How are your games going?



  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    I felt the same! Last few days has been awful. Btw MMR isn't on, they only did it for 24 hours a week or two back. I found the matchmaking on both sides way more fair when it was on.

    The games either seem to be really sweaty all night ATM or just about ok.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    Is there a way to do a 'looking for group' type of thing, where survivor mains can indicate their current rank and we could actually team up and play the game together? Those of us who actually want to work as a team I mean.

  • bettymcpetty
    bettymcpetty Member Posts: 2

    OK but this is me with doctor. I love playing against doctors, but 90% of them are so tunnely and campy I just dread it when I see a doctor.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    Don't be a bully SWF then

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    Lots of tunneling and semi camping Tricksters. Lots of try-hard survivors who rush for flashlight saves that they never get. Lots of hook farming teammates. Very little diversity in the killers I face.

    I finally switched out Self Care (yes I am bad) for Inner Strength. I like it so far, but I wish it let you save 2 charges after cleansing 2 totems.

    Overall, it seems like everyone on both sides are being super sweaty compared to how it was 3-4 months ago.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Only played two games today.

    First one against an Oni. Someone DC'd 2ish minutes into a match. Oni had one guy downed, then downed another. Stayed at the hook with the last guy on the floor so I pretty much couldn't do much of anything. He of course downed me. I kobe, and he downs me again (because he's waiting at the hook). SUPER FUN GAMEPLAY.

    Second one against a Trickster. Game lasts a little longer. But eventually two survivors DC, Trickster Mori's me, and yeah. We had 3 gens done, not really sure why they DC'd.

    Two games. 3 DC's. The Solo Queue experience.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Desperate tricksters is probably the most accurate term.

    I don't play dirty with him and just take the constant losses myself, BHVR loves statistics so all those easy games people have against trickster are going to add up.

    But yeah, if you have inner strength take it over self care, there is basically no reason to ever run self care if you have inner strength. Especially in the new update when small game hits; it's actually really good.

    I assume that's sarcasm lol. Yeah, it is solo queue but everyone I think was on PC and a lot of killers seem to think that people all on console or all on PC are always a SWF, so that might have triggered them.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    That is oddly specific, and actually reportable as well in that instance.

    Tunneling when it is actively and provably being done to grief a specific person is a reportable offense. If you recorded the match and the post game lobby screen of it showing it's the same person; reported them in game the latter times, and opened a ticket explaining this they might take action.

    It's a lot of work and probably too late now, but keep that in mind if it proves to be a problem with that person again.

  • ExcessumCamena
    ExcessumCamena Member Posts: 11

    Pretty poorly, overall.

    I just started playing about ten days ago. I'm at rank 12 on survivor and killer at the moment. I play mostly late at night on the US west coast.

    Last night in particular, nearly every killer game was against a group of rank 5s (I assume this means they were rank 1s until a couple of days ago). I think I pipped once in six matches, and depipped twice.

    Of the few survivor games I played last night, the first one was with a 3-man SWF, all of whom had TTV in their name. I turned on one of their streams during the match so I could get some passive information on what they were doing. It turned out what they were doing was raging at me for various things, like not healing one of them (I walked over to heal her and she started using her medkit while I stood there, then complained about me), or not saving one of them from the hook (the killer was standing right there and I was injured... both other members of their SWF were also right there and uninjured, but they wanted to do a gen instead). After the first of them died on that hook, she started spectating and telling them exactly what I was doing (repairing gens) while the other two of them just ran around looking for the hatch and talking about how they didn't want to win, they just wanted me to lose. When I finally did die (with one of the SWF team left up) they all cheered. Naturally they never managed to find the hatch, and the last member ended up in the post game lobby 30 seconds later with a death.

    Of the other survivor matches I played, two of them had someone complaining at the end after being sacrificed.

    It's weird, but the first week and a half of this game wasn't like this for me. I mean, matchmaking gave me bad matchups with red ranks, but it was rarely an entire non-swf team of them, and never over and over in every match. And it seems like people have gotten a lot saltier as well. Does this happen after every reset?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited April 2021

    A looooot of twitch streamers are like that, I never even check them generally.

