Why do some players want a BBQ nerf?



  • FoolyCooly
    FoolyCooly Member Posts: 21

    Killer main myself wanting it nerfed for 1 reason. Move the bp effect to another perk so people will admit its a suck ass tracking perk and shut the ######### up about recommending it on every ######### killer. It make cringe everytime someone tells me bbq is great on my main,ph, when if i want to win bbq is one of the last perks id use. Most overrated perk in the game. If the aura was the only effect people would drop this perk easy

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    edited April 2021

    People will complain about anything. I think most players on both sides agree that BBQ is a balanced perk with plenty of utility and counterplay. Anyone who says it's OP is probably new to the game.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited April 2021

    Funny thing is that survivor got a huge buff to WGLF because they complained about BBQ giving something more than BP. Sill wanting BBQ to be nerfed just shows how biased some people are and just wants the killer experience to be ruined.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Actually, no. Barbeque & Chili incentivizes the Killer to move far away from the hook, i.e. almost to the other side of the map to go after some Aura he/she sees for a few seconds. That in turn allows all the Survivors not a hook to shift, get back on Generators safely if they were in a locker, and/or go rescue the hooked person SAFELY. Remember Altruism is one of your Pip engines, and you are expected to do about two Generators, two unhooks/healings, and some chases to max out your advancement in any particular game. Barbeque & Chili helps you realize that efficiently, whereas otherwise you might just slam Generators and give up all that other necessary stuff, not to mention leave someone camped on the hook.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Clearly I do. :) My goal, when I'm in the role of Killer, is to kill all of you and maximize both my Blood Points and my Pips. I like the Hat Trick, winning on all three levels. That is why I spend my time in the Red Ranks, with tons of Blood Points to buy whatever I want, and get 3K+ most matches. Going for all three is far more challenging, and lets the poor Survivors get some points. If I wanted to I could kill everyone in the first 2-3 minutes tops, but where is the style in that?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    If you say so? I'm just being honest. The DEV created the Emblem system to encourage people to play more challenging matches, not to just whack the Survivors with no style whatsoever. That is why you get Killers complaining here from time to time wondering why they got a 4K but didn't Pip. You also get Survivors whining about escaping but losing a Pip. The game rewards succeeding above and beyond, not minimum effort.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    People gotta find something to complain about. Also the fact that they're on Twitter really says a lot. DBD players on Twitter complain as much as Steam forum players do. Don't worry bout it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Again, it is a matter of personal pride. I thought I was pretty clear about that in my first post on it. I'm challenging myself to a harder match, which has the nice side benefit of giving the Survivors some breathing space. That is what the Emblems were designed to do after all. What I find "cringe" as you put it is that you did one of those cliche response to me that included the "Imagine" opening. At least be original if you want to mix it up with me. So why don't you explain your philosophy? What exactly are you doing in your matches? Or better yet, we can mix this up in a custom game if you like. I'd be very interested to see how you play.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I guess I'll just have to wait until I pull you in random matches then. I don't make up stories about myself; I'm a very literal person. If I had to make up the stories, they wouldn't be worth anything. I'll see you in the fog.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You have me very wrong. I don't compete with you or anyone else here for that matter. I compete with myself. I'm just very direct and open when I talk about things. If you think my tone is prideful, you are correct. I do take pride in everything I do, and that includes video games. Pride has always been my favorite sin. I do think playing the game in a way that is more challenging is worth doing. At a certain point, you have to find the challenges where you can because you done the other things. When a game no longer has challenge, I vagabond on to the next one. I think that it is clear that you and I are very different people because neither of us seems to be able to perceive the other's mindset; we are utterly alien to one another.

    I'm an extremely competitive person, but I strive with the only opponent that matters here: myself. I just make the assumption that the rest of you are the same, challenging yourselves and pushing yourselves to whatever limits you can find, and doing what you need to do to keep the game fresh and interesting. My natural bias is to assume other people see it the same as I do. Clearly you do not. :)

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Anyone that complained about Barbecue and Chilli; is very much a troll! I think it is very good perk, to help new Killer player with farming BPs and convince them to not tunnel or camp the Survivor they just hook! The most likely reason on why he wouldn't care; is A.) He just wants the Bloodpoints! B.) It pointless to go to other side and stop them from completing the gen rushing Survivors! C.) HE knows that Survivors are either too close to the hook or hiding in a locker; which makes the aura reading perk not so reliable all the time!

    Good Survivors know about the perks aura reading limit and hide very effective in a locker, used perks like distortion, and also move one way, and then change directions as soon as the effects wear off!

    It is a well balanced perk that doesn't need any changes!

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Too much reward with minimal requirement

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816

    BBQ gives killers a reason not to tunnel (stacks) and a reason not to camp (info). Also pretty much makes killers play with a weak perk for BP.

    Any survivor that thinks it should be nerfed isn't a smart survivor.