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Survivors who work with Killers

Hi, I joined the forum to express my frustration with the amount of survivors I’ve witnessed working with killers lately. It’s really put me off to the point that I’m no longer interested in the game. Just thought I’d offer some (hopefully) constructive feedback. Best of luck, all.


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  • Member Posts: 740

    I've seen survivors help the killer more often when they want the killer to kill a fellow survivor who is either refusing to help and/or being it possible your running into them helping the killer so often because your being a bad teammate?

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited April 2021

    Working with the Killer for any reason is against the rules and an offense that can/will get you banned if it is recorded and properly reported. Your question to the OP is irrelevant and suspect, because it seems to infer you think there are justifiable reasons when this behavior is acceptable. It is not; it is cheating. You are not representing yourself well here.

  • Member Posts: 277

    There's also times where the survivors can't help it when a killer chooses a favorite.

    It's a bittersweet experience. A nice change when a killer wants to play nice and goof off... but when it comes at the the expense of your team it feels scummy.

  • Member Posts: 740

    I've seen it happen, there are matches when I'm playing a killer and a survivor will run up and wave then when I chase them the lead me to someone whose sitting in a corner near a gen that was done earlier. It's not hard to figure out why they lead me to them.

    I've also been a survivor whose seen plenty of time where a fellow unhelpful/toxic player had the killer lead to them. Although I can't say I feel bad for the bad player that was being toxic got the killer sent after them its better for the team just to ignore them because now two survivors aren't helping.

    My question was relevant because if his play is resulting in his fellow survivors constantly helping the killer and he doesn't want to play with survivors who rat him out then it seems like there is a solution to his problem other than quitting the game.

    Sorry if looking for a solution isn't representing myself well, I suppose showing up and getting mad like you did is much more useful to him and a better representation of a good poster on this forum then?

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited April 2021

    Again, you are trying to justify cheating; it reflects badly on you. It doesn't matter how subpar your teammates are nor does it matter if you think they are "toxic." There are NO ACCEPTABLE REASONS WHATSOEVER for any Survivor to be working with the Killer. The solution is NOT to do it.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Technically, I think farming with the Killer is something they frown on (even if mutual for all parties), but that isn't really what we are talking about here. We are talking about one Survivor working with the Killer to take out the other Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 21,211

    I don't know if it is.

    I think there have been enough instances of Fog Whisperers doing similar things that we can say it isn't.

    I think its bannable if its premeditated. Like, the Survivor messages the Killer and says "I'll throw if you let me out."

    We should probably ask a mod or a dev, see if they know.

  • Member Posts: 740

    Oh so the solution to his problem was to simply not have other players do it...oh man I feel so silly I mean all that has to happen was for people to not break the rules.

    Guess what vervain your problem has been solved. You will never run into the problem again because moindshroud has pointed out its against the rules...

    In other news all murders have stopped as murder is against the law, and assault is a thing of the past too...

    oh wait no that doesn't work I forgot because simply having something illegal does automatically stop people from doing it...I sure hope that doesn't happen here right moundshroud otherwise your solution of just pointing out itsnagainst the rules would have been a giant waste of time ...

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Since BEhavior has no idea whether or not private messages were sent or what is premeditated, they go simply by what they see in the video that gets turned in. If you are working with the Killer, they take an extremely dim view of it. :) But I'm all for hearing from the Mods on this.

  • Member Posts: 21,211
  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Heh. If only I had that kind of power; your sarcasm is noted. I said you record and report. That is how you stop cheating. It also behooves us not to encourage, justify or try to normalize cheating. That encourages more cheating.

  • Member Posts: 21,211

    They definitely know on PC, you're right about Console though.

    Hey @Gay Myers (Luzi) is farming with the Killer bannable, since it's Survivors working with the Killer?

  • Member Posts: 740
    edited April 2021

    Check out my first post in this thread.

    Although if you have a better one shout it out the goal is to try and help the guy out.

    Unless you also think telling him it's already against the rules is good enough then don't bother we've already got one useless guy here

  • Member Posts: 21,211

    Take a video, submit a report.

    It is against the rules and you can get people banned for it @vervain3

  • Member Posts: 740
    edited April 2021

    OK so I'm gonna walk you through this.

    Telling the guy to just report it isn't helping solve his problem that he keeps running into players who help thenkiller. Similarly saying don't justify or normalize cheating while good advise in general doesn't really pertain to his issue.

    Maybe this could be explained better with an analogy. Imagine you have a friend who comes to you and says to your group of friends that everythime he walks home no matter what rout he takes he gets mugged by random people and how he doesn't want to get mugged.

    So another of your friend says to him stop walking around with hundred dollar bills sticking out of your hat. Another friend says buy a gun and a third friend recommends he drive.

    Then you come in and complain that people are not representing themselves well by coming up with solutions because mugging is against the law and he should just report it and furthermore anything else that might solve his problem is just normalizing or justifying mugging. Can you see how that type of comment is both completely useless in preventing yoh friend getting mugged and alzo derailing a discussion about how he may actually prevent mugging?

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    Sometimes the survivors accused can just be spared by the killer for whatever reason.

    Im sorry but if I see a clueless baby dweet it becomes my mission to give him the hatch lol.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    You know, there is nothing I can say that makes you look worse than your posts are doing. Pulsar asked you how you would solve the problem. Please be direct and clear. What is your solution to the issue if it isn't recording it and reporting it? Your first post asked the OP if they were being toxic, which infers you think there are reasons that person was getting cheated. Since you seem to like analogies, let me point out that your logic is the same as blaming the victim of an assault, saying they wore the wrong thing, or they shouldn't have been out that late.

    The only solution to cheating is to record it, report it, and not try to justify it or normalize it. The victim of cheating is not to blame. The cheater is to blame, period.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    it would depend on what you call "WORKING WITH THE KILLER" there are times where there are people that will call something working with the killer when it was more like not doing what that other person wanted them to do and they got angry. I've also seen people do lots of things to "RAT" me out to the killer. the question of what is happening in the game that this happens is QUITE a valid question.

    Farming in and of itself is NOT bannable and this has been said many times by the devs. how ever if someone is forcing someone else to farm that does not want to then that IS a bannable action. for instance I was being blocked in by other players and the killer would litterally down me to let them heal me up and at that time I tried to hold shift to stop the heals but the killer picked me up and dropped me and when I ran he chased me down and just wouldn't let me get out and do what i wanted to do, get the gens done and get out. I didn't have video of the situation so i doubt they got any punishment. so go with it as you will.

    actually telling them to report it, is a GOOD thing, if more people acutally FOLLOWED the report chain (use the report in game/scoreboard then use the ticket system to provide more information to the dev team including video/screen shots etc. more people would not get away with things. because so many find it tedious to do they just say what ever and nothing gets done to those that DO break the rules. it's people like you that are saying don't report that are the problem. HOWEVER it is ALSO necessary to know the difference between intentional and unintenional acts that can be working with the killer when intentional and not when uninentional. "you opened my locker near the killer, you're working with the killer!!!!" "NO I didn't even know you were in there!" a single opening is more than likely unintentional, but multiple (3 or more) is more than likely intentional and bad.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Yep, what Freki said above is on the money. That is why I am adamant that people need to record their games. That way you can look at them in hindsight and you have something that will show (clearly) if someone was working with the Killer, or you were just mistaken in the heat of the moment.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    though it's pretty ######### of a company that can get the meta data from the servers saved if they wanted to when a scoreboard report is put in, and then have a way to actually SEE what happens is an issue here. even Verant Interactive knew they'd need this when they started everquest and had it set up. before the dedi servers they couldn't capture this but with the dedicated servers it can be! they should not REQUIRE people to record their games just to prove their assertions. not everyone knows how to do it, though they could learn yes but not everyone knows what to do to get the recording, plus the recordings are one sided and not the same as seen from the server hosting the game too.

  • Member Posts: 4,427

    Good morning. Farming is a grey area and we do not encourage it directly as we want people to playthe game, but it is not outright bannable. It becomes bannable when someone is being forced to farm (it'd be griefing them) and not allowing them to play the game normally if they want to play it in a normal fashion. One example would be: One player doesn't want to farm, so the other three survivors refuse to do the gens and they have to do five gens on their own.

    But in general, the OP seems to be referring to something completely different - working with the killer to kill other survivors - which on the other hand is considered griefing and a bannable offense.

    If this was the case, please report them in the game each time and send additional evidence to support. You can read here for more:

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