    They are like that to killers too, just calling them idiots and trashing on them all stream.

    The salt and bad community is just most of the time sadly, rank reset has little to do with it.

  • AbstractSaucing
    AbstractSaucing Member Posts: 103

    Hey man, at least your game will load

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited April 2021

    Im enjoying the new trickster changes, and i have to say that its not bad, he can now throw knives around corners and end loops. But the amount of knives is still too much.

    Because of this the Trickster is very addon dependant, being "melodious murder" addon a must. And i have to say that against randoms he is now a bit more decent, but SWF just stomp him like every other low tier killer and its really disgusting and frustrating to see that you cannot do anything because SWF is broken like hell.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 181

    The usual m1 killers needing devour, Iridescent head hatchets or other one shots, tunneling, body blocking hooks etc. Same old same old nothing really new here. Disconnecting from game before it starts is still a thing so good to know that issue is still around even after patch. Good times good times.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    This 100 percent! Both sides have seen sweaty players, campers, tunnelers, just plain crappy game play. Everyone is trying to get those ranks where they were however they can, I am hoping this calms down in a day or so?? I dont know is it usually this bad after rank reset??

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I hate wraiths who cloak then sit by the hook waiting for survivor players to try the save then down them. Happened to me the other night and I got the same killer doing the same thing next game. So now I wait in between games in the hopes not to get the same people.

  • Trial_By_Scythe
    Trial_By_Scythe Member Posts: 65

    Ironic to see this, the 13th was one of the most unfun survivor nights I can remember in a long time. Lots of killers playing in a way to

    intentionally ruin all four survivior's games. Full moon or something i guess.

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    Multi-Tasker completed. I told you guys, Snoot Boop is the way to go.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    Dude, is it something about rank reset that brings out the worst in killers? I have never EVER seen this many tunnelers and campers in my life. In 4 hours of game play not one game won,,,not one. I am a decent (not great by any stretch) red rank survivor and wow have the last two night sucked. To be fair though some of the games were lost because survivor's DC/ suicide on the hook because they were downed fast.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited April 2021

    Every trickster I've had in solo queue today has 4k'd.

    I have literally zero trouble running him, but everyone else goes down in 3 seconds.

    So maybe we won't be getting anymore buffs after all =/

    I just had a 3600 hour, 50+ viewer streamer camp a guy into second state too, they making all the tricksters look bad when they keep doing that stuff.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    Boring. The only games i can go out is the green ranks because matchmaking is dead, and its not fun to face them. Otherwises facing reds killers, its not theyre good, its just camping tunneling tryhards... no fun either

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542
    edited April 2021

    Decided to try doing some of the killer tome challenges. Got a SWF bullysquad with double OoO who kept clicking and flashlight saving.

    They forgot to bring unbreakable so I found a good solution to the flashlight saving.

    Most of my games have either been killers trying way too hard or survivors acting like tools with OoO. Maybe because Rank Reset was only a couple of days ago.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited April 2021

    Just had a match where a survivor took a midwich offering; and then proceeded to intentionally sandbag the team throwing every pallet on the entire map in the first like minute ish of the game just because, and then when someone was hooked he ran up to them and just started t-bagging them until they killed themselves on hook.

    The killer saw this and fully exploited the fact he was throwing to ream us into the ground of course I, now don't have a problem with this; however I was able to find a key on the ground that the person who killed themselves probably got from a chest so I was able to get out at the very end of the game.

    To which the killer bitched about to literally no end, and started insulting me for doing so and about how unfair that was for him....and it's like..."fair"?....what about for us? We had someone who decided to automatically make us all lose and there was nothing we could do about it; but one of us escaping because of hatch is what is toxic, but the guy sandbagging everyone is totally 10/10 okay fair for the rest of us.

    So hypocritical it's like no one has any empathy these days.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Yall need to like....stop tunneling as killer. You are out there winning games because every match looks like this:

    You are going to end up getting the DS changes reversed or the perk significantly buffed if you keep doing this guys, is that what you want? xD