds unb dh bt and if this switches it up I'll have to change either my perk loadouts or playstyles.
Perhaps before saying its too much actually experience it. Since right now its next to near impossible to hypothesize how it will play out ingame.
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Well see tomorrow it might be useless on some maps but not for alot of them
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It doesn't reset the time. it's just a visual glitch.