General Discussions

General Discussions

Casual games and ranked games should be seperated.

Member Posts: 67
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

I think we all agree on SWFs are ruining and dominating the game. And they still keep nerfing killers. This game is so SWF sided that they have TONS of information which seems minor. I think we need a casual and a ranked matchmaking system where more than 2 lobbies should not be allowed in ranked system. So SWFs can play in casual matchmaking. I know what you guys gonna say, "we dont communicate that well etc etc." and we all know even telling that killer is chasing you, is enough but we also know more, this just doesnt going the way you told.

And also i know you guys gonna say "queue times will be much more higher" but its not our problem. If you want to take tons of advantages, you should pay the price.

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  • Member Posts: 67

    I want to play whatever i want, like the survivors do play the way they want, im tired of playing Nurse or Spirit all the time, game needs balance and choice option, and telling that good coordination wont help is just superficialness.

    And almost all competitive games has option to play in ranked or casual, its not a problem. Casual games should be for fun (maybe less awarding bps will do), and competitive is for serious play.

  • Member Posts: 174

    I don't think this will help much, people will just catch on to which mode is most popular at the time and flood to that.

  • Member Posts: 43

    "And almost all competitive games has option to play in ranked or casual, its not a problem. Casual games should be for fun (maybe less awarding bps will do), and competitive is for serious play."

    This here is the problem.

    This is not really an e-sport competitive game. So imo it doesn't need different queues. People are making fun of so called Tournaments, as there is no perfect balancing possible between matches - even on same maps. Tile spawning can sometimes decide between win or loss (Team A gets a nice spawn and get's a 4 ppl escape, Team B get's unlucky with a bad spawn and get's just bc of that only a 1 person hatch escape). Getting a "wrong" map with a Killer can give one also a huge disadvantage.

    There is no way one could balance a 'Ranked' Queue. It would need a complete overhaul, deactivating some items, addons e.g., Events shouldn't be available on it either, as one knows, eventitems or objectives can screw with a match as well.

    I really think two queues are a bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    You don't need to outloop a good anything, just outgen them. Which is where SWF comes in.

    Also, SWF teams tend to be the ones running the same 5-6 perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    Then PLAY whatever you want! Not every lobby is a four man swat team, you get casual/average players even in red ranks more often than not, and can beat them with EVERY killer. From time to time you even get totally boosted red rank players, which are actually playing more like yellow or even brown ranks. SWF can coordinate better, yes, but that does not mean that every group does it well. Or that soloQ cannot totally destroy you. Individual survivor skill (looping, juking, hiding) is far more important than coordination via comms, imo.

    And if you get your ass kickes to often, chance is you have some habits that hinder your potential whan playing killer. Analyze your playstyle, find out what might be wrong, and try to improve. If you go into a match with the goal to get better (in loops, at gen control, etc), not to get many kills, it won't matter so much if they all escaped.

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    edited April 2021
  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Can't kill people in under 3 minutes if they're playing safe.

    Once again, that's the difference: Solo's aren't co-ordinated enough. They basically cannot escape. A full party is too co-ordinated. They have so much info and so much synergy that they have to throw to lose.

  • Member Posts: 3,219
    edited April 2021

    If you play very good survivor and you are an swf, you will beat very good killers. Tournaments have shown that.

    IF you are just average survivors, you will still beat average killers. Because yes, it doesnt help you outloop, but it helps that your teammates know

    who is in a chase, and who is save

    where is a gen nearly finished, or were are the others working on a gen

    what perks does the killer have without testing them all out yourself

    how many dull totems have been cleansed, and where

    where are all the pallets wasted during the first chases, aka where to go in a chase

    is the killer camping or not?

    Knowing when to work on a gen without interruption, where to go to the next then someone was chased off, or where the others are so you finish the last gen faster, or who can stay on a gen because someone else is going for the unhook? Compared to solo, even knowing that others do gens and not just hide somewhere because the killer is in their outer terror radius helps.

    And you say that is not an advantage, or that it doesnt help? Hell yes it does, because you finish those gens way faster than solo can, and way faster than most killers can keep up.

    So either you have no clue about the game, or you are just lying because you are afraid defs realize one day there have to be changes.

    IF this game ever wants to achive some kind of balance, it needs to seperate swf from solo survivors.

  • Member Posts: 212

    Unbelivable a killer has to tryhard instead of having fun and chill (and kill).

    I shouldn't have to be " a good nurse" if I wanna counter 3 flashlights + 1 key + pallet stuns while carrying a survivor + everyone leaves through the hatch before the final gen is even done.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Never ever gonna happen. The only approach with even a miniscule but non-zero probability of happening (or even being considered) is the whole "close the gap" approach. No, I don't know the perfect way to do it either. No, it's not a perfect solution (a perfect solution does not exist). Which is why the sooner people realize discussing "inconveniencing" or directly nerfing SWF is a waste of keystrokes, the sooner everyone can actually focus their attention on something that might actually lead to something before the Sun dies.

  • Member Posts: 198

    “Good killer” you must didn’t see the hexy tournament

  • Member Posts: 453

    Splitting the population of the game is a bad move.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Don't split the population but I think some perks should not be allowed in swf.

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    edited April 2021

    I stopped watching streamers ever since Scott Jund dragged Hexdarva from a lake.

  • Member Posts: 841

    This wouldn't solve anything.

    No one would queue for the competitive queue because there's literally no incentive to do it when it's just sweaty games filled with 4 man SWF, Nurse/Spirit with no valuable rewards.

    Everyone would flock to the casual queue.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    You don't have to. You can get 4k's as any killer, if you switch up your playstyle. If you highly suspect a SWF, tunneling a survivor out, especially with the DS nerfs, is very much a valid option.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    DBD as a game is not a tournament. We cannot not expect players to play with mechanical precision and judgement.

    And again, if you're playing a killer who can chase well (or tunnel, like Pyramid Head), then you're set. No amount of communication can bring back a dead teammate, and no amount of generator efficiency can counter a slugging nurse.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    You do know it doesnt have to be a swf to easily win as survivor, sadly there are soooooo many bad survivors out there it's a huge hit and miss. I can do the same length chase in two separate games and one game 4/5gens can pop while another only 1 if I'm lucky. If survivors do their objective and can do somewhat of a chase they should win, especially if the killer isn't slugging with ruin up all game...

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    I dont want it that way btw, I think it's a joke bad survivors can win but devs want 2 escape 2 dont... so that's obviously gonna mess things up, freddy was nerfed for getting 3ks lol

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Then all the good killers will just bully solo queue because there's literally nothing incentivizing them to do ranked.

  • Member Posts: 1,060
    edited April 2021

    won't work with current queue times:

    Solo queue on both game modes

    Killer on both game modes

    2 man SWF on both game modes etc

    Also those who play on crossplay off and crossplay on

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    Pipe dream that won't happen. Deal with it.

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