Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

PTB Opinion: PTB 4.7.0

I'm gonna talk about this now cause why not. I have nothing better to do so we'll change it up. Perhaps I'll do this for every PTB. Eh why not.

Nightmare changes: Justified as all hell. I play both sides equally and no matter which side I'm playing fred boy seems like the Entity's favorite. He's extremely powerful, with loop denial and large amounts of map pressure. as well as the oblivious status effect canceling perks like borrowed time (well, not any more but we'll get to that later). we get a few add on changes, alarm clock buffs, and less snares and blood pallets. Verdict: Needed and fair.

Demogorgon changes: These changes are pretty good. a few buffs here, some add on reworks there. For all those masochists out there we got the grey add on that gives you a few extra bp at the cost of ruining how your character plays entirely. Verdict: Couldn't hurt anyone. Demodoggo needs some buffs.

Huntress add on changes: THANK GOD THREE HATCHETS THREE DOWNS IS GONE. oh and we have a new pink but screw that man IRI HEAD NERF WHOO! On the real the new pink sounds pretty fun to use...if I used huntress. perhaps my friends will like it. Verdict: Idk I don't play this character at all. Sorry huntress mains, have fun not worrying survivor mains.

Twins changes: I'm already not to fond of the twins. These changes are ok but change nothing about how much I despise this killer. The way they play is annoying, Victor is annoying, that stupid hat they wear is a n n o y i n g. I don't know we got some changes to vic's cool down after a down, some camera changes, and addon changes. Verdict: I still hate the twins.

Perk updates: OOH BOY I've been waiting for some of these, lets dive in one at a time:

Small Game: this is a nice change, making it solely a totem elimination perk. It's still a narrow use case, but it does it's job a tad better now. verdict: Still not gonna use it but it's ok.

Lucky Break: quite the bold rework here, now removing scratch marks as well as blood, at the cost of a smaller time. I've stated before I don't like perks with limited use, but if you got some hyper speed healing build I can see getting purposely injured to lose the killer so that could be pretty cool. Verdict: Spirit mains eat your heart out.

Soul Guard: Eh, a cooldown isn't necessary because if it works once in a match not only is it rare, but like dead hard, it ain't gonna work twice. Verdict: Unnecessary but whatever.

Open Handed: THIS one I have been waiting for. I enjoy the concept of open handed, but never really found it useful with how little it helped, with a very small amount of aura reading perks actually being limited range. this will take limited range to a whole new level. 16 extra meters at max range is huge! kindred with open handed is gonna be awesome for killer detection. bond open handed is gonna keep every survivor in your sight, and visionary is still garbage. Verdict: Excited for this one, good change devs.

Zanshin Tactics: very easy. no cooldown. verdict: still only gonna use this on legion but thanks I guess.

Borrowed Time: LETS. [BEEP]ING GO! For ages I have had my borrowed foiled by stealth killers, freddy, and killers who are juuuuuust outside of the radius of me. Now borrowed times only counter is to not be a tunneling jerk, or be a tunneling jerk for 12 seconds longer than normal. Verdict: BT is now fantastic. Thanks devs!!

Object of Obsession: Unless your new to this game, don't care about it or live under a rock, you know object is getting changed. I went over this in my The Thing About Laurie's Perks post, so if you'd like an explanation of the buff go there. My problem with it is the devs are making it seem like a perk to find out what aura perks the killer has...buuuuut we already have a perk SPECIFICALLY for that. Enter Distortion. I for one love the idea of this perk, but WHY can't we get more tokens for it? It wouldn't be rediculously OP and there's no reason we can't treat it like stake out and p e b b l e. It'd be so much better if there was a way to replenish tokens. Verdict: PLEASE BUFF DISTORTION DEVS!!!

Struggle Update: Instead of mashing one button and buying a new controller every 4 matches you have to hit skill checks like pee heads cage of atonement. Verdict: Seems a tad easier. hopefully dying on struggle due to early onset arthritis will be a thing of the past.

Coldwind update: Here it is. The big sha-bang of this update. The whole enchilada, all of the marbles. It looks pretty good. Very nice job on the graphics and I like the look of the Thompson house. Theres only one problem...Verdict: We aren't dead, it's officially daylight, I would like my ticket out please Mr. Entity.

All in all this is a pretty nice update. I thoroughly enjoy the perk buffs, and coldwind doesn't look like garbo anymore. I can't wait for this to be released on the live servers.

Final Verdict

Please Buff Distortion