Survivors escaping through the hatch is so tiresome

I spent an entire match setting traps around 3 gens only for the three survivors remaining to just escape through the hatch with a key. They didn't even touch a single one of those gens even though they still had to repair 1 more to open the gates.
Why is it even a thing that 75% of a team is able to escape without having to complete the objective, open the gates and go through them? All you have to do is find a key in the 9999 chests that appear all over the map or bring it yourself and that's it, you won.
It's hilarious how if the killer camps and secures a kill he will still derank, but a survivor who did nothing and used the hatch will never get a -1 because just surviving makes your score fine.
At the very least make it so you have to hold the hatch for 20 seconds like in the gates. If the survivor with the key finds the hatch first there is literally no way to stop them, you can't grab them, you can't close it if they are standing on it, you're just completly powerless.
There are perks against camping, perks against tunneling, perks against slugging, but not a single perk against the hatch.
And don't say "kill 'em before the hatch shows up" because the killer is punished if he doesn't make the match last long. If you immediatly kill everyone in the first few minutes you derank, you barely get any bloodpoints, you spent 1 hour searching for match and loading the map only for the game to last 2 minutes, etc.
The fact that a killer has to be afraid of a key is so pathetic. Just give survivors a gun and let them kill the killer too.
kill 'em before the hatch shows up
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The hatch shows up when you kill them. The better thing to have said is ‘Kill them before they find the Hatch’, but even that is improbable.
You can’t guard the hatch all game, you can’t prevent them from finding a key, you can’t just get Franklin’s Demise in the middle of a trial when they do find a key, and you can’t stop the one Survivor who opens the hatch from escaping because BHVR removed hatch grabs on the End Game Collapse update.
If BHVR gave Killers the ability to ‘destroy’ the hatch when they find it after it’s spawned so that it can never be opened with a Key, but can open naturally, that could be more fair. Survivors can interact with the Hatch before the Killer can, so the reverse should be true as well.
But we all know they won’t, and we know why they won’t. It’s a real shame.
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It especially sucks when the survivor decides to be a scumbag about it after the game ends like they did anything to deserve escaping, or when you need that one kill for a daily or tome challenge, or when you're one hook away from getting a perfect game and the survivor finds it before you... Hatch really does suck. If the survivors get to the point where hatch becomes necessary then they've already lost and should just have to accept it.
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Well, killers can kill one survivor without even hitting a second one. They are using a shortcut to create pressure. And the hatch gives another option, so the game does not just revolve the first kill.
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You said you spent the entire match keeping 3 gens locked down, maybe if you would've traded just a small amount of that time to getting other survivors you may have gotten more than one kill.
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I'd like if the hatch took time to open or gave off a noise notification to all players if it's being opened with a key. Like, not a lot of time to open, but enough to allow the killer a chance to act on it instead of suddenly having people escape the trial from under them. It'd help solos who don't know the other three in their lobby are leaving as well. Just my thoughts
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To be fair the rule of trapper (im assuming thats who he was playing) is to set up a 3 gen and force survivors into your area while slowly getting rid of pallets and trapping other loops. Trapper literally becomes strongest at last gen thats how hes designed kinda. Keys just kinda ruin trappers end game potential and its not like you can just plan around it since chests exist. Personally thats why i hope keys become personal if you wanna escape you just left 2 people behind against a 3 gen trapper. Dumb move. I don't personally think i should have to become aggressive trapper and like go for a slug everyone strategy to avoid a item from screwing my entire endgame purpose. Other option is to bring franklins every game and hope its not a swf.
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i just tell the final survivor nowadays when they get the hatch, " eagle eye hatch hack " its funny.
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literally only 3 chests lol
just kill em before hatch spawns
wait for key changes, they're coming soon
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Another crying b/c of not getting 4k every game... How original
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It's hilarious how if the killer camps and secures a kill he will still derank, but a survivor who did nothing and used the hatch will never get a -1 because just surviving makes your score fine.
What's even more hilarious is that the first thing you reffer to is camping for a win. This is exactly why hatch exists, to avoid boring killers with even more boring playstyles.
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The hatch exists so if 3 people are dead and the gens aren't done. You still have a chance to escape. The hatch wasn't made so someone with a key can leave when they don't like the killer.
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If you do like OP said and camp 3 gens the ENTIRE match you deserve to lose , 3 genning is a good strat but it shouldnt be able to work in a brain dead sort of way like that , "just because I play trapper and camp 3 gens means I deserve more than one kill" yeah no thanks that sounds like a boring non interactive game for both sides, I wouldn't want to be the trapper Or survivors in that scenario
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Well with trapper it is all about picking your battles i cant afford to go on a 40 second chase as trapper that's not his job. Obviously don't camp the 3gen the whole game but you should stay in the same general area. Hes not meant to beat people in chase as he has no real anti loop and he doesn't have high map pressure. Literally even otz has said "run corrupt and set up a 3gen in the early game and just make sure those don't go" which is why trappers considered a boring killer.
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Survivors escaping through the hatch is like killers face camping and tunneling: it won’t be fixed because the devs think it’s fine. The devs flat out approve of abused toxic strategies and there is very little we can do about it.
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Let me guess, you don't play trapper?
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Actually I started with trapper from the very beginning of this game in 2016 and have over 5000 hours in the killer side alone
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Hatch is a BS mechanic that shouldn't even exist, especially if they decide to implement MMR.
It's super frustrating to see 2-3 people escape when you're doing a good job at protecting the objective, and even without factoring in keys, hatch is entirely rng dependent and basically requires you to slug if you want to get a 4th kill unless you've already seen where it spawned.
Honestly, I believe hatch should be completely replaced by something like a final chase. Last long enough and the exit gates open for you. If you get caught before then, the killer can mori you when you're on the ground. Keys could be repurposed to open/set breakable walls for a time or allow you to open a chest quicker with a better rarity item.
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I'm not sure I agree with everything you have said but that last long enough in chase thing is interesting, i hate being slugged for a 4k and have while playing survivor had it alot where I can out run the killer the whole of the end game collapse but could never open the exit gates, that would make the end game quite fun instead of just begging for mercy 😂