I need 4 survivors to test LB on the PTB with me please

Kebek Member Posts: 3,676
edited April 2021 in Looking For Players

So, I wanted to give detailed feedback on Lucky break changes from both sides POV but I have one problem. No survivors use it in my games, haven't seen it once. Ranks for some reason were reset twice on the PTB for me so I'm rank 10 and all my games have extremely casual survivors with very few good players who don't use LB either.

I've played a lot of it as surviors and managed to juke all killers pretty well but those were also greenish ranks, not a single red rank. I want to test LB vs good players.

So is there anyone here who can join me in PTB right now and play a couple games using LB vs me, please ?

Preferably at least red ranks survior on live but I'll take anyone just so that I can get any experience vs Lucky break. All I want is a few normal games where both sides do their best to win like just like if it was live red ranks game with random strangers.

Name is "kebek" with DBD ingame friends tag #8062 (playing on PC - steam), add me through DBD friends if you're interested. Also I should probably mention that I'll be playing primarily my main Deathslinger so that someone who hates him doesn't have a bad time doing this.