About the TWINS nerf

Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317
edited April 2021 in Polls

This time imma make options so I'm sure you'll read the whole poll.

So the Twins will receive a direct nerf.

The nerf is direct, and as @DOWSEY said in his video, it punishes the player for using the power correctly, that's the part of the cooldown increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds, and it didn't solve the problem with Twins (always considering whether it actually has a problem as a killer and whether it is a actually a smart thing to do against how well they perform against really really good survivors), instead of punishing the killer for missing an attack as Victor, or something to decrease the snowball potential/camping potential if the killer plays badly.


Option 1: The Twins shouldn't be nerfed but have a buff instead

Option 2: the nerf to the Twins was not deserved, they shouldn't have been nerfed and should not be nerfed

Option 3: the Twins needed a retweak, which can be both a buff and a nerf, not this nerf

Option 4: Undecided

Option 5: the Twins needed a nerf, but not this nerf

Option 6: the Twins needed this nerf, and it is perfect

Option 7: The Twins should be nerfed even more to the ground, they're OP!

About the TWINS nerf 40 votes

Option 1
GibberishBlueberrykaeruTruffleTurtleGlamourousLeviathanWarcrafter4ChurchofPigBigbubbabam270 Antares2332OmputinYordsgetuy45u4iuQwQwExarpiggygooikferuisMarioBrosMaster 17 votes
Option 2
AvilgusMaxwellLonok2syain[Deleted User] 5 votes
Option 3
OnryosTapeRentalsTapeKnotLeonardo1itaUistreelGeneralVCornHubZestyDistortedDream[Deleted User]ProfDelaventure 10 votes
Option 4
DimekNirchoymissjay 3 votes
Option 5
Fobboboostedsurvivormainhato3TheArbiter 4 votes
Option 6
brokedownpalace 1 vote
Option 7


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,649
    edited April 2021
    Option 5

    The only thing they needed was to increase the cooldown on how often you can send Victor out. Punishing the player for using your power correctly is the wrong way to nerf this killer.

    As a side note you shouldn't list "option 1,2,3" on the poll, just put what you put in the description instead. Makes the poll less confusing.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    Option 6

    I meant option 5

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317
    Option 3

    Oh so in the end it was the cooldown of the missed attack.

    I still think this nerf isn't necessary

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    Option 1

    Being honest the if the developers want the twins to not mass slug every game they should make them viable in a 12 hook game.

    If a killer can't win with 12 hooks they will make sure the game ends in 4 hooks.

  • boostedsurvivormain
    boostedsurvivormain Member Posts: 399
    Option 5

    The Twins needed a change to address the strength of their camping, in my opinion. The nerf they received does not solve any of their biggest issues, and is just unnecessary.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568
    Option 1

    I would suggest to give Charlotte a slight speed boost after swithcing back to her. Same as Wraith or maybe bit longer. That would make her go faster to slugged survivor. This change would be a good buff and at the same time it can't be abused.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286
    Option 4

    Full rework.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864
    Option 3

    Maybe a Charlotte buff with a Victor nerf to compensate. You do most of the ground work as Victor & switch either of the 2 to bodyblock, but that's about it for things Charlotte can do that's unique. Very versatile killer & very fun to play, but an absolute mess to play against most of the time.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811
    Option 1

    My largest issue with this nerf is that the Daily Ritual "Rite of the Twins" encourages slugging because it states that you have to down survivors with Victor. So why they encourage slugging with their ritual and how it's agreed by the community who's played Twins that the most viable way to play them is a slug fest, I don't know why they're making them weaker. If a killer feels like they need to use an all around unhealthy strategy to get the kills with the killer and most people feel the same, that's not the player that's at fault it's the poor design of the killer.