The new BT Change

It promotes brain dead gameplay. Just saying
Not really? It just makes it so it works against stealth killers. Don't want to deal with it? Go after the unhooker.
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If someone is stupid enough to rescue someone when I am right there. They are just trading places. Just because you have BT doesn't mean you should save right in the killer's face. You only do that if the killer isn't giving you any other option. If people want to hook trade by making bad saves I say let them.
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And camping with Freddy or stealth killers isn't braindead in the slightest, right?
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How about we just make the rescued survivor lose collision for the duration of BT then?
Then we can actually go after the unhooker like you say instead of abusing the BT to block for the rescuer.
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Signed, a person with a Leatherface profile icon.
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Being honest the only legitimate gameplay I see this changing is when people instantly dive bomb the hook against a wraith/freddy.
Other then those two I don't see it really effecting gameplay much unless you're playing cheese builds like Insidious/basement Bubba.
I really do not see any major issues with the change at all.
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Don't like it or finding it frustrating are neither of the issues I have with BT.
It's an over tuned perk. It blows out almost all other perks from being considered.
Anti-tunnel/camp is fine, extra health states for playing bad is not. It's essentially the same issue DS had.
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I don't think abusing is the right word here.
Trolling by running 4 bugged Breakdowns: abusing.
Using a perk that does what it says in the description: not abusing.
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"I don't think abusing is the right word here.
Trolling by running 4 bugged Breakdowns: abusing."
Trolling is not the right word. Trolling is usually throwing the game for meme's. That is not even remotely the same thing.
Abusing is referencing using something for more than its intended purpose for a greater effect.
"Using a perk that does what it says in the description: not abusing."
By that definition old DS was fine. Which it definitely was not. That's a poor way of determining abuse.
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No it now counters stealth killers who camp, if you don't like it go after the unhooker.