Tips on The Plague?

aidNbsns Member Posts: 32
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

I have recently decided to play more plague as I love her design and gameplay. But I have ran into some issues while playing her. (keep in mind i am in purple ranks)

I am told that the best way to play against plague is to never cleanse and I can see why that can be effective, but when I play her everyone in my games always cleans as soon as they can, I never seem to have an issue getting corrupt purge. When I get corrupt often I can only get one down as people run quite effectively. Or in the more common case people just hide and gens just fly. I feel like I am always losing map pressure going for fountains.

Am I playing her wrong? (I always try to infect who I chase) Do I have to get better using corrupt purge? Are there any perk suggestions ( I have most perks) Any advice would be useful to make me have more control of my games.


  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486
    edited April 2021

    You should make a build around the concept that people will cleanse, because not cleansing is outdated survivor strats that you will (maybe) still find when you face SWF.

    Since Plague dropped off the map, the average survivor never really learned the no heal strat and since BHVR gave her a freebie (or more with add ons), the survivor mindset changed to, well she use her corrupt no matter what I do, might as well use it and stay healthy.

    I use to main her but gave her up, so I might be less knowledgeable now but...

    Corrupt Intervention for a chance at early game success. Just leave the locked gens and patrol the 4 open ones, spit on them. When ya see a survivor, puke on them and let them go. Spread your infection for two mins and get a feel for this game. Did they use a fountain before they broke? Did they wait till broken to use fountain? Did they break and still have not used fountain? Did they hide the whole 2 mins?

    Just little tells to give you a small sneak peak about what your about to face.

    Thanatophobia is good. If they try to not heal then it costs them a penalty and if even one survivor feels pressured or upset about the gen progress, they might use a fountain, effectively starting the chain reaction of everybody popping a fountain.

    BBQ as the info BP perk

    and I usually go with pop for a little gen defense.

    Old Plague had trouble getting survivors to pop a fountain and give her corruption...New Plague has to suck down fountains fast enough so that survivors don’t purify all fountains. It’s a weird change.

    Long as you get use to her corruption power and don’t get cucked too hard from the games servers, then you’ll basically have Mini-Huntress abilities all game.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I've only fairly recently played as her some but have had pretty good success running addons that increase her infection rate a lot so I can get 1 hit downs more. Maybe try that?

    You could do something like corrupt intervention, save the best for last (use corrupt vomit to down obsession so you dont lose tokens), pop goes the weasel to hurt gens a lot, and maybe tinkerer.

    I'm new to her as well but have fun with this build and done fairly well

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    Infectious fright helps alot

    Im assuming you're relatively new to killer as you've only reached purple ranks, so finding survivors will be hard. But once you get used to killer, you could easily spot survivors and not heavily rely on tracking perks, give it time

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    edited April 2021

    Thanatophobia is great because you will run into teams that won't cleanse. So thanatophobia either causes people to cleanse or slows down gen progress, survivors are screwed either way. Any perk that allows you to see where survivors are working on gens, so you can go over to them, kick them, then infect the gens. (Also, you will know when a survivor starts working a gen, by looking at his icon and he starts becoming infected, so just go back to the gen you infected previously). Survivors are forced to work on infected gens, or their gens regress.

    If a survivor cleanses and the others don't. Then get Corrupt Purge and one-shot down the survivors that didn't cleanse. The Plague is all about one survivor screwing other survivors.

    Do not use Sloppy Butcher or Coulrophobia because survivors will never have have a reason to heal.

    Oh, and try to infect gens you walk past. You can also infect totems and chests.

    I don't know if this is true or not, but you are suppose to vomit below a hooked survivor to infect a non-infected hooked survivor.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    Infectious is the standard snowball perk. If you're having issues with immersed survivors, try Whispers and look at one of the guides on how it's used. It's great for sniffing them out. As for gens, corrupt pop might be the way to go. Some use ruin undying. Not sure if that's great on her. It's not like she exactly pushes survivors outside of gens outside of corrupt purge.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    I can confirm that last part. If you hook a non-infected survivor, usually because your on corruption but it ends while you take to hook, you can throw up at their feet and infect the survivor.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I think ruin is kind of redundant on Plague. She has built in gen regression, so you can sort-of ignore gen regression perks.

    However, Corrupt Intervention is really nice on Plague, because it lowers the number of gens you have to infect in the beginning.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Discordance can give you good info where to use your red puke. With infectious you can snowball. As gen defense i use ruin/undying.

    First i infect everybody. I only infect someone fully when i can bodyblock them. When they start cleansing you need to end chases fast. There are some videos how to use your red puke effective (for example Orzdarva 100 winstreak) Try to use fountains when they are on your way, ignore them when they are far away.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Definitely this, do not go far out of your way for fountains